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8 April 2017

Patrol Activity, 3rd April

Hello fellow guides! Last Monday, we had Patrol Activity (PA) as per usual, but it was rather sentimental for the Year 4s because it is our last PA with our juniors. Nonetheless, we made the most out of it! Here are some reflections from the juniors on the activities they had, as well as their thoughts on this Patrol Activity.

Reflection from a junior from Patrol 1…

During Monday's Patrol Activity (PA), we started by finding the blue slips of paper hidden around the General science Lab (GSL). On the pieces of paper, there were codes which we had to solve. However, we were unable to find all the slips of paper by ourselves so in the end, we were missing three pieces. We proceeded to build the 8-man tent but realised we were missing some materials. It was then that the Year 4s (Y4) revealed that we had to go on a 'treasure hunt' for them. After we had built it, we had to blow a piece of paper ball out of a paper box filled with flour. It ended up being a very messy scene. Almost everyone had flour on themselves, but it was a really enjoyable activity as we still had loads of fun. The paper ball contained a message with instructions for out next activity: Fireman's Ladder (FML). We had a very fun time flipping over the fireman's ladder although a few of our patrol mates were screaming the entire time or refused to go over. We tried to encourage them when that happened. All in all, it was a very fun and exciting PA session! 

Reflection from a junior from Patrol 2…

As this was the last PA we will have with the year 4s, we got to do something fun which was Outdoor Cooking. We were given 25 mins to build an indoor fire altar but we 过时ed as we realised that the two different sides of the fire altar did not match each other well. However, we still managed to build a rather stable structure with mostly tight lashes at the end. We were then given 30 mins for the cooking. I felt a sense of pride for the year 2s who enthusiastically taught the year 1s on firelighting. Although they were not really successful at first, we managed to get a strong fire going which was enough to cook our mac and cheese dish and melt the marshmallows which were part of our second dish. The food was a complete success and everyone loved the food. As we were in charge of the proposal for this OC, I was very happy that everyone enjoyed the food. Afterwards, we even played on the fireman’s ladder built by another patrol. It was rather entertaining to see both seniors, juniors and batchmates squeal as they tried to overcome their fear before making the flip. In all, this was one of the best PAs I ever had and one which formed memories that I would treasure for a long time.

Reflection from a junior from Patrol 3…

Monday's PA was our last ever PA with the year 4s. It was undoubtedly sad but I feel it did push us to perform better. After all,  we are going to be the new leadership batch. The year 3s had two inspections - one with our personal logistics and one for our 小队箱. As it was just us years 3s, we had to depend on one another while helping each other to make sure that we got all the necessary items and were able to lay out the logistics according to the inspection layout especially when one of us had to read the layout out and could not unpack her own bag. Through this, I learnt that in a hectic situation we should not just care about ourselves and should always look out for those around. Following this, we had the 小队箱 inspection. Even though it was difficult to carry everything back up and down again, it helped us to bond better as patrol mates during the hardships. Not forgetting having a mini patrol inspection also helped to strengthen our communication skills. After that, we all sat down as a patrol and talked—something we did not get to do often. As the last PA before the year 4s leave is finally over, I hope that we will continue to improve and not let the year 4s down :)

Reflection from a junior from Patrol 4…

In this patrol activity, we went through basic structures such as dome tent, 8-men-tent, flag pole, and emergency shelter. We not only learnt these basic structures, but also learnt more about things such as putting our belongings under the emergency shelter to prevent them from getting kupped (for the year ones). The year ones in particular learnt how to do the Mickey mouse properly and revised knots such as 火结. While I'm sure many of us were sad that we did not do something more fun, we understand that it was the last PA and the seniors wanted us to know the basic the basic structures well. The seniors were very patient with us, going through the ways to secure the flag around the flag pole and helping us when we were unsure of lashes or structures. Important facts such as the fact that the flag kit and flag pole were not supposed to touch the ground were reinforced too. One area which we could work on was to remember specifics such as the  number of pacings to take for structures as done year 1s admitted that they were unsure. Overall, I feel that this PA was a very fulfilling and bittersweet one as though it was the last with the year 4s, we could tell that they cared a lot about us as they patiently went through the structures.

