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31 January 2009

Hi guides :D

During today's jihe, the guides in deco were pulled out to do preparation for the upcoming UG campfire and the songleaders were also trained for one hour with the rest of the UG songleaders. The songleaders had been training even before chinese new year and they will continue to strive for the best and make the campfire a successful one. The combined UG campfire will be on 13th Feb, friday at the school hall.

After today's activity, the whole guides company had a reunion dinner at the school hostel to celebrate Chinese New Year and also to take this time to bond among patrols. We were glad to have our year5 seniors back with us for this reunion dinner and it would not be a success without the help of our guiders, our seniors as well as the hostel aunties and uncles. Here are some of the pictures taken.

Next week we will be having new year1s joining in thus we should give our greatest welcome and show them what guides really are.

Love guides :D

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