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19 April 2024

Combined Activity with Scouts, 19 April 2024

 Hi Guides!

Today, while the Year 3s were doing their preparations for their upcoming PLTC, the Year 1s and Year 2s had a Combined Activity with the Year 1s and 2s in Scouts. The Year 1s did various station games, namely Escape Room, Captain's Ball, Capture the Flag and 3-legged Race, while the Year 2s did contingent training as well as Pioneering Lash Training. This allowed the Year 1s to get to know their batchmates better, and the Year 2s were able to use the chance to hone their skills in the respective areas. 

Reflection from a Year 1 in P6:

On 19th April, we had our first combined 集合 with the Scouts and we had station games. Our first station was an escape room where we had to look for clues to decipher a code. We did not know the answer to some of the questions, so we ended up having to do burpees for a hint. While we were doing the burpees, we were out of sync and had to do extra burpees as we forgot to 等人. Our second station was an obstacle course that consisted of 2 parts. In the first part, we had to cross an area without touching the 白绳. As we could only allow 2 people to go onto the course at a time, we saw the mistakes others made and strategised. As I was the last to go onto the course, I did not touch the 白绳. The second part was an acid river, where we had to cross a stretch of land without touching the floor. We were given a few Velcro markers. We were able to complete this portion quickly but the time provided was still not enough and we forgot to ask for a time extension. The third station was captain’s ball. Our patrol ended up losing by one point, but our strategy which was to make long passes still helped us. The fourth station was a game of Capture the Flag. We were given water guns and balls to shoot and throw at our opposing patrol. During the game, many of my teammates ended up getting hit or shot and had to sit out. Hence we had to do some physical training exercises to get them back. In the end, my patrol won. The last station was 3 legged race. During this game, we had to partner up with a Scout. Even though we almost fell, it was still fun. In the end, we even did a ‘5-legged race’ with our fellow guides. Overall, combined 集合 was a fun experience but one improvement I think we could have made is to remember to 等人.

Reflection from a Year 2 in P5:

During Combined 集合, we practiced contingent. As our contingent was not up to standard during Honours Day, our seniors felt that it would be important to familiarise ourselves with the various commands in the contingent. Firstly, we practiced basic commands that were used during Honours Day. As the Year 2 Scouts and Guides had not done contingent together before, it was difficult to coordinate and work together. For example, we found it tricky to stomp at the same time. Additionally, some of us were not so familiar with the commands and may find it hard to keep up. We also faced difficulties with following the timer’s command. As the timer’s commands for Scouts and Guides were slightly different, this resulted in a lot of confusion. Despite the confusion, both Scouts and Guides agreed on a similar command for the timer to say. Although it was tough to coordinate, we repeated the commands again and again. After multiple attempts of repeating the same move, our teamwork improved and we were more synchronised. Furthermore, we learnt three more commands. We practiced the new commands numerous times until we were close to perfect. After the contingent training, we did lash training. We had to tie a tight square lash, as well as a tight diagonal lash. Although both my lashes were tight, I took longer than the standard time to tie both lashes. I learnt to keep to the standard timing to tie lashes as this would prevent us from 过时. All in all, this contingent experience allowed me to understand the importance of communication and teamwork.

Reflection from a Year 2 in P6:

During combined 集合 with the Scouts, we did contingent practice, as our performance during the Honours' Day Contingent was not up to standard. During the activity, I felt that everyone could have been more sure and read up on the commands and what they meant, as well as the timings for each command. Because of our uncertainty, the Year 4 commanders had to reteach and explain what the commands meant. I also think that we could have been more coordinated and listened to the timer more carefully, for example checking our foot at different timings which resulted in us having to redo a command multiple times. After the activity, the Year 2 guides were given 5 minutes to collect 22 白木 and 4 红木. Although it was a chaotic experience, we managed to collect everything with one time extension, after collecting logistics, we did lash training. I think that we could have improved on our lashes and timings. Overall, I think that this has created stronger bonds among our batchmates in both 团s.

Hope that the Year 1s and Year 2s had fun with the Scouts today and learnt something from today's Combined Activity!

Published by:
Chin Yan Tong
55届 Secretary

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