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20 June 2022

Passing Down Parade, 20 June 2022

Hello Guides,

During today’s 集合, we had Batch Activity, followed by Company Games, Mass Change, Letter to self, Passing Down Parade (PDP), and Passing Down Parade performances.

Year 1 Batch Activity: Baggage Rack and Creative Structure:

The Year 1s were able to recap the common lashes and how to build a Baggage Rack through this activity without their seniors. There were also assigned PL and PS to lead the batch, allowing them to hone their leadership skills.

Reflection from a Year 1 in P2:

On Monday, we had Batch Activity. We had to build two different structures. The first structure we had to build was a Baggage Rack. As this was one of the few times we had Gadgeting without seniors, we did not have proper time management and we also did not 照顾好人, 照顾好东西 very well. This activity helped us learn the importance of time management and we learnt to 照顾好人,照顾好东西 better in future. The second structure we had to build was a Creative Structure. The batch was divided into 2 different groups and 2 people from each group got to experience being the PL and the PS. This was also the first time we got to experience leading the group. Even though the structure seemed complicated at first, we nearly managed to complete the Creative Structure. We also had better time management as compared to the previous activity. Although our group did not manage to finish the structure on time, the activity allowed us to interact with different people from each patrol and work together to build the structure we were assigned. This activity helped us to learn to work better together with others to try our best and complete the structure required. 

Year 2 Batch Activity: 2 Creative Towers:

The Year 2s could use their creativity and the lashes they learnt to come up with different towers through this activity. They also got a chance to interact with other people from different patrols, strengthening the bond between the batch.

Reflection from a Year 2 in P6:

For our 集合 on 20th June,  we had a batch activity that was to create a creative structure.  For this activity, our Year 2 batch was split into 2 groups and only one person in each group was allowed to see the structure. For my group, we were able to complete one of the structures in under the time given to us and also helped the other group with parts of the Gadgeting structure that they were not done with. I think that our 报时 was rather consistent and the seniors did not need to remind us to 报时. However, the seniors were able to Kap some of our logs, which meant that we would have needed to take more care and pay more attention to our logs to prevent more logs from getting Kap in the future. Another thing that we could have improved on, is that when we 起 the structure, the 头 of the 木 was touching the ground. I think that if we had paid more attention to the direction of where we were going to tie on the other 木s and also where the 头 of the 木 was, this would not have happened. As this was not our first batch activity, there were some situations that definitely should not have occurred, such as the seniors being able to Kap our 木. But other than that, I think that my batch did a good job in completing our task.

Company Games: Running Man

The company would be able to have fun and interact with Guides from not just different patrols but different levels as well. This is a good opportunity to relax and have fun while bonding with friends.

Reflection from a Year 1 in P1:

During the Passing Down Parade, we played a company game where we had to work together in our own patrols. Each one of us had a piece of tape and had to stick it on our right sleeve.  To win, we had to take the most amount of tape from others in other patrols. In the first round, we started out by making an alliance with Patrol 2. Together, we went to level 3 where we met another patrol. When we saw the others, my seniors started to try to take their tapes, fighting for their own patrol in order to win. At the end of the round, we managed to get a few pieces of tape. For the second round, one person in each patrol had a piece of tape which was worth 3 points. When the round started and we went up, we immediately met with another patrol. The other patrol was quite fierce so I straight away went to hide with the person who had the special tape in my patrol. I was very nervous when I was looking at the others trying to take the tapes from the other patrols, while worrying that others might appear from behind and take our tapes while we were hiding. This was a really fun and exciting game, which let us unleash our inner child and bond with one another. We had to work together as a patrol in order to win the game. In the end, we also managed to win the game. All in all, I had a great experience playing the game.

Reflection from a Year 2 in P6:

During Passing Down Parade, we played Running Man and it was a new experience for us Year 2s and Year 1s. We were all very excited and determined to win the game. In my patrol, the Year 3s set up a game plan for us to run all the way to the top floor so that we could see what was going on on the lower levels. However, we got tired of hiding and decided to approach other patrols to attack them. At first, we were hesitant to tear off the sticker from people in another patrol since we were not very familiar with them. After a while, we were all having fun and trying to peel the stickers off each other. Soon, we got so carried away having fun that we almost forgot about the timing given to us. Running man required us to be tactical in our “attacks” as well as our “defence” in order to win.The game was quite tiring and we were sweating a lot after the game. Nonetheless, we still had a lot of fun playing Running Man with everyone. All of us were very competitive which made the experience exciting and fun and I am sure everyone enjoyed the game. 

Mass Change:

Before the activities in the afternoon, Guides had to Mass Change into their 全制. This would train their sense of urgency and coordination. The Year 1s would also get a chance to try Mass Change for the first time.

