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23 February 2012

Thinking Day 2012

Hello guides,

Happy Thinking Day! Yesterday, girls worldwide celebrated Thinking Day, a very important day to us, together. It is the birthday of both Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell; the founders of scouts and guides respectively. On this day, the girl guides of Dunman High School put on our uniform for the day, and greeted fellow guides, in a way unique to us, when we see each other along the way.

For this year, the theme is Girls Worldwide Say “We Can Save Our Planet”, which is based on the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal 7, which focuses on environmental sustainability. All over the world, guides have activities based on the theme, and it is a powerful movement that shows how we can make a difference and help to save our planet.

Over the next few days, guides in DHS will be exchanging gifts amongst our patrol. It is a time honored tradition in which each batch will prepare gifts for the others. The gifts are mostly handmade, sometimes accompanied by a note card with all our well wishes. The value of each gift would definitely be more than the sum of its parts, and it is to show our appreciation for each other.

For the year 4s, it will be our last thinking day, so this is especially meaningful. Hold close the memories created and they shall last for a long time. For the year 2s and 3s, do cherish the time you have in guides and enjoy yourselves. For the year 1s, this is a new thing for you. Just remember that it is the sincerity and thought into each gift that counts rather than the price.

Finally, we wish all guides Happy Thinking Day, and let’s all do our part to save our planet!
we <3 guides

16 February 2012

Hi guides,

Last week, we had a special party to celebrate two things. Firstly, it was a party to welcome the year 1s into our family; secondly, we celebrated Chinese New Year together, once again reenforcing our strong ties to each other. It was truly a unique party where we bought the raw materials and tried our hand at making our own popiah. The following are reflections by 2 of our year 3s on the day's activity. :)

From P7:
For P7's patrol activity on Friday, the year 2s taught the year 1s to tie the square lash and diagonal lash, while the year 3s built a standard baggage rack. The year 2s got to revise their own skills and the year1s learned the basic skills required to build even more complicated gadgets.
For the baggage rack, we wasted a very long time tying the main frames and made quite a lot of mistakes like not tucking in the loose ends of the strings. However, we managed to finish it within 40 minutes. It was quite an accomplishment for us as we only had 2 people to tie.

Afterwards, we had the Popiah Party which was very fun as we got to make our own Popiahs. It was a unique experience for me as I had never made popiah before. The popiahs were really nice and filling and the feedbacks from everyone were really good. After the party, we cleared up and had patrol corner. It was really interesting as we got to know each other better, and bonded more as a patrol.

From P8:
Today, we had a patrol activity where the year 3s and 2s had to build a kitchen dresser and the year 4s taught the year ones how to tie lashes. We were given 45 minutes to tie the kitchen dresser and so we started off by tying two tripods. We had to re-tie one of the tripods as the lash was too loose but luckily we did not face the problem of unequal legs as we had supported it against a flat surface well enough. We then proceeded to measuring the tripod and tying the supports to it. After finishing the two completed tripods, we tied the diagonals below for stability. We realized that time was running out and so we sped up a little. When we wanted to tie the area where we were supposed to do our chopping and miscellaneous stuff, we realized that we needed more gadget poles. After retrieving them, we continued tying and finally got the basic shape there.

However, not only had we exceeded the time limit but we also did not manage to start netting due to our poor time management. We have learnt from this patrol activity that we must make sure all our lashes are tight, logistics all taken and make better usage of our time the next time. The year 4s and 3s proceeded to explaining to the year 1s the usage of the kitchen dresser. Then, we were given three minutes to untie everything and return all the logistics back to the guides’ room. After that, we ran to meet everyone at the canteen to have our Popiah Party.

we <3 guides

9 February 2012

A Warm Welcome to All Year Ones!!

Hello Guides,

Last week, we welcomed the next batch of girls to our loving family! The arrival of the year 1s have been anticipated for quite a while, as we all look forward to meeting our new juniors!

Firstly, the year 1s had a short session to learn about this new family, such as what we do, what to expect and look forward to. Then, they were split into their respective patrols and we got to know each other better through numerous games. Next, the patrols went around the stations so as to experience firsthand what happens during Guide meetings. There were the songs we sang, the games we played and the skills we learned.

To all the Year 1s,
Welcome to Guides! We really hope that you will grow to love guiding like we do! It is not just a CCA, but a huge family that will see you through the entire 4 years in junior high. No matter what your choice was, it was fate that had brought you to guides; accept the good with the bad, embrace each lesson learned. Put in your best efforts and attend each meeting with enthusiasm and joy. Do get to know your patrol mates, as they are the ones whom you will spend the most time with; learning and striving together. Lastly, know that your seniors are always there to help you; turn around and we will be behind you!

We <3 guides!