Hi Guides!
For today’s 集合, Guides had to tie 2 standard structures, a Baggage Rack and a Shoe Rack for the first part. They then had to tie a catapult and participate in a catapult competition for the second part.
Standard structures
Guides were split into their individual batches and 2 patrols combined into one to build the Baggage Rack and Shoe Rack. This activity allows the Year 2s and 3s to recap their standard structures.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P2:
On Friday, we did a standard structures activity. We were split into 6 groups. 3 of the groups (group 1,2,3) were composed of Year 2s while the other 3 groups (group 4,5,6) had Year 3s. The first three groups were given 30 minutes while the other three groups were given 25 minutes. We were required to build a Baggage Rack and a Shoe Rack. For this activity, we were supposed to work with the Year 2s from P6. This activity allowed us to interact with the Year 2s from P6 and improve our teamwork skills with people we are not so familiar with. While we were building the structures, I realised that I am not very familiar with how to build the structures and that I should read up on my Guides notes more. I also think that I should have 报时 more often and had a better sense of urgency to ensure that we could finish the structure. However, we 过时 and were still not able to finish the structures. We could have had a better sense of urgency and tied tighter lashes. Overall, I really liked this activity and I would like to have these kinds of activities in the future.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P3:
That 集合 was definitely something that I had been both anticipating and somewhat dreading as it would have been the first CCA session after a long while of what I would call “special sessions” (the whole ATC’22 process and a very fun and enriching op’23). In addition, I had not revised any Guides content since ATC’22 at all! I was feeling really unprepared. Luckily, I had a Guide classmate of mine who agreed to go through the standard structures with me before school started. However, we focused too much on the logistics needed and neglected to pay attention to details like what 木 goes where and whether the 定脚 faces inside or outside… which ultimately led to my downfall later on.
To start on the actual 集合 session, the activity was really unexpected. “Logistics for a Baggage Rack, Shoe Rack, and even some extra 木 and other logistics”? Remembering the correct number of 木 alone was difficult, and even after I discussed the total logistics needed with my patrol mates, we still did not take an adequate amount of some 木. However, I am not complaining, as I truly love a challenge and this is great practice for the future! To go into the process of Gadgeting, I feel like we did not do as well as we could have. On the Shoe Rack and Baggage Rack, I feel like they were averagely executed, as our finished product was still unstable and we used the incorrect 木. In addition, on a personal note, I need to revise how to tie a quadpod. For the catapult, I feel that the design was not the best, but we made do with what we had, keeping a positive mindset even when our catapult started to fall apart mid-game. In the end, we even clinched third place! In conclusion, it was really fun 集合.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P6:
Last 集合, we were split into groups to build a Baggage Rack and a Shoe Rack, which are both standard structures for Gadgeting. We were spilt into groups to finish the structures. Even though we were familiar with how the Baggage Rack works and the steps to build it, we were not confident in ourselves, which resulted in our slow progress. During the collection of logistics, we did not check the logistics properly and one patrol did not collect the short half bamboos needed for rafting. We were split into groups without the Year 3s to build both structures. Even though we were given more time than the Year 3s to complete the same structures, we still had to work quickly. As we did not have the help of the Year 3s, we were not confident in building the structures and that resulted in most of our structures being incompleted ones.
All in all, I think that we can improve by practising the lashes during lash training so that we can tighten our lashes as well as complete them in a shorter duration and familiarise ourselves more with the logistics needed to prevent not collecting certain logistics in the future.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P3:
27 January was the first 集合 of the year after Orientation Preparation. Firstly, we had to collect the necessary logistics for a Shoe Rack, a Baggage Rack and a creative structure. We had a hard time trying to add up the number of 木 we needed as it was quite a lot. However, we still managed to do it and brought back enough 木. After collecting our logistics, our seniors said that the Year 3s from my patrol would build the structures together with the Year 3s from P6. We were given 25 minutes to build a Shoe Rack and a Baggage Rack. Since we were Group 6, we used the logistics taken by Patrol 6. I felt that it was good that we standardised whose logistics to take for each group to avoid confusion. We then split ourselves into 2 groups, and I was in the group building the Baggage Rack. We were very familiar with how to build the standard structures, which I felt was good. Since I had been doing Pioneering for Orientation Preparation, this was the first time I did Gadgeting in a long time. We asked for time extensions before 过时-ing and that was good. I could have also asked the PL and PS what I could do when I had nothing to do. This was a good chance to recap on my standard structures as well as bond with my batchmates. Even though my 报时 and sense of urgency were not the best, I hope that I can improve on that during the next 集合.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P4:
For last Friday’s 集合 we had to build a Baggage Rack and Shoe Rack simultaneously. For the Year 3 groups, we were given 25 minutes to complete the structures, and my group split the work between our manpower. I tied the quadpod of the Shoe Rack, however, I was not very familiar with the lash and it ended up 飞脚ing. Another group member and I worked on the Shoe Rack, which kept shifting and ended up not being a square shape. I think we could have worked faster by 报时ing more frequently and splitting manpower better between the group. It was quite eye-opening when the senior pointed out to us that the bottom rack was supposed to be made of 中木 and not 中短木. It made me realise how rusty my knowledge of standard structures like these had become and decided to brush up more on them. We also realised that we could have had someone hold the quadpod properly so it would not move when tying. Happily for us, both the structures were mostly complete when the time was up. The Baggage Rack, it was complete but a little wobbly, which I think could have been improved with tighter lashes. We also definitely could have cheered more to boost team morale and motivate one another. Overall, it was really good practice tying these standard structures.
