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28 June 2024

Sports Enrichment Programme, 28 June 2024

 Hi Guides! 

This holidays, we did Sports Enrichment with sports we do not usually get a chance to experience!

Reflection by a Year 2 from P2: 

On 29 June the Year 2s had kayaking for Sports Enrichment Batch Activity. When we first entered the venue we placed our bags in the locker and changed into our water booties. After that we were given a briefing on how to secure our Personal Floatation Device and also how to hold our paddles. Then we took the kayaks down from the racks and carried them to the gate then the riverside. It then started raining and the lightning alert went off so we went back to the sheltered area and waited about an hour before we got back into the water. The moment we got into the water in our kayaks it started raining again but this time it was safe for us to stay in the water because there was no lightning alert. Many of my batchmates could not see because the rain was dripping down their spectacle lenses but I do not wear spectacles so I was nonchalant and cool as a cucumber. After a while my batchmates got used to it and took off their spectacles too. We started off by learning how to paddle forward and rafting up. It took my batchmates a few minute to paddle correctly and raft up but I was having a little trouble because I was using too much strength and always ended up rafting up on the wrong side. After the coach corrected me I finally could do it. We also learnt many more paddles after that but I the first one we learnt was the only one i used throughout the kayaking session. After that we practised following the coach around, making sure we could paddle straight and go off course as little as possible to save time and energy. This is to get us prepared for the next day's continuation of the kayaking session , where we would have to kayak one hour to the capsize zone and perform the rafted TX rescue to pass our capsize and rescue part of the programme. The next day we came back and were all ready to capsize. First off we had a demonstration on the rafted TX rescue but on land, as the lightning alert was on and we could not go into the water. Then when we were all ready to go into the river and capsize, we were told that the lightning alert was going to last till 11 30 , which would leave us with not enough time to capsize and all of us to pass the capsize and rescue part. We decided in the end to get dismissed and come back during August to complete the programme , hopefully on a day with better weather. This programme was super fun and relaxing once I could paddle properly and I am sure the make up session will be as well.

Reflection by a Year 2 from P4:

During the Year 2s sports enrichment activity, we did kayaking at stadium, Water Sports Centre. There, many of us are able to try out kayaking as a new activity and this is our first time trying it out. The coaches taught us about how to carry the kayaks down from the shelves and how we should bend down with one knee and lift the kayak with our leg strength rather than using your arm strength just by itself. At first, I did not think that the kayak looked heavy however I realized I need my fellow friend’s help to carry a kayak. We were then instructed to carry our kayaks towards the grass patch. We learned the importance of working together and this will make things much faster and easier. However, half way through it, there was a downpour and the lightning alert went off. We were then waiting for the rain to subdue in the shelter with our wet PFDs. There, we waited for an hour and anticipated the kayaking session. After the rain became lighter, we continued to transport the kayak towards the grass patch, then we went to the river bank and got ready to kayak. At first, all of us were uncertain about the paddling techniques shown to us on shore, furthermore, the kayak was not stable when you first sit in when on water. We learned how to sit properly in the kayak so that it will not capsize, however many of us were struggling with the paddling techniques taught and had to seek our coaches assistance on water. However, there were hindrances made where the rain returned quite heavily. It was more difficult to navigate through with poor vision quality and concentrate on what the coaches are talking about from the loud splashes. However, after being corrected patiently by the coaches, we soon got use to the paddling techniques and are able to control the direction of the kayak. We also learned how to stop our kayaks by drawing and we had lots of fun. Moreover, we learned that we should pay attention when one’s speaking so that we can get the techniques right the first time and be more self-disciplined. After practices and tasks the coaches asked us to do, we were getting quite used to how to paddle the kayak. The next day, we got to learn the TX rescue where we practised on ground since it was bad weather condition. In case of capsising, you can help your friend to overturn her kayak on water. It is an essential rescue method and we are taught to be prepared anytime when someone requires assistance. Overall, we had a lot of fun as the activity really enriched our values and experiences.

Reflection by a Year 1 from P4:

On 28 June 2024, we had our Aikido Sports Enrichment where two instructors from an Aikido Sports center taught us more about Aikido, about its main purpose and what the skills we would be learning can be used for. The instructors laid out a mat for us to train on so that we do not get injured. We were all very excited to learn Aikido and did our best to follow the instructors. The instructors then greeted us in Japanese and taught us how to reply. First we started with some simple warm-ups such as squats, stretching and many more. This was to make sure that we would get muscle strained later on when we started training. Next, we went on to learn rocking, whereby we would learn and know how to stand back up after probably getting pushed by someone down onto the floor, ensuring that we do not hit or damage one of the most crucial parts of in our body; the head. Aikido in Japanese characters is 合气, that means we should not fight the force of the attacker, but use the force from the attacker to defend ourselves. Not only does this method ensure that we don’t overly exert ourselves, but it also helps us protect ourself from a stronger enemy or opponent. During the training, it was a bit confusing for some of us because it was hard for us to follow the movements correctly. The instructors were very patient and kind, making sure that we could understand properly. After the instructors did a demonstration in slow motion, we would get into pairs to practice. When we could not carry out the movements, the instructors would come around to teach us the movements and would watch us perform the action and then help correct us. We learnt what to do when someone grabs our wrist and doesn't let go. There were 2 methods, the first method was for people to use to lock their wrist so they can't move but in the case of the person being really strong, we have another method to use to lock their arm just so that when they try to stand up, their arm would be really pain and therefore can't stand. Through this Enrichment, we learnt more about self-defence. Through this, as we had to work in pairs, we had to mix with different people and therefore got to know more about our batch mates. With this, we felt a sense of camaraderie between all of us which is much cherished. All in all, it was not only a new, but also enjoyable first try at Aikido. We are very grateful that we were given this chance to learn self-defence.

Reflection by a Year 1 in P2:

We did Aikido for the sports enrichment activity. At first we did not know what was Aikido, we thought it was similar to Taekwondo. During the process of learning aikido, we learnt that Aikido is not used to fight with others but to protect yourself from harm. We also learnt that Aikido means harmonious spirit. At the start of the activity we greeted our instructors and batchmates in Japanese as a form of respect for our opponents and pur instructors. Similarly, we also ended the lesson in Japanese. We have learnt a lot of self defence moves to protect ourselves. It was very fun to try these moves, where we normally see them on television, in real life. It was really hard to get the hang of Aikido as some of the steps were very confusing. However in the end with the help of our batchmates and the instructors, we slowly got the hang of it. We practised on each other and gave each other tips on how to improve our technique of Aikido. This was when we realised that as long as we have each other we can succeed. This also has bonded us and thus we became even closer than before. We learnt how to break a fall which will come handy in future situations where we suddenly lose balance or trip and fall. We also learnt how to break free from a strong grip to protect ourselves from people who try to harm us. Overall, it was really fun and enriching for us and it really helped our batchmates to bond! We hope in the future we can use this skills to protect not only ourselves and others when in danger. I am glad to have learnt Aikido as I am very sure it will be very useful in the future. With this skill we can keep ourselves safe in the future and out of harm. I hope that in the future, our batchmates can be more bonded through these activities and get to know each other more. To sum it up, it was a very fun activity and we learnt many valuable lessons and bonded with each other.

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