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14 March 2018

Skills Training, 9th March

Hi Guides!

For this 集合, only the Year 3s and 4s were present as the Year 1s and 2s went to attend the Total Defence Bronze and Silver Badge Programmes, respectively. This 集合 aimed to train the Year 3s’ sense of urgency to make sure that they hit the standard time for standard structures, promote teamwork among batchmates, as well as test their adaptability, creative thinking and Guides skills.

The Year 3s were divided into 3 groups. Each group had to build 1 Kitchen Shelter (KS). They were given a maximum of 3 tries. This was to ensure that the they hit the standard time for the construction of the KS (40 minutes) before they go for Patrol Leaders’ Training Camp (PLTC), or at least achieve a timing near to that of 40 minutes.

Reflections from two Year 3s:
For 集合, we had the chance to build our KS three times. We were given 1 hour the first time and the time would be cut down to 50 minutes and 45 minutes the second and third time respectively. When we finally retrieved our canvas sheet, we were 5 minutes behind everyone so we had to work really quickly. However, everyone was working rather slowly and we took 10 minutes just to tie the lashes, as they were too loose. Hence, we had to do a forfeit in the form of Physical Training (PT) activities. After that, when we got the KS up, we worked at a much faster pace. However, we were only left with a little more to complete when the 1 hour was up. Because most of the groups did not finish in time, we had to build the KS again. The second time, everything went much more smoothly as we were more familiar with the steps and we learnt from our previous mistakes when we built the previous KS. However, one problem was that we did not take good care of our logistics and we had to keep asking for them back from the seniors, who had taken them away. Nonetheless, all of the patrols managed to finish their KS in 50 minutes the second time. Everyone was very happy and proud that we finished in time. Overall, I really think that this activity helped me to build my KS more quickly and efficiently.

Friday’s 集合 was pretty manageable for my group and I was glad that we were all able to work well with one another even though most of us came from different patrols. The 集合 also gave us an opportunity to improve ourselves so that we were able to meet the standard timing of building a KS before PLTC. Instead of simply building a KS, Friday’s 集合 taught us the importance of time management and gave us a better sense of urgency. For our first try, our group was doing quite well until our 麻绳 broke when we were 抽-ing. As a result, this led to us exceeding the timing we were given, which was a pity. Hence, for our second try, our group tried to work faster and refrained from using the thinner 麻绳 so that we would not encounter the same problem again. Although we still could not meet the standard timing of 40 minutes, I still felt a sense of satisfaction for managing to build our KS more quickly than our first try. This made me realise that we are all capable of doing better as long as we push ourselves further and learn from the mistakes we previously made. Additionally, since there was no Patrol Leader (PL) or Patrol Second (PS) allocated, it allowed all of us to be free to step up and look at the bigger picture. Hence, Friday’s 集合 was relatively different from the usual 集合s we normally have as instead of being reliant on the PS and PL for instructions, it gave all of us a chance to take more initiative.

After which, the Year 3s proceeded on to Creative Gadgeting. They were asked to describe their batch in 2 words, which would be the theme for creative gadgeting. They were given 30 minutes to discuss and build 2 structures that related to the theme they chose.