Reflection from a Year 1 in P2:

On Monday, we had our first mass change ever. We were very confused at first because we did not really know what to expect or do. But our seniors, thankfully, guided us and we got a sense of what to do. However, we still did not really know what to expect for mass change. When we stepped into the toilet, we were kind of shocked to be honest. The amount of chaos going on inside the toilet was a bit scary. Mass changing involves changing outside the cubicle to decrease the amount of time required. Our seniors gave us instructions and we tried our very best to follow them but we were not comfortable enough changing in front of so many people so we waited until a cubicle was ready to change our shirts. We had some trouble with the belt and scarf but our seniors helped us and we managed to get it sorted out. The entire thing was very rushed and we 过时 by like a lot. However, we changed under 16 minutes and managed to look somewhat presentable. I learnt to improve my time management skills and try to do a better job in the future to improve. 

Reflection from a Year 2 in P4:

On Monday, during the Passing Down Parade (PDP), we had Mass Change before lunch, and we were required to change from PE attire to 全制. It was our 4th time doing Mass Change, but it was a first for the Year 1s. For us, we were slowly getting used to having a very limited amount of time to change. It was, however, our first time changing into 全制 during mass change. We took a little longer than the given time to change into 全制, but since the Year 1s were unfamiliar with mass change, they took more than 15 minutes. They were not used to changing in such a short period of time, and it was also their first time wearing 全制. They were not familiar with how to hang the uniform and how to wear it, and although we tried our best to help them, we were unable to do so fast enough. We ended up having to 过时, and there were many adjustments that not only the Year 1s, but many of us had to make to our 全制. The fact we took such a long time for mass change was partially our fault, as we did not fully clear the Year 1s doubts, thus they were unclear of what to do during Mass Change. We could have briefed them on what would happen during Mass Change, so that they would be more familiar with the process and would have taken a shorter time. In the future, we will make sure that the Year 1s and ourselves are clear about the 制服礼节, so that no one will waste time asking each other what to do. I believe this will save a lot of time and we will be able to do better during the next Mass Change. 

Letter to self:

Guides are to write to their future self and the Guiders will help to safe keep these letters and give them back a year later. This will help Guides to track their progress, growth and goals.

Reflection from a Year 1 in P5:

During PDP on Monday, we had a section where we wrote letters to our future selves. The Guiders would be keeping these letters and letting us read them 1 year later. I first started this activity off by writing a letter to my future self. It mostly contained jokes and questions I have about the future. Next, I exchanged letters with my friend and we wrote letters for each other too. After we were done, we saw a Year 3 coming into the classroom that was assigned to the Year 1s to get her patrol's Year 1s signature. So, my friend and I decided to do the same to our seniors, as we thought that it would be better to get it now before they stepped down or transfer patrols. There was not much time left so we had to do it quickly. We rushed to the classrooms where the Year 4s were writing their letters in and got our Year 4s signatures. We were elated to do so. Then, we went to get our Year 3s signatures. Finally, we went to get our Year 2s signatures. They were already packing up and leaving so we knew we needed to hurry up. Regretfully, we were not able to get one of their signatures as she was talking to a Young Adult. Through this activity, I have learnt how precious even daily things such as paper could be. The things that matter are the contents in it. There are precious memories of the people who might not see that often anymore or not ever again. We should learn to cherish the people around us and what we have at the moment, as we might never have an opportunity like that again.y2 letter to self

Reflection from a Year 2 in P3:

On last Monday, 20th June, I attended the annual Passing Down Parade (PDP) of Guides. There were a variety of activities, including a tearful goodbye to the Year 4 seniors who were leaving Guides. One of the activities that stood out to me was another yearly practice of Guides, to write letters to our future selves. At the end of the year, these letters will be returned to us by the Guiders for us to read through. In my opinion, this is a really good practice as it helps us keep track of our progress, and whether we have obtained any previously-set goals for ourselves. In my letter-to-self, I wrote down a few goals that I wanted myself to achieve by the end of 2022, such as being more proactive and rising up to take more opportunities and try new experiences. Another factor that makes this activity so meaningful is that it makes one think hard about what they plan to achieve, and set some goals for themselves in the process. This helps an individual become more motivated and focused, allowing us to develop and improve as a person. Finally, when we were done writing our letters, we placed them in envelopes and sealed them before handing them to the seniors. In conclusion, I felt that the letter-to-self activity was really enriching.

Passing Down Parade (PDP):

Passing Down Parade would be the first physical parade in 2 years. The Year 4s would be stepping down and passing their roles on to the Year 3s and the Year 2s would also be getting their roles.

Reflection from a Year 1 in P2:

This was my first time participating in the Passing Down Parade. The Passing Down Parade was a very memorable stepping stone in guides for all of us. During the ceremony, the Year 4s passed down their roles to the Year 3s. We could see that the Year 4s are reluctant to pass down their roles and step down from Guides. At the same time, we were also enrolled into guides. During the parade, we were required to march toward the Guiders. At first, the marching was kind of confusing as it was our first time and we were not very clear of the instructions. Thankfully, our Patrol Leader guided us and we were able to carry out the things we were supposed to do. When we were in front of the Guiders, we were required to recite the Guide's promise. Unfortunately, we were not able to memorise it fully but the Guiders were there and they helped us to remember. This helped us realise that our seniors and Guiders will always be there to help us when we are in need. We are very thankful to our Year 4s for always being there to guide us and we will definitely miss the Year 4s a lot. 

