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25 January 2008


Today we had jihe, roll call and coursework, and the sec2s did goal-setting whereas the sec3s became housewives! :D

We learnt how to wash our clothes and iron them properly. Mrs Hong was there supervising and lent a helping hand to those who were in need. Half of the guides went to wash their "soiled" shirts while the others stayed in class to iron our school blouse. Intially, we were rather hesitant as the irons made "weird" noises. But soon, we got the gist of ironing. Through this activity, we learnt to appreciate our mothers more, and how hard they iron our shirts so neatly and wash them so clean for us! THANK YOU MOTHERS :D

Then we had photo-hunt! Many of us did not know what to expect as it was new. It turned out to be very interesting and a great way to keep us running! It bonded us with our patrols as the sec3s and sec2s do not get to excercise often together. Given photographs of various parts of the school, we then had to run around while holding hands to find the places. Along the way, there were sec4s around and we were advised to catch them for bonus points. However, some of the the sec4s ran really fast and we were unable to catch them. ):

After the great photo hunt, we had games as a company. We were first asked to interact with our coy and we got to know more about each other through the asking of questions such as the number of siblings a peron has.
We went to the field and the games begun!
We were split into 2 groups andplayed dog and bone and polar worms! It was a pity that no photos were taken as it could really capture us having fun and the fools we made of ourselves!
Dog and bone was different as we stood in a square, it was really funny to see everybone trying their best to get the sheng that was placed in the middle! Polar Worms were fantastic too as we saw majority of us going head first in the flour and becoming flour-y! We had to eat/nose/kiss through a lot of flour! Many of us were tickled by each other coming back with powdery faces. We had to answer many questions using what we have found out about each other earlier and run to I/Cs to answer with a worm in mouths we found in the flour! We had a super time as a coy and know more about one another! :D

It was a great and enriching time spent with the guides!
Today was a very different but fun friday!

Firstly, we had our usual roll call but it was stricter than before since we have been reminded about the roll call standards. We should constantly check ourselves and always ensure that we are up to standard.

After that, sec3s and sec2s had coursework. Sec3s learnt how to iron and wash clothes while sec2s went through goal setting with Miss Tang.

Finally, the photo hunt arrived! This teaches you to be more observant around the school next time, since some patrols took quite long to recognise the places in the photos! It was quite a sight when one whole patrols holding hands ran after one single sec4 to and fro to catch them for bonus marks. But some patrols were too fast for the wandering sec4s and thus some got caught in the end.

The patrol activity was dog and bone! It was an unusual one since it was in a SQUARE shape! 4 patrols in one group forming a SQUARE. At first, we started off with baisheng then masheng then YINGSHENG. We could not declare a winner for the yingsheng part since almost everyone was pulling the yingsheng and refusing to let go. After dog and bone we did the POLAR WORM game! Similarly we had to form a square around one table with a plate of flour on top. Iimelda and Zhenmei asked questions and those who knew the answer would run to the table and find a gummy bear in the flour before they can answer the questions! Everyone became white-faced but definitely everyone learnt something more about their friends or guides right? Now do you all know WHO'S THE TALLEST SEC4? and HER HEIGHT? and WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS ON WORLD THINKING DAY? :D

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves today! have a great weekend!! :)

19 January 2008

Hi guides!

As Miss Ngau mentioned, we have 26 new sec1s who placed guides as their first choice! Good job to all guides whom enthusiastically introduced guides and persuaded the sec1s to join guides -- a different CCA, a CCA which teaches all of us how to 做人做事!-- during CCA orientation day! And three cheers to Ovidia and Priscilla whom made it all possible!!! Let's continue to be enthusiastic and welcome the sec1s into the big family! Let's continue to improve ourselves, learn from our mistakes and last but not least, make guides a better CCA(:

Yesterday, we had the first normal guides ji-he after so long!

Guides, we've got to improve our standards and work towards a roll call with no one knocking down! Let me remind you of roll call standards again.

-only black and dark blue rubber bands and simple clips allowed
-hair cannot be touching the scarf
-fringe to be above the eyebrow or swept neatly to the side, above the eyebrow

-scarf to be tied properly with two equal lengths
-enrolment badge should be polished
-scarf to be covering first button
-world badge MUST be present
-shirt to be tucked in neatly so that the belt buckle can be seen
-linglinglongong should placed on the right and should include a neatly whipped baisheng, labelled whistle and guides knife
-skirt should be knee length (NOT above the knees)

-fingernails should be short and unvarnished
-only dark coloured watches allowed

-socks should be 3 fingers above the side of your shoe
-only white canvas shoes allowed

Please remember these and keep to them for the next roll call!

sec 3s, you've got to have at least 3 watches to time. Same for the sec 2s!
sec 3s, the sec 4s will settle on the final method for Kitchen shelter as there are some variations because all of us did it differently during PLTC. We will either let you know or give you notes again.
sec2s, remember what the sec4s taught you during skills training!