Reflections from a Year 3 in P6:
In the last 集合 session, we built a Shoe Rack and Baggage Rack. Overall, we should have had someone to step up and lead the group to coordinate the building of the two structures so that someone would always be looking at the bigger picture. We should have also 照顾好人照顾好东西 better as many things were kapped. We should have also asked for the item back repeatedly instead of only asking the seniors for it back once. Moreover, we should have revised our standard structures more often so that we should be sure of the correct 木s to use for a Shoe Rack. While building the structure, we should have balanced our 报时 and cheering better and should have had a better sense of urgency and built the structures faster as we asked for many time extensions repeatedly and exceeded the standard time for both of the structures. For the Shoe Rack, we should have taken note of the orientation of the 木s. For the Baggage Rack, we should place the structure next to a wall and tie the 定脚s so that the height of the two 定脚s would be the same and that the structure would not 飞脚 and shear after tying the diagonals. Moreover, when cheering we should have been more inclusive. All in all, I think the morale was high while tying the structures, however, we should have revised more on our standard structures and had someone step up and lead the group. This is essential to work on as the Year 1s are coming to our CCA in 2 weeks and as this year is our PLTC year.
Catapult and Catapult competition
For this activity, Guides are required to build a creative gadget, a catapult. Afterwards, they will use the catapult they have built to participate in a competition. This can Expose the Y2s and Y3s to more possibilities of creative gadget structures and enable them to think quickly on their feet.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P1:
We had 集合 on 27 January, and some of the activities were to build a catapult using gadgeting poles and compete with one another whose catapult could launch the most amount of 麻绳 into a pail. While we were building the catapult, we came up with a new way to cheer using our patrol mates names. Some of their names were easy to cheer since they had only two syllables, which was what the cheer was designed for. For those whose names had more than or less than two syllables, we had to get creative. While we were building the catapult, my patrol kept cheering, and the morale was quite high. Although, instead of cheering so much, we should have put more effort into our 报时 as that required some work. After we completed the structure, we realised that one of the tripods was too short and it was hard for us to aim with the catapult. However, we adapted and switched the direction of the catapult, letting the end with the 白绳 box rest on the higher tripod instead. During the competition, my patrol tried very hard to fling the 麻绳 into the bucket. However, we thought of an idea, which was to move the bucket closer to the catapult and slightly lift the catapult to let the 麻绳 slide in. From this 集合, I learnt how to adapt to situations, and bonded more with my patrol mates.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P2:
The catapult activity was extremely fun. During the activity, we had to think and come up with our own creative structure for our catapult. Our patrol’s structure was two tripods, linked together by a 中木, and the catapult, another 中木 tied to a mass tin. During the activity, we had to place 麻绳s in the mass tin, and ‘catapult’ it into a pail. The patrol with the most number of 麻绳s in a pail in 6 minutes after 2 rounds wins, and apparently gets to do mabole as a ‘victory dance’. However, despite our accomplishments in building the structure, there were some improvements we could work on. For example, we could tie tighter lashes as most of our lashes were relatively loose, cheer more as we did not cheer as often during the activity, 报时 louder and more often, and have a greater sense of urgency since we had to ask for time extensions quite a lot of time. Personally, as Patrol Leader of the activity, I could have stepped up more, looked at the bigger picture, conveyed instructions to my patrol mates and ‘lead’ more effectively, instead of tying lashes. Yet, the catapult activity was extremely enjoyable and we learnt a lot from it.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P5:
Last 集合, we had to build a creative catapult that will later be used to launch 麻绳 into a bucket.