Reflection from a junior from Patrol 5…

Today's PA was sadly our last PA of 2017. Miraculously, we managed to save the best for last. For PA this time, we did outdoor cooking (OC). Despite for the heavy rain the past few days had, we managed to collect enough kindlings, and have a very successful fire. We all were given the chance to revise our skills at starting and sustaining a fire. However, one problem was that we were too slow when building our 2 indoor fire alter, hence we ended up overrunning. However, by allocating different roles and working quickly, we were able to enjoy a fun and meaningful OC. when we had to take down the structure, our seniors suggested a mini competition, to see if us year 1-3 could take down the structure faster than the year 4s. Of course, we won. This small competition was an eye-opener, to let us know what we can do, and how much better we can be. Overall, this PA was a fun one, we did one of most loved thing, outdoor cooking. The food we made was delicious, and it was enjoyable to bond with each other as well. We will definitely miss PA sessions with this batch of year 4 seniors.

Reflection from a junior from Patrol 6…

We were told to collect 2 红木 and 6 青木, as we would be building a fireman's ladder, or FML in short. We were given 7 minutes to tie it. However, due to our slow speed and lack of patrol morale, we managed to finish it just shy of 20 minutes. I felt that as the PL of this activity, I could have done a better job at increasing the patrol morale by cheering. However, a commendable thing was that the Year 1s also put in effort to cheer, which I felt was great as the patrol morale was significantly raised and I was feeling flustered at the time. Next, we were given around 15 minutes to try out the FML. However, on multiple occasions, we were forced by circumstance to the structure and 重抽 all lashes. I felt that this could have been prevented if I had been more observant on the quality of the lashes during the 20 minutes instead of wasting time afterwards on something which could have been done correctly on the first try. Nonetheless, it was rather satisfying to see everyone having fun on the FML! Then, we were told to 拆掉 our FML and return all logistics and collect new logistics for our next activity. We had to divide all our logistics into 2 and we were split into 2 groups. We were then given 10 minutes to tie a structure using all of the , in our respective groups. However, my group did not manage to finish tying all the due to my lack of foresight and poor instructions. Despite this, we proceeded on with the game. Each group was given 3 minutes to hide their and structure around Block F. After 3 minutes, we would be able to invade the other group's territory and bring 1 , at a time, back to their own territory. One person from each group would be granted immunity and this prevents the other players from touching them. The more collected by a group, the more points they will receive. However, we did not manage to hide our structure properly, which made it extremely easy for the other group to find it. Our lashes were also slightly loose, which made it easier for them to steal our . I felt that this game was a great opportunity for all of us to bond, since it was our last PA session. We had a lot of fun running to and fro each station. In the end, there were no winners or losers as the aim of this station was solely to bond with our patrol-mates. It was an enjoyable PA and I thank the Y4s for making this last PA so memorable.

Published by:
Chen Wei
48th Batch Secretary

7 April 2017

Combined Activity with Scouts, 1st April

Hi Guides! How have you been? Last Saturday, we had a combined 集合 with the scouts, who are the equivalent of a brother CCA to Girl Guides. It was almost the first of its kind in a really long time, and the reason for this activity was to strengthen the bonds between Scouts and Guides, so as to forge bonds between us which would greatly aid us in future activities since our CCAs have to work together rather often (e.g. Patrol Leader Training Camp, PLTC). Now, let me share with you what we had planned for Saturday, and some reflections from the juniors on how the activity was for them.

Station 1:

The two patrols would be mixed and split into two groups, and this would be done through the patrols picking small slips of paper labelled ‘1’ and ‘2’. The Scouts and Guides patrol would pick from a different set of paper slips to ensure that the Scouts and Guides are split equally between the two groups. Each group should have at least 1 Year 4.