Reflection from a Year 2 in P5:

Passing Down Parade on 20 June was bittersweet. It marked the official enrolment of the Year 1s into Guides, the Year 2s getting our patrol roles, and the Year 4s passing down their roles to the Year 3s. It was extremely exciting to see the Year 1s getting enrolled into Guides, and the Year 2s getting our patrol roles. When the Year 3 roles were being announced, we were very excited and anxious. We also felt very happy for the Year 3s as we watched them receive their company and patrol roles. However, at the same time, it was sad as it was the last 集合 that we got to spend with our Year 4 seniors before they stepped down. Passing Down Parade allowed everyone to celebrate and congratulate one another's achievements together, as well as wish our Year 4 seniors the best of luck in their future endeavours. It also allowed us to commemorate the happiness and joy that we had together with our seniors during our journey in Guides. Overall, it was a rollercoaster of emotions and Passing Down Parade was definitely a very memorable experience for everyone. We are very grateful towards our seniors and hope that they follow their dreams to get whatever they desire in life.

Reflection from a Year 3 in P3:

This year's Passing Down Parade (PDP) was finally in person, and it was also a new experience for us, as it was the first time in Guides that we had physical PDP due to covid. During the event, we had to stand in horseshoe formation with everyone else, and when the company leader called for the role in our batch, the people who had it had to step out and 敬礼 to our seniors. For those that were patrol second or higher, our seniors would also pass down their ribbons on their right shoulder and put them on ours. The parade was definitely an eye-opener for me, having only seen pictures on the Guides blog website of this before. It was also quite nerve-wracking for me, as not having gone through it in person before, and only having referred to the slides to follow through, I was not really confident in the execution. I was also sad because our seniors were stepping down and they were the ones that were the closest to us, them being the ones guiding and teaching us patiently from the moment we joined guides. At the same time, as our batch will be becoming the next 领导层, I was also nervous and a bit excited for what was to come, as PDP signifies that the responsibility of taking care of the 团 is now also on us. I hope we as a batch would be able to do well and make our seniors proud.

Passing Down Parade Performance:

After the passing down of roles, we had a series of performances to bid farewell to the Year 4s. It was an excellent chance to show our appreciation and gratitude for them. This was also an opportunity for the Guides to showcase some of their hidden talents.

Reflection from a Year 1 in P4:

As we all know, on the day of the Passing Down Parade, we had some performances! According to seniors, we have not had the performances in person for quite a few years, so it is nice that for our first year in Dunman High, we got to experience both the parade and the performances in real life, as well as getting to say farewell to our Year 4 seniors. 

During those three hours or so, we got to see our hard work pay off. Personally, some of my favourite performances were the dances by the Y3s and Y4s, the hand dance by my fellow batchmates, and the magic tricks by the Year 2s. In these, I could see the effort put into the performances. I think that organising, planning, and making the performances was a good bonding experience for our individual batches. For me, I got to know more of my batchmates that I did not know the names of before! I was an actor in one of the performances and although I had few lines, I had trouble memorising my lines at first. But after a little bit of practising, I got it.

Overall, I found my first Passing Down Parade experience fun and enriching! Hopefully, we will get to have it again in the next few years without disruption.

Reflection from a Year 2 in P5:

On Monday, we had our last 集合 which was also Passing Down Parade (PDP). During PDP, the Year 1s were officially enrolled into Guides, the Year 2s got their respective roles, the Year 3s stepped up to 领导层 and the Year 4s stepped down. PDP was a rollercoaster of emotions from getting our roles to roll call to the Y1s enrollment to the Y3s getting their company roles and last but not least, the Y4s stepping down. However, the part of PDP that left the most lasting impact was the performances. I could definitely see the amount of effort everyone put in. From the onsite performance to the online performance. I have always heard of PDP as the time of the year where everyone could come together to bond. However since last year’s PDP was online due to covid, it was my first physical PDP. I truly got to experience how close the guiding family was from the performances as everyone put their heart and soul into performing from the Year 1s skit of the logistics that came alive to the Year 2s singing and the Year 3s dancing to various songs and last but definitely not least the Year 4s dancing to Blackpink's playing with fire. However, the real star of the show was the Year 4s batch performance. The performance was not only impactful, the memory videos also brought everyone to tears. It was as if I was brought back into the past to relive this entire year. All in all, the performance was definitely something I will remember for many years to come.

This marks the end of Passing Down Parade 2022. Having such awesome and caring seniors is truly a blessing for us. Thank you for all the memories you all have created with us and all the useful advice you all have given us. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!


Published by: 

Zhang Yuanxin 

54届 Secretary