We had already collected all the logistics needed for the catapult so with our senior's instructions, we started building it. We had decided to build a chalkboard as the main stand for our catapult, I admit that we needed to familiarise ourselves with the chalkboard lash even more as we took almost half the time given to complete it. We also had a hard time attaching the mess tin to our spars as we did not know what to tie. It kept falling out and flipping all over the place so we needed to use a lot of 白绳 in order for it not to drop. After various attempts, we succeeded in attaching it without it flipping and not covering the hole of the mess tin so we could still launch items without them falling out. The chalkboard was done and all that was left to do were to tie 定脚s to make sure the structure stays still.
On to the competition, despite us not winning the prize was to performing a dance in front of everyone, I saw it as a great opportunity for us to bond more with our patrol mates. It was overall a fulfilling and fun activity.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P2:
The catapult activity was extremely fun. During the activity, we had to think and come up with our own creative structure for our catapult. Our patrol’s structure was two tripods, linked together by a 中木, and the catapult, another 中木 tied to a mass tin. During the activity, we had to place 麻绳s in the mass tin, and ‘catapult’ it into a pail. The patrol with the most number of 麻绳s in a pail in 6 minutes after 2 rounds wins, and apparently gets to do mabole as a ‘victory dance’. However, despite our accomplishments in building the structure, there were some improvements we could work on. For example, we could tie tighter lashes as most of our lashes were relatively loose, cheer more as we did not cheer as often during the activity, 报时 louder and more often, and have a greater sense of urgency since we had to ask for time extensions quite a lot of time. Personally, as Patrol Leader of the activity, I could have stepped up more, looked at the bigger picture, conveyed instructions to my patrol mates and ‘led’ more effectively, instead of tying lashes. Yet, the catapult activity was extremely enjoyable and we learnt a lot from it.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P4:
While building the catapult, we took inspiration from a design done by the Y2s during one of their level camps. A mess tin was needed in the design, but our mess tin had been kapped earlier, and thus we had to quickly improvise on the spot and use our 白绳 box instead. This reiterated to us how important 照顾好人, 照顾好东西 was so that we would have the maximum resources and manpower for future activities. We were also slightly unsure of what to do in the midst of building the structure as the design had not been discussed elaborately. Thus, we learnt that when building creative structures, it was important for every member of the patrol to know the design of the structure to prevent uncertainty, misunderstandings and conflicts during the building of the structure. I think we also 报时ed and cheered a lot more compared to previous 集合s, which was an improvement and proof of our patrol becoming closer and more bonded. During the competition, we had to compete against other patrols to get as many 麻绳 into our bucket as possible. Sadly, our patrol did not manage to get any in the bucket, although we got very close. Nevertheless, it was still a fun challenge.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P5:
During last Friday's 集合, we were tasked to build a catapult using the logistics that we had. We discussed some ideas on how to build the catapult, and we eventually decided to tie our mess tin onto a 长木, and then attach it to a quadpod. We started off very slowly, taking more than 15 minutes to finish tying our quadpod, as we had to retie it multiple times due to it being tied wrongly or the clove hitch coming loose. While the quadpod was being tied, a few of our patrol mates helped to tie our mess tin to a 长木. After that, we opened the quadpod and tied the 顶角s. However, we faced a problem as one side of the quadpod was 飞脚. The assigned Patrol Leader for the activity quickly thought of tying diagonals to make the structure more stable. After tying the diagonals, we tied the 长木 with the mess tin onto our structure with a relatively loose lash, so that we could move it in many different directions to launch our 麻绳.
Throughout the activity, the atmosphere was very lively, as we 报时-ed constantly and cheered loudly, which motivated us and made the building process much more enjoyable. We also remembered to take note of the time and asked for time extensions before 过时-ing. However, we were reminded not to take time extensions for granted, and we could have had a better sense of urgency. We also realised that we need to familiarise ourselves with how to tie a quadpod so that we can work faster in the future. We also could have 照顾好人,照顾好东西 better as some of our manpower and logistics got kapped without us realising until much later.
After building the catapult, there was a competition among all 6 patrols to see who could launch the most 麻绳 into our buckets in 3 minutes. We had lots of fun strategizing and playing the game itself. We were all very enthusiastic and cheered multiple times during the game. Patrol 1 won the competition, and the Year 2s and 3s of Patrol 1 had to dance Maboleh with the Year 4s of Patrol 4. We definitely enjoyed watching their performance.
Overall, building the catapult and having the competition on Friday allowed us to bond as a patrol, and we are very grateful to be able to have that experience.
Hope everyone enjoyed and learnt something new!
Published by:
54th 届 Secretary