Treasure Hunt:
The two groups would be tasked to find slips of paper with riddles/questions on them. Group 1 would find slips of paper that are green while Group 2 would find slips of paper that are blue. They would then have to solve the riddles/questions. On each slip of paper containing the riddles/questions, there would be lines drawn at the bottom (like hangman), showing the number of letters of the answer. One of the lines would be underlined in blue or red, while the rest are in black. The letters in which falls on the blue or red line would have to be unscramble to form the words COURAGE (blue) and CHEERFULNESS (red). Both patrols would be given a pen and a piece of paper each for working. The answers to the riddles/questions should also be written on this piece of paper for the tabulation of scores (later on if necessary). The patrols will 集合 back after 17 minutes, regardless on whether they have finishing unscrambling or solving the riddles/questions (no time extension would be given) Should any group finish before the 17 minutes is up and are very confident of their answers, they would tell the answers to the station masters to check. If they are correct, they would be the winning group. If they are wrong, they would have to do a forfeit (chicken dance) before continuing. 

Special Rules:
  • Should any group find the riddle/question slips of the other groups, they may choose to move them to a more hidden position. The new position should still be accessible for the other group. They are not allowed to keep the riddle/questions of the other groups
  • Each team is entitled to ask the station masters for hints (up to 3 times), but in order to do so, the the entire group must jump across a skipping rope (麻绳) 7 times together, with 2 group members holding the rope. The hint given will be to a question/riddle the group has not answer, but the group would not be allowed to choose which question/riddle
  • After the 17 minutes is up, the station masters would ask for the final answers from each group and the group with more correct answers (COURAGE and CHEERFULNESS) would be the winner. If both groups are unable to get either COURAGE or CHEERFULNESS, the group with more correct answers for the riddles/questions would win.
  • The winning group would be allowed to assign a forfeit for the losing group, and the losing group would have to carry out the forfeit.

You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
What is the name of Doraemon’s younger sister?
What a ghost’s favourite fruit?
BLUEBERRIES (boo-berries)
What word describes a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?
What does ‘hypy’ mean? (Hint: Chinese)
One day a little boy named John went over to his parents and said that he wanted to shoot people and blow them up. His parents were really proud of his career choice. What does John want to do?
(to become a) PHOTOGRAPHER
What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?


What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?
You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?
I have an eye but cannot see. I’m faster than any man alive and have no limbs. What am I?
What is the name of Dora’s cousin?
Which MRT station is CC26?
Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble
What has no end, no beginning and no middle?
Who is he? (hint: disney character)
Complete the lyrics:
It's a brand new day a brand new story
I remembered the way it used to be
We've come so far
You're my history you're my beginning
In all I've done I've been ________ in your arms
And you carried me this far
(Hint: NDP Song)
Complete the Guide Law: “A Guide Is thrifty and ________.”
“The secret in education lies in __________ the student.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Which element has the atomic number 47?

Thoughts from a Year 3…

For the first station, our 2 patrols were split into 2 groups. One was supposed to find green notes while the other was supposed to find blue notes. The notes had riddles for us to guess with the number of letters of the answers given. One letter of every answer was highlighted and when we found the answer to everything, we were supposed to construct a word out of the letters. In the end, though we got help from the station masters, none of the groups managed to solve all the riddles. We also 过时-ed by a few seconds though we did ask for time extension before. The group which was supposed to find blue notes solved fewer riddles and ended up having to sing the school song twice while running around the block. For this station, I believe my group could have had more sense of urgency as we 过时-ed. We could also have been more observant when searching for the notes to increase efficiency. Personally, I could train my stamina when squatting more as we were asked to treat this station as normal 集合 and were not allowed to sit. Overall, I believe the people in my patrol have not only learnt how to work better with the scouts, but has also learnt more about thinking to solve problems as we more often than not memorise and recall to solve problems such as when we tie structures.

Station 2:

The Scouts and Guides will be given 1 minute to pair themselves up. We will assign them at different stations  around Level 3 Block G and Block F. Each pair will have to tie themselves to each other at hand and leg, and will be given an egg. Meanwhile, the logistics they have listed out will be scattered and strewn all over the floor. 