Reflection from a Year 3:
After the building of the Kitchen Shelter, we 集合-ed at the GSL to proceed with the Creative Gadgeting activity. We were first told to come up with two words that we thought represented our batch, before being given 30 minutes to come up with two structures that represented the words we chose and subsequently, build them. While a few people went to 团部 to gather logistics, the rest of us stayed at the GSL to finalise the structures and split the batch for the construction of the structures. Afterwards, one more person went to 团部 to inform them of the logistics needed. The batch was then split into two groups, with two patrols working on ‘caring’ and the other four patrols working on ‘bonded’. For the latter, while the tripod needed for the structure was being tied, the other Guides gathered the specific gadget poles for the structure and prepared to raft them onto the tripod or tie the 顶脚. However, due to having four patrols working on the same structure at once, it was difficult to carry instructions across due to the noise. In addition, during the building of the structures, at least two people were told by the seniors, that for one of the structures, there had to be two features present, but it could not be communicated to the rest of the batch and as a result, the instruction was not fulfilled. Furthermore, during the building of the structures, a box of 白绳 was taken by the seniors, which would have been detrimental had we not have two boxes of 白绳, but it still reflected badly on our ability to take good care of our belongings. After our structures were checked, it was found that many lashes on the structures were loose, to the point where the feature for the ‘caring’ structure had already fallen apart, the rafting was not secure and one of the tripods had an incomplete lash. At the very end of the activity, after we had returned the logistics to 团部, we had to perform a forfeit of jumping jacks for all the logistics that were taken during the building of the structures. Overall, although there was ample 报时 during the entire process, we still need to improve on our communication with each other, as it is very important, especially in large groups, to relay messages or instructions which will affect the building of our structures. In addition, we have to learn to take good care of our belongings as every one of them is essential, even if it is not needed at the moment. However, the most important part is the tightness of our lashes, as if they are too loose the whole structure could collapse and we would have to rebuild the entire structure from scratch. The collapse of the structure is especially dangerous when using spars, which are heavy and could injure those near the structure. Hence, we have to take care when tying future structures to ensure that they do not collapse and cause injury, as well as look after our logistics at all times and practise our general communications skills with each other.

Hope that the Year 3s have truly learnt something from this 集合 :)

Published By:
49th Batch Secretary

9 March 2018

Patrol Activity, 5th March

Hi Guides!

We had PA on Monday and here are some reflections from the Year 3s!

