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19 July 2024

Skills Training, 19 July 2024

 Hi Guides! Today we had Inspection and First Aid crash course! 

Reflection by a Year 1 in P4 on Inspection:

On 19 July 2024, we had our second inspection of the year. To be very honest, it was not as scary as the first time we had inspection when it was very unexpected and everything was hectic and messy. We were more prepared after knowing how the procedures were and I felt that the seniors were more inclusive this time compared to the previous one. This was our first time that we had inspection without our Year 3 seniors which felt slightly different because they were there to help us organise and do most of the things. Therefore, there was a bit more stress because we had lesser members in the patrol there to help us and that we were missing our poncho which were were supposed to have. We were given 2 minutes to do one round of Inpection, however, we 过时-ed by 5 minutes, which meant that we had to work much harder and faster. After the first round of inspection, our Year 3 seniors told us that our poncho was not spread out enough and we also took longer than the average timing, which was 3 minutes for inspection, which was a bit of disappointment. Our flagpole and a few more things got kapped and we were told that we should 照顾好人, 照顾好东西 more. In the second round, we still forgot to open the poncho up and therefore still did not have enough space for all the things. Although we still didn't finish our layout, we improved on our sense of urgency and did not 过时 this time as we 报时more during this round. During debrief in patrols, we got reminded again to open up to poncho and put our patrol label faced up for easier recognition. In the third round, we spread out the poncho more so that there was enough space for all the equipment such as the First Aid Kit and the groundsheet. We also made sure to compact with the patrols’ set up towards the ICs and checked with the other patrols how the layout was like to make sure that our layout was correct. We took less time, which was great and we were compliment by our seniors for working more efficiently and effectively. All in all, we improved much on our sense of urgency and teamwork in the patrol. 

Reflection by a Year 1 in P2 on Inspection:

During the first round of inspection, we did not 照顾好人,照顾好东西 , thus a lot of our logistics and manpower got kap and we also failed to realise our kap logistics and manpower even after a long time. It was also very stressful as we only had a short amount of time to arrange our logistics and communicate with our IC. The communication with the IC was also not planned out very well. We also failed to check our arrangement with P1 which was next to us. Thus our arrangement of logistics was very different. We also did not strategise in the allocation of manpower as us Year 1s did not know what to do thus were zuo bos. Our flag pole set also 动地 when it should not be. In the second round of inspection, we also did not take care of our logistics thus some of our logistics were kap again. The communication between the IC and the 团 did not improve too. In the last round of inspection, we improved and we had better communication with the ICs and also took better care of our logistics and there were lesser zuo bos. Although our arrangement of 配备 was not perfect, but we learnt a lot from it.

Reflection by a Year 2 in P1 on Inspection:

Last 集合, we had Inspection. I personally had not done Inspection in a very long time and since we had to do it without our Year 3 seniors, it made me worried. For the first round of Inspection, I was unexpectedly IC and had to shout out the positions of all the items for the other Patrols to check for the correct logistics. The other IC and I did not standardise what we were going to say very well which resulted in us mixing up our words and it sounded confusing. We were also not loud enough and the Guides had to keep asking us to repeat. At the start, we were moving very slowly and had to continuously ask for time extensions, and had many logistics getting Kap by the Year 3s We had to be called back to 集合 again and again as we kept hitting the time limit without finishing the Inspection. After repeating Inspection a few times, we were able to get faster each time and less logistics got Kap. All of us became more alert about how much time we were given, we needed to be aware of all our logistics and that we needed to move fast. Overall, I think that I could have done better when I was an IC by shouting out the positions louder, faster and repeating when needed. When I was doing Inspection with my Patrol, I should move faster and try to involve my juniors as well as they are more unfamiliar with the logistics. I should also have a better sense of urgency and 报时 more to keep track of time.

Reflection by a Year 1 in P6 on First Aid:

Taking part in the Girl Guides' first aid activity was such an eye-opener for all of us. It wasn't just about learning stuff,it was about facing the fact that emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. Handling fractures and practising how to bandage someone up gave us a real sense of responsibility. It was like, "Whoa, I could actually help someone if they got hurt." Feeling the weight of the materials and seeing how they could stabilise an injury was intense. The role-playing scenarios were where things got really real. We had to think fast, figure out what to do, and jump into action. It was nerve-wrecking but also kind of thrilling to see how staying calm and knowing what to do could be a game-changer in an emergency. What made the whole experience even better was how it brought us together as a group. We were there cheering each other on, laughing at our mistakes, and celebrating when someone nailed it. It made us feel tight-knit and ready to tackle anything together. Looking back, it wasn't just about learning first aid skills. It was about gaining confidence in ourselves and knowing we could step up if someone needed our help. It was about being prepared and feeling like we could really make a difference in someone's life. Overall, the first aid activity with the Girl Guides was a hands-on, eye-opening adventure that taught us way more than just how to put on a bandage. It showed us the power of teamwork, resilience, and being there for each other when it counts.

Reflection by a Year 2 in P1 on First Aid:

During last 集合, we did First Aid on two of our Year 3 seniors. They sustained injuries like a broken arm, a twisted ankle. One of them had also hurt their head. The objective of this activity was to find out how they hurt themselves and proceed with the First Aid. We were tasked to bandage up the areas that were hurt according to the information in the Guides Notes. We successfully bandaged up the hurt areas according to pictures they showed us as clues, as we had not revised our Guides Notes beforehand. We managed to bandage up fairly well just by following the photos, and had fun in the process. Some areas of improvement were that we should have familiarised ourselves with the First Aid notes in order to be more clear on what to do when we encounter someone having an injury. We were also unsure of how to bandage up the wounds correctly and some ended up being too loose just by the photo references. I think that overall we did great but it would have been better if the bandaging was properly done. Through this Guides session, I learnt a lot more about first aid and the different methods of bandaging when facing specific types of wounds, and we need to revise our Guides Notes.

We hope this was a fun filled and fulfilling session for all of us!

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