Relay Game 
A pair will be chosen to start. They will be given an egg tray and have to make their way to the first station. On the way there, they will have to pick up all the logistics strewn on the floor whilst carrying the egg tray. Optimally, they do not drop anything .Upon arrival at the first station, the pair will tie their hands and legs  to the pair at the station. The egg that the pair have will be put in the egg tray and the four of them will  proceed towards the next pair at the next station while retrieving the logistics on the floor and carrying the egg tray. They have to repeat the process until they have passed the last station and made their way to the finish line. By the time they reach the finish line, all members of the two patrols would have been tied together and all the logistics have been retrieved. Optimally, none of the eggs will be broken however in the event of any eggcidents, both patrols have to do two rounds of chicken dance for every egg broken.

Thoughts from a Year 3…

At Station 2, we had a really fun time. At first, we had been tasked to memorise as many logistics as possible in the classroom. It was rather hard as there were many things that we could choose to remember. After that, we paired up and went in search of the 麻绳 to tie our hands together with our partners. We were then instructed that we were supposed to meet up with each pair while following the trail. It was very interesting and funny to watch the previous pairs lugging around all the logistics that we had memorised and listed to the station master before they reached where my pair had been waiting. At that time, one of us had a brainwave and decided to pile all the other logistics that collected into the canvas sheet that had been in the area my pair had been waiting. After the whole 'ordeal', all of us had been laughing rather helplessly. We truly enjoyed this station.

Station 3: Capture the Flag

  1. Flags must be put near one another, must be at least slightly visible.
  2. One Scout and One Guide must have their wrist tied together(In the case that there is not enough Scouts/Guides to pair, the remaining Scouts/Guides will form trios with another pair).
  3. To capture the flag, the Scout/Guide pair will have to bring it back to their designated “base” and the Scout must recite 3 Guide laws whilst the Guide must recite 3 Scout laws.
How the activity goes:
The Guides and Scouts will be split into 2 equal teams of Scouts and Guides mixed in each team, and then be allowed to strategise for 5 minutes. Each team will be given 3 flags, and they can hide or place them anywhere as long as they are within their designated area(their base). During the planning phase, they will be given 白绳 to tie their wrists together(One scout and One guide pair). After 5 minutes, the official game begins. The team that captures all 3 flags / the team that captures the most flags at the end of 20 minutes wins the game.

Thoughts from a Year 3…

For Station 3, what we did was to play Capture the Flag, but with a twist! Basically, there would be two groups at any point in time and the two groups would be given 3 flags each. Each scout's wrist would be ties to one of two guides' wrist. Each group had to hide their own flags within their own territory and try to find the other's team flags. Once we were able to successfully capture any flag back into our territory, the scout would have to recite 3 Guide Laws and the guide would have to recite 3 Scout Laws. I found this station very fun and interesting as  we got to know our scout counterparts better. Also, as quite a competitive person, I found this game very fun as it has a really cool concept and encouraged competition between the two groups. Being determined to win motivated us to participate more actively and therefore made the game super enjoyable :) I look forward to more 集合s where we can have a more relaxed time just getting to know one another, be it from our own CCA or scouts. I would like to thank those who planned these activities and stations they were really very fun and enjoyable :) 

Station 4:

Instructions of Game: 
Many spars are strewn all over the floor, and within a certain time limit, patrols are supposed to try and gather as many spars as possible. During this activity, some patrol members will be blindfolded, while others are not allowed to speak so as to increase the challenge. After gathering the spars, patrols are supposed to lay out their spars in any manner they want to create a maze which the opposing patrol would walk through afterwards. The maze should be built as complex as possible in order to confuse the other patrol. The patrol who finishes the maze first wins the game.

Thoughts from a Year 3…

For station 4, we had to work with the scouts to create a maze for the opposing team to navigate through. It was something that we had never done but nonetheless, it was a great first experience.  Some members of our group were blindfolded while others were not allowed to speak. I felt that it was a great learning opportunity for many of us to speak up and lead by giving the rest instructions on what logistics to take especially since our patrol leader was the one that was unable to talk. Having patrol mates that were blindfolded added to the challenge but I felt that it really taught us to take care of our group mates so that they would not be left alone. Walking through the maze blindfolded was also not easy especially since we were all trying to navigate our way to the end faster than the other group but it definitely taught me to trust my patrol mates and have greater confidence in them. Working with the scouts throughout this activity was something new but it was a great opportunity for all of us to bond and learn to work together as one all while learning more about each others CCA. All in all, even though we did not win, I enjoyed this station as we forged many new memories together.