Have a great weekend!(:
hi guides!

today, we had roll call before proceeding with the day's activities.

then, we had a skills training session. the sec 2s had to tie a kitchen dresser, while the sec 3s had to build a kitchen shelter. however, most of us had already forgotten some steps to building the kitchen shelter, so the sec 4s guided us on the correct method of doing so. then, the mistakes we made were pointed out, and we all knew the proper way to build a kitchen shelter after this session.

next was patrol corner, and we all had to mass change into our uniforms and back again. however, we did not meet the time limit, and had to do our punishments. then, the sec 4s told us of how our standard has been dropping, and what it should be like. we were then reminded of the ABCDs, and the need to have a sense of urgency and respect for our seniors.

finally, we had PT, where we did circuits.

12 January 2008

Saturday, January 08, 2008

HELLO fellow Sister Guides! :D

Anyways, the Year 4s had a Pioneering Course at Bishan HQ today. We met up at 9am, with the course comprising of Fire lighting, construction of Emergency Shelter, Rope Ladder, Axemanship & lastly Map Reading. The Year 4s will be having a Pioneering Test on 2nd February, Saturday. Lady Luck seemed to be smiling on us as the sun shone brightly through the clear blue sky. We were taken under Mr Mail, a familiar face from HQ and one who is always present at our ATC to lend a helping hand. Anyways, we'll be teaching all that we've learnt during this course to all Year 2s & 3s in the coming future. Don't feel stressed, cos it is in fact quite simple.

Firstly, it was Fire lighting. We were to collect our own punk, kindling and twigs for our fire. Under, Mr Mail's guidance, who knew that fire lighting, could be this simple? It was simply a matter of arranging the materials in the correct manner and one very important pointer to note is for the kindling to be dry. The basic guide to Fire lighting: 1- Arrange kindling. 2- Strike Match and start fire. 3- Sustain.

Secondly, we were scheduled for construction of the Emergency Shelter. Though Emergency Shelter is a simple and basic shelter, you can be surprised at the number of people who are unaware of the ways about it. The equipment required for and Emergency Shelter was simply a poncho, 4 pegs, 4 twine and two gadget poles. & if you were to get lost in the jungle one day, you could just use creepers as a substitution for twine. Innovative aye? (:

Next, Rope Ladder! This was a common rope ladder that we tied, with wooden rungs as steps. It was simply a clove-hitch on each side of the wooden wrung, but Mr Mail thought us a more efficient way or tying the clove-hitch rather than the way we've been tying on our gadget poles. The tying of the rope ladders was a race against time; we were split into two separate groups, with the team completing the ladder faster emerging victorious. After completing the ladder, everyone was allowed a chance to climb up the ladder we had made. It was fairly stable and definitely very practical.

By then, it was time for lunch. Okay, let’s skip lunch, there’s nothing interesting to talk about lunch. Focus, the main point is the Pioneering Course.

Axemanship. We had the practical and theory of axemanship. Who knew there was such a great variety of axes and saws. Ranging from Felling axe, Carpeneter's axe, Hand Axe, Hacks saw, Bush/Bow saw, Coping saw. & these are just a few from the whole family of axes and saws. Each axe and saw had its own individual function it is created for. We were briefed on the dos and don’ts while using an axe and during the practical, we had a chance to saw wood and even got to keep the pieces of wood we sawed off. How cool manz!

Last but not least, Map Reading and the use of compass. By now, there were dark clouds and it started to pour heavily. D: But it definitely did not dampen our spirits. The spirit is the true self. The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. We kept out spirits up and continued with the Map Reading. Though we've learnt this from our Seniors before, we thought of it as a form of revision. Finally, the course was over. & this pretty much sums up the whole day.

Heres a harmless reminder to the Year 4s: The Pioneering Test is on the 2nd February, Saturday. Remember to bring punk, kindling, twigs and poncho. Lets all pass this test together as a batch! One for All and All for One. (:

Everyone, wish us goodluck. :D

Anyways, now that the school term has started and lessons have officially started, lets all put in 110 percent and excel in this school year. The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed. So lets ALL start with a positive attitude. & may we all strive for DHS Coy. An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success.


7 January 2008

Hi guides!
Orientation is finally over, after several weeks of preparation! GOOD JOB to all the various teams:- Decoration, Gadgets, Food, Sheng Qiao, Contingent, etc.! Like what the guiders said, we sure have done well in all the segments of this year's orientation, so do keep up the good work! We have to thank the seniors for giving us helpful advice, the I/Cs, priscilla and ovidia, the organising committee for this year's orientation, and also each and every one of you for your help and cooperation. Thank you for all your hard work and effort that made this event a success.

Apart from that, we have to also take into account what the guiders reflected on us. we have to improve on our allocation of manpower by being more observant of our surroundings and make ourselves more 'useful' at all times. We have to always keep in mind the mistakes we have made and constantly make improvements, so that upcoming events in the future will be even more successful.

This is a reminder for all guides, do remember to sign your consent forms for the term's activities schedule and hand in to your respective PLs by tomorrow, 08/01/08. Year 4s are to hand in your pioneering training consent forms by tomorrow as well. Please write your postcards to the Year 1s and deliver it to them by this Thursday.

With that, lets look forward to welcoming our future sec 1s with a HUG! Hopefully, we can make them feel as homely as possible when they join our guides family:)