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12 July 2024

Skills Training, 12 July 2024

 Hello Guides! Today was our Skills Training.

Reflection by a Year 1 in P6 on Building of Gadgeting Kitchen Table:

Overall, I am proud to say that our Kitchen Table had almost perfect length and proportions, but some lashes tied were very loose so the kitchen table turned out to be a little bit creaky and lopsided. This activity was very knowledgeable for the year 1s  as it lets the year 1s have a rough idea on how to build the Kitchen Table. This activity definitely helped everyone improve their soft and hard skills.  The seniors also had to constantly remind us to 报时, so I think we should 报时 more often instead of just being engrossed in tying our lashes, as Guides should always have a sense of awareness of time. Although most of the lashes were tight, there were definitely still some loose ones, which we can definitely improve on, as to avoid our structures being unusable when we actually need to use that structure. For soft skills, I think all of us had an improvement in our communication where we allocated our manpower properly. We completed our structure in time and I think all of us learnt a lot from this activity.

Reflection by a Year 2 in P6 on Building of Gadgeting Kitchen Table:

I believe that the 集合 for gadgeting Kitchen Table was a good learning experience for all of us. We learnt that we have to improve our soft and hard skills. When we went to collect logistics, we did not collect all the logistics required and we did 过时. We will learn to 报时 more often so that we can keep track of the time and ask for time extensions when needed to ensure that we do not 过时. We should also have a better sense of urgency and ensure that we coordinate among ourselves to 记 down the line. While we were building the gadgeting Kitchen Table, many of us were unsure of how to build it. Hence, we should revise the guides’ notes before each 集合 to ensure that we are prepared beforehand. Due to us having less year 2s, we should also learn to allocate our manpower properly. We should also always remember to 照顾好人,照顾好东西 and take care of our logistic and manpower so that nothing gets taken. We should also look at the bigger picture more often so that we can check if the structure is visually appealing and to check for protrusions and 鸟绳. Some of our lashes were also not tight enough, so we have to remember to hold tension and 抽 properly. In conclusion, it was a great opportunity for us to learn what we should improve on. 

Reflection by a Year 1 in P5 on Lash Training:

On 12th July, my fellow batch mates and I had a session of lash training during 集合. It was our second 集合 with the Year 3 seniors. During lash training, we timed ourselves when tying our lashes as well as got constructive feedback from our seniors.
We had a total duration of 30 minutes to complete at least 1 Square Lash and 1 Diagonal Lash. At first, I thought it would be a breeze as 30 minutes is a relatively long time. However since it was my first time using 中长木 and 中木 to tie my lashes instead of the usual 短木, it was rather difficult to adjust myself to tie my lashes with the longer 木. Hence, I had spent more than the allocated time tying my lashes and thus got a warning from my seniors. After reflecting on my mistakes and getting feedback from my seniors, I found myself being able to tie the lashes more quickly and properly after a few rounds of practice. I was glad that my seniors were really patient and took the extra effort to show me examples of good lashes. They even checked with one another to come up with great feedback for me. After lash training that day, I felt more confident in myself as I managed to gain a new wonderful experience. 

Reflection by a Year 1 in P1 on Lash Training:

During 集合 on Friday, it was raining so we did Lash Training. The Lashes that we had to tie were Square Lash, Tripod Lash and Diagonal Lash. At first, we took longer than the required time to tie all three Lashes as we had to move positions due to the rain. By that time, the rain was very heavy and was coming into the General Science Lab where we were originally tying the Lashes. The 团 was then split into two groups with P1 to P3 moving to level two and P4 to P6 staying at level one. We unfortunately 过时ed by 3 minutes even though we asked for time extensions and were still unable to finish tying all the lashes. Two of the Year 2s had to run up and down the stairs to ask for time extensions, but had to be careful as the ground was wet. After Gadgeting, we were given another chance to do Lash Training. We managed to 报时 a lot more and managed to finish all three lashes with some extra time to spare. We were also much faster in tying the Lashes as we had practsed tying them more during Gadgeting and also knew the timing in which we were supposed to finish each Lash. Through this Lash Training session, I learnt that sense of urgency is very important and we have to follow the timing given to finish each Lash. This was also a good learning opportunity for us to learn to tighten our Lashes and tie them correctly in the required time. 

Reflection by a Year 1 in P5 on Learning of Guides songs:

During CCA on 12th July, me and my fellow batch mates learnt some new guides songs from our seniors. It was our second 集合 that we had with our Y3 seniors. We learnt many songs, they are 南屏晚钟, Maboleh, and Cannibal King. At first I thought that that the songs would be boring, but I was wrong. When I heard everyone sing in unison, a sense of unity erupted in me. The more we sang together, the more bonded I felt with my fellow patrol mates. In my opinion, it was a really interesting experience. This was because the seniors made it really easy for us to understand the actions for the songs and because the songs were really catchy too. All the songs had actions too. I liked the song Maboleh the most required us to shake our hips and move our hands. I found it extremely enjoyable. Our Year 5 senior, also joined us too. Although the seniors had to repeat the actions a few times for us to get it, they were very patient and guided us through the challenges. We received a lot of encouragement too! Soon, we finally got the hang of it and the Year 1s and Year 2s were able to perform the song, Maboleh in front of all the Year 3 seniors. 

Reflection by a Year 1 in P3 on Learning of Guides songs:

As I walked into 集合, I felt a mix of emotions - apprehension, delight, and nervousness. We were going to learn Guides songs like Maboleh,《南屏晚钟》and Father Abraham, and I was not sure if I could do it. I have never been a good singer, and the thought of performing in front of others made my heart race. But as we began to learn the Guides songs, I felt my apprehension melt away, replaced with joy and excitement. The Year 3s were patient and encouraging, and my fellow patrol mates were supportive and kind. Together, we went through the lyrics and melodies together, laughing and making mistakes along the way. As we practised, I felt my nervousness turn into confidence. I realised that singing is not just about hitting the right notes but more about sharing the moment with others. We were creating something beautiful together, and that feeling was incredible. Looking back, I realised that I learnt more than just the Guides songs that day. I learnt that with the right mindset and support, I can overcome my fears and achieve something amazing. And that is what Guides is all about - empowering us to be our best selves. To improve from here, I will strive to keep practising my singing and performing skills. But most importantly, I hope to continue sharing similar experiences of fun with my fellow Guides, creating memories and moments that will last a lifetime. I want to thank the Year 3s and fellow Guides for an unforgettable session!

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