Station 5:

Station masters to mix the Scout and Guide patrol into 2 patrols, and allocate each patrol as the human patrol and zombie patrol. The human patrol has to escape to a nearby cliff to escape the zombies. However, one of the patrol member was bitten on the leg by one of the zombies, and was unable to walk any further. The human patrol will have to build a carriage to carry their injured friend to the cliff, where they will then jump off and escape the zombies. (The suggested solution will be that the patrol should not elevate the injured patrol member’s legs as it will allow the virus to flow to his brain more quickly, which will cause him to turn into a zombie.) However, the zombies themselves do not escape uninjured. In midst of the conflict with the human patrol, a zombie was slashed on the leg by a human. The zombies, being the social creatures they are, decide to bring him along in their pursuit of the humans. Seeing that the humans have decided to build a carriage, they learn from them and decide to build the same carriage to transport their injured comrade. Should patrols not be able to come up with a design for the carriage, they have the option to solve a riddle, which upon solving will grant them the blueprints to construct a tested carriage that will be able to take them all safely to the cliff. While a few of the patrol members are busy constructing the carriage, the zombies launch in all out attack on the humans, especially the injured ones. They play a game of “hit the king” in an attempt to get their hands on the humans. The game lasts until one patrol has completed the construction of the carriage. If the humans win, they carry their injured comrade to the cliff, constructing something to climb up the cliff before jumping down to safety. The zombies then have lost and continue to tie their carriage and get to the cliff, before making a valiant effort to capture the humans and jumping into the abyss below. If the zombies win, the injured member is immediately captured, the remaining complete their carriage and flee to the cliff, only to be slowly bitten and infected as they jump off the cliff, turning into zombies as they hit the deep waters below.

Hit the “King”
How to play: The two patrols will have to assign one patrol member to be the “king”, and they would have to protect him/her. However, once the “king” is eliminated, the patrol will lose immediately. The playing area will be segregated into various sections, with the deepest section limited to the king to be situated at. There will be 5 other playing areas, each of a different distance from the king’s area. A player is considered to have been eliminated when they are hit by the ball. When 2 opponents are eliminated, the patrol members are able to advance one playing area closer towards the opponent’s king’s area. Eliminated members are to perform forfeits before being able to return to build the carriage or the game.

Human patrol: Hit the “King”
  • Zombie walk up and down basketball court twice
  • Proceed to construct carriage until new turn available to return to the game
Zombie patrol:
  • Do the zombie dance
  • Proceed to construct carriage until new turn available to return to the game

Welcome to station 5, my undead friends. Your mission today will be to hunt down an injured human from the other patrol that one of you have so brutally wounded. Unfortunately for you guys, one of you was injured in an encounter with a human being and are no longer able to walk on your own. You guys notice that the humans have begun to construct a carriage to carry their injured comrade, and thus you decide to build a carriage as well to carry your injured friend a continue your pursuit of the humans.

Welcome to station 5, friends. The zombies are out hunting for you guys today and all of you must try to escape from them. Unfortunately for you guys, one of you was bitten on the leg by a zombie, and it is only a matter of time before he turns into one. Unless, you take him to the cliff to get the antidote of course. You’re in luck however, because the cliff also happens to be your safe haven from the zombies. All you have to do, is build a carriage to transport your injured member to the cliff.

(AT AREA OUTSIDE HOSTEL) You will have 2 minutes to brainstorm for the design of the structure you want to build in order to transport your injured patrol member safely. However, if you are unable to come up with a design, you can obtain a blueprint of a tested structure from us after you solve a riddle. While 3 people from each patrol will have to build the carriage, the rest of the patrol will play a game of Hit the “King”. Each patrol will have to assign one patrol member to be the “king”, and the patrol would have to protect him/her. However, once the “king” is eliminated, the patrol will immediately lose. You will be considered to be eliminated when you are hit by the ball. When 2 opponents are eliminated, you all will be able to advance one playing area closer towards the opponent’s king’s area. Eliminated members are to perform forfeits before being able to return to build the carriage or the game. The team that finishes their carriage and manage to eliminate the opponent’s king first will be able to proceed to the cliff first, while the other team will need to carry out a forfeit before proceeding to the cliff.
(AT FITNESS CORNER) You all will now need to build some steps to ascend the cliff.

