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3 May 2024

Skills Training, 3 May 2024

 Hello Guides!

Today, the Year 3s were busy preparing for their upcoming PLTC, thus the Year 2s were able to use this chance to lead the Year 1s in a Pioneering activity. The Year 1s and Year 2s built pioneering swings, and it was the first time that the Year 1s were doing Pioneering. 

Reflection from a Year 1 in P3:

Even before our 集合 on May 3rd, I was already brimming with anticipation for the session. It was my first pioneering session, and I was eager to try what my seniors described as one of the best activities in Girl Guides. As we gathered, I noticed that most of my seniors had pioneering gloves, which they had advised me to get soon. Since I had not brought them, I was worried that I would suffer. The Year 3s were absent from the 集合 due to their Patrol Leader’s Training Camp (PLTC), so there were fewer Girl Guides than usual. We were split into two groups, combining a few patrols each, and we waited patiently for instructions to be given. After the Year 4s read out the instructions, we collected the logistics needed for the pioneering activity. With guidance from the Year 2s in my patrol, I wore a helmet and helped carry long, thick wood pieces from the storage area beside the basketball court to General Science Lab (GSL) Level 1. I later learned that in Girl Guides, we typically call these pieces of wood ‘木’, and the storage area was referred to as ‘backstore’. After arranging the 木 and ensuring everything was in order, the Year 2s and Year 1s immediately started planning how to build swings. Each group was tasked with building one huge swing structure. I learned how to tie pioneering knots, and discovered that all lashes tied on the pioneering 木 must have one extra lash per section. Many of my friends got blisters from the 木, but we did not give up and successfully tied the swings. We made two steady tripods and connected them at the top with a 木. Lastly, we used 麻绳 to tie the bottom swing piece for seating. As it was my first pioneering session, I felt lost at times, but my Year 2 seniors guided me on how to tie the lashes tightly to build a firm structure. Although most of the building was done by Year 2s, I still learned a lot about pioneering. After completing the swing structure with my group mates, I felt a sense of accomplishment for contributing to the process. We proudly took pictures with our structures before reluctantly removing the lashes and returning all our equipment. This was a very fruitful 集合, and I look forward to more pioneering sessions in the future. 

Reflection from a Year 1 in P4:

On May 3rd, 2024, we Year 1s attempted pioneering for the first time with the Year 2s, without the help of the Year 3s. We first went to collect the logistics needed for this 集合. We did not know how to help build the structure because of unfamiliarity, we just observed the Year 2s tying lashes on the pioneering 木 and followed their instructions about what to do and learned more about their plan. About 30 minutes later, the Year 4s told us to do lash training and taught us how to tie a tight timber hitch and a square lash. Following what they had shown us, we attempted it for the first time and got comments from them on how we could improve. We then continued attempting until the Year 4s thought it was good enough. Some of us did better than others and therefore helped each other when in doubt. This showed the teamwork the Year 1 guides had during difficult times, which is very memorable. After our short lash training by our Year 4s, we went back to work and started helping our Year 2s. We all attempted to tie one square lash on the 木, as there was enough for us to test the skill we had just learned. Through this 集合, we learnt how to cooperate and persevere as the training was new. I think that the training helped improve camaraderie and allowed us to refine our lashing skills. We also learned how to build new structures and work on our pioneering skills!

Reflection from a Year 2 in P1:

During 3 May's 集合, we built a Pioneering Swing. During the process, we took much longer than expected because we were low on manpower as the Year 1s were doing lash training, also using 青木 that we needed. Hence, we had to build other things first. We could have sped up the process by tying our tripods faster and tighter at the start as those were the lashes that took the longest time and prevented us from starting on anything else. When we were supposed to tie the 麻绳 onto the 木 for the seat component of the swing, we also took a long time as we did not know how to tie it securely. In the end, the Year 4s tied it for us instead. Throughout, we could have 报时-ed more and tied our lashes tighter so that we did not need to constantly 重抽 to ensure that the swing was safe to sit on. Even though the building process was tough, we had fun swinging on the structure afterward, making the session unique and memorable. 

Reflection from a Year 2 in P3:

May 3rd was one of the most memorable 集合 sessions in my Guiding journey so far. On that day, the Year 3s were preparing for their Patrol Leader’s Training Camp (PLTC), leaving only the Year 1s and Year 2s. For this 集合, we were split into two groups and tasked with building a pioneering swing. It was the Year 2s' first time doing pioneering without the Year 3s, so we faced many challenges. Initially, I thought collecting logistics would be easy, but I was wrong. Some of us could not remember our logistics, causing confusion. The Year 1s had little experience in pioneering and followed us around, not knowing how to help, leading to many idle hands. We also struggled to maintain a sense of urgency, asking for time extensions and having trouble sticking to the schedule. Many of us felt stressed as it was our first time leading without Year 3s' guidance. We were also unsure where to get some of our logistics. Despite these challenges, we managed to collect all our materials after several time extensions by persevering and helping each other. Unfortunately, my group faced some mishaps. Despite these setbacks, with the help of my batchmates and Year 4 seniors, we led the Year 1s to build the swing smoothly. In the end, we completed the swing, and it could successfully be used! Overall, despite the challenges, I was glad to count on my batchmates. I am grateful for this learning opportunity and proud that my juniors completed their pioneering structures without the Year 3s' help. I look forward to leading them again and learning from my mistakes!

Hope that the Year 1s enjoyed their first taste of Pioneering, while the Year 2s were able to hone their skills in leadership through this experience!

Published by:
Chin Yan Tong
55届 Secretary

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