  • A Nazi German bomber plane was flying over Germany to bomb London during World War II. With a loud battle cry the pilot of the plane opened the bomb compartment on the plane. However, the bomb never did leave the plane, yet the pilot was not surprised at all. Why is this so? The plane was flying upside down.
  • Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son. Who is the man? The man is my son.
  • What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you'll die? Nothing
  • What has a head, a tail, but no body? A coin
  • What is harder to catch the faster you run? Your breath
  • If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you don’t have me. What am I? A secret
  • What is at the end of a rainbow? The letter “W”
  • Where do fish keep their money? Riverbank
  • What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? The letter “m”
  • What disappears the moment you say its name? SilenceWhat type of house weighs the least? A lighthouse

Thoughts from a Year 3…

We felt that station 5 is the most fun station as we get to play dodge ball, tie a structure, and jump off the “cliff”. It is very interesting as it also tested on our skill to think on the spot to tie a carrier for the injured person which is similar to Orientation Journey (OJ). The structure for the cliff is also very cool as we have never seen it before. It was very interesting especially with the innovative story line of like zombies and humans. The activity initiated bonding between scouts and guides as we had to work together in our groups to build the structure within 10 minutes. It was also very cool to jump into the water filled canvas sheet. Overall, I really enjoyed this station as it incorporated many new and fun elements as well as basic skills into one.

Station 6: Ball Transfer

How to play: 
1. The patrols will be split into two teams with an equal mix of Scouts and Guides. They will be given 5 minutes to strategize before the game begins. Two person will be selected as PL and APL and only they can talk. New PL/APL will be selected for each obstacle. (*note: choose the quieter ones)
2. Ball pit. From a single pit, the two teams will be given 1 minute to pick tennis balls from the pit. Each ball carries 10 points and different instructions, which will have to be followed by the team. However, the members have to stand half a metre away from the edge of the ball pit (the groundsheet). They are however able to use the provided logistics to aid them in taking the balls. [See Ball Pit drawing]
3. Ball slide. With the balls the team collected, each team would have to transfer it on a slide that has holes (garbage bag with holes). They have to successfully roll the ball from the top of the slide to the bottom. They are to stand on either side behind the masking tape line and on designated points (which will be marked by an ‘X’), with the slide in between them. Each member is only allowed to hold onto a portion of the slide (which will be marked) and cannot move away from their standing point. Each ball is only allowed to drop through the hole and onto the ground twice (unless otherwise stated on the instruction that comes with the balls). If the ball drops onto the ground, the team would have to place the ball at the top of the slide and start over again. If the ball drops onto the ground more than the times than stated on it, the ball would be confiscated. [See Ball Slide drawing]
4. Minefield. Next, the remaining balls will have to travel through a minefield (which would be marked with a grid). The team is not allowed onto the grid, and only two member can stand at the ends of each row or column, with one at each end. Using bucket with 4 麻绳(one pair as Y-axis and one pair as X-axis), the team is required to move the bucket containing a ball through a pre-designated route. The members are not allowed to walk to move the bucket, but instead have to pass the 麻绳 to adjacent team members. If the bucket touches the ground or drops, the whole process has to repeated from the starting point of the route. [See Minefield drawing] 
5. The team with the most points (aka tennis balls) at the end wins.  

Ball Pit

Ball Slide


Thoughts from a Year 3…
This station aimed to test our communication and teamwork. My team took as many balls as we could using the gadget poles, while the rest distracted the other team. I felt that this was a good strategy to enable our team to get more balls. Next, we had to roll all the balls that we had collected down a garbage bag with holes, which would be held up in position by our team members. We had to minimise the number of balls that fell through the holes. After a few tries, we decided to let the people who were successful in rolling a ball down, to continue. This would prevent the additional wastage of time. Then, we had to tie our hands together with another person, and complete the passing of the bucket of balls. I felt that this was a challenge as the hands of both parties would have to be in sync, or it could cause discomfort and restriction of movement. When the bucket was being passed, all of us were alert and ready to step forward should anything happen. There was once when the bucket was on the verge of slipping from our fingertips. However, a team member with longer arms stepped out to help the bucket regain its balance. I felt that this was a good point being demonstrated, as our members took the initiative to help others. In the end, our team won as we had completed the passing quickly and successfully.

And that’s all! It was truly a fun and memorable combined 集合, and we definitely hope to be able to see more of such activities! :-)

Published by:
Chen Wei
48th Batch Secretary

3 April 2017

Skills Training, 31st March

Hey Guides! :-) On Friday, we had Skills Training for the Year 3s, while the Year 1s and Year 2s went for their Total Defence Training Course. This will be a rather short blog post!

Here’s how it goes:

Year 3s will be given 1 hour to build a structure revolving around the theme “mystery”. They will first be given 10 mins to discuss and sketch out their structure on a piece of paper, and are not allowed to take more logistics than specified. They are to plan the flow of the steps they need to have to build the structure. This to allow the IC to efficiently allocate manpower without missing out any specific details that are needed to be taken. Year 4s are to evaluate the problems potentially face and hint to them before they carry on with the activity. Be sure to assign the IC, constantly reminding them of the involvement of all Year 3s (suggestions from the batchmates). Throughout the activity, crises will be presented. 

- Not being able to walk (forces other Y3s to step out and look at the bigger picture)
- Blind (closing eyes)
- Not allowed to speak
- Bear attack (where they are to adapt and face the situation at hand)

Reflection from a Year 3:

We were told to collect 10 白木, 10 青木, 7 红木, 5 黄木 and sufficient 麻绳. Then, we were briefed on what to do. We had to build a structure, which had to be relevant to the theme of Mystery, in 1 hour. We would be given 10 minutes to discuss and draw the structure. However, we had to make use of the that we had collected beforehand, and we were not allowed to take any more . I felt that during the discussion process, we were relatively efficient as many of us were eager to contribute ideas that would help the building of the structure.

Not long after, we then decided to build a bridge with a tripod on each end. However, the bridge was designed to be broken and uneven in the middle, to signify that our journey ahead to the unknown was a mystery and we would discover many challenges and obstacles ahead.

Halfway through the activity, the Year 4s reduced our time of 1 hour to 20 minutes, as we had a lot of manpower and our structure was relatively simple to build. They also appointed 2 of our batchmates as Patrol Leader and Patrol Second. We then split the manpower with 7 people working on the tripods, while the rest worked on building the uneven bridge. 

However, the lightning alert sounded after 7 minutes, so we had to move all our logistics to the MRL and continue our activity there. I felt that the rain and the sudden change in duration had dampened our spirits, thus we began working at a slower pace. Even though we cheered, it was not sufficient as the rain drowned out our voices and we did not cheer in sync, which caused our batch morale to decrease. We also failed to communicate effectively. Some people were "injured" and thus were unable to move. However, the others who were not injured did not know about this due to the lack of communication among the injured and non-injured. This resulted in the inability to assign appropriate roles to people who were free and thus time was wasted. Moreover, many of our lashes were loose and we had to 重抽 most of them, which resulted in our Patrol Leader having to ask for multiple time extensions and getting punished, even though it could have been avoided if we had put in more effort to tie the lashes correctly the first time and worked at a faster pace. Worst of all, we had failed to take care of our logistics and manpower, which caused 50 individual logistics and manpower being kupped. As a result, we had to do a forfeit of 2 jumping jacks for every item kupped.

In the end, the bridge turned out to be unstable as we had only used a 黄木 to suspend the bridge, and none of us possessed enough foresight to make additional changes to improve the stability of our structure. At the end of the day, we sat down and reflected on this activity, such as our areas for improvement and positive aspects of our attitude. I think all of us would agree that this 集合 had truly been an invaluable learning experience.

Published by:
Chen Wei
48th Batch Secretary