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 1:
For PA, our patrol decided on what our patrol animal would be and we were expected to build it as a creative gadget. The Year 1s were given opportunities to tie the lashes and we also managed to give them some comments on their performance. I felt that our animal was a success as our seniors managed to tell what it was supposed to be, despite them not knowing the identity of the animal beforehand. The 4 of us Year 3s also had a mini inspection to train our speed and communication, which we managed to complete within the time limit, and I felt that doing inspection with at least 2 other patrols would make it much more challenging, as there would be more people to communicate with. We were also tested on our knowledge on the Guides code, which I felt could be improved on. We also had our World Thinking Day gift exchange during PA and I felt that after this PA, I was finally able to get to know the Year 1s better, as the Year 3s were always separated from the Year 1s and 2s for the past few 集合s.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 2:
For PA, the Year 3s were separated from the Year 1s and 2s. The Year 3s then had to come up with a creative gadget and draw out a brief sketch of the gadget. We also had to include a timeline, for which we had to allocate the procedure we would follow and the manpower needed to build the gadget. Meanwhile, the Year 2s taught the Year 1s to tie the basic lashes and after 20 minutes, we 集合-ed back. The Year 3s had to use the gadget poles, which the Year 1s and 2s had taken from 团部, and build the creative gadget. The Year 3s were not allowed to tie anything onto the structure and only the Year 1s and Year 2s were allowed to do so. All in all, I felt this PA was a good test of the Year 1 and 2s’ hard skills and also provided the Year 3s with an opportunity to lead. Although it was rather stressful and many of the lashes came undone as the Year 1s were still unfamiliar with the lashes, it was a good estimate of how good their hard skills were. This PA was really meaningful and I hope that future PAs will also provide opportunities like this.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 3:
For Patrol Activity today, the Year 3s were separated from the Year 1s and 2s. We did inspection approximately four times. I think we did relatively well as we managed to lay out the logistics within the time limit and we had a sense of urgency. However, I feel that there was still room for improvement as for the first few times, our layout was messy and we always 过时-ed for the packing up of our 配备. After inspection, we were supposed to build a creative gadget to represent our journey in Guides from Year 1 to Year 3 thus far. We decided to build a cube again, as our patrol likes to build cubes. We designed a tunnel to represent our journey from Year 1 to Year 3, and it had a roof on top and two doors. Although we did not complete it in time, we were only left with the netting of the roof. I was quite proud of our creative gadget as our cube was very stable and the seniors said that most of our lashes were pretty tight. Overall, I think PA was quite fulfilling today as I learnt new things and we managed to build a stable structure.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 4:
During the Patrol Activity on the 5th of March, the patrol first collected the necessary logistics before splitting into two groups, with the Year 1s and 2s in one group and the Year 3s in the other. The former had the Year 2s teach the Year 1s the various lashes commonly used to build structures, while the latter had the Year 3s repeatedly lay out the contents of the 配备 with gadget poles, each time with the conditions that one person could not touch the logistics and another person could not talk. The time limit to complete the layout was reduced each time and during the last two layouts, we had to flip the layout we used during the previous layouts. Fortunately, we managed to lay out all the logistics in time for each round, although during one round we were not paying enough attention and our 白绳 was taken away. However, the same fortune with the time could not be said for the packing of logistics as we often went over the time limit while packing the various logistics into the 配备. I feel that even if we managed to lay out all the logistics in time, we should still have done our best to avoid 过时-ing from the start as this was not just a measure of our speed, but also our sense of urgency and ability to manage our time wisely. Such a situation could have been avoided if we had 报时-ed more so as to keep track of time and estimate how long it would take to pack the remaining logistics and to know when to ask for time extensions. After the two groups had finished their activities, both groups combined together for the last activity, which was building a creative structure. This time, the patrol split into two groups again to build separate parts of the structure, with all three batches split among the groups. During the building of the structure, we were to give the Year 1s more chances to tie the lashes so as to allow them to familiarise with the task. After building the separate parts of the structure, we were combined together to finish the whole creative structure, which was a swing. Afterwards, we had to check each of the lashes for tightness and 重抽 them if they were too loose. While we managed to finish the structure in time, a few undesirable factors during the building of it was that too many of the lashes were loose, there was no constant 报时 and there was also no constant cheering. All of these could have been detrimental to our task, as the first might result in the structure’s collapse, the second could have caused us to 过时 and the third would not raise our morale but instead cause it to remain stagnant or deteriorate. As such, I think that it is important for the patrol to learn to tie lashes much more tightly and increase the frequency at which we 报时-ed and cheered.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 5:
For Patrol Activity, the Year 1s were split from the Year 2s and 3s. We had to build a dome tent, flag pole, 2 emergency shelters and a shoe rack in 45 minutes. One person had to come out every 4 minutes to answer a question. We split our manpower and some people went to set up the dome tent whilst some people built the emergency shelters. We were working at a slow pace so our time was reduced to 30 minutes, halfway through. This made us more anxious so we started building more quickly. After building the emergency shelters, we realised that we did not have enough gadget poles to tie the shoe rack that we had in mind, so we had to change our shoe rack design. In the end, we had to build our shoe rack in a rush, with given time extensions. After the building of the structures, we had inspection.There were 7 of us and we were split into 3 groups. Each group had to lay out one 配备 in 2 minutes and standardise the layout among all the groups. We managed to complete it within the given time frame but the layout was not very neat. In addition, we were very slow in packing the items into the 配备 and we did not ask for any time extensions, so that was something to take note of for future 集合s. After this, we played games such as Duck Duck Goose, with the Year 1s to enable us to be more familiar with one another. We ended PA off with the exchange of presents for World Thinking Day.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 6:
Patrol Activity on Monday was quite different as we had an inspection with only two people. Even though laying out the items seemed to be much easier than normal, we still failed to take note of certain details. The making of such mistakes was very disappointing, especially for the fact that we did not lay out our 麻绳 properly. This is because the point of having an inspection is to check the number of logistics we have in our 配备 and if we do not lay out our 麻绳 properly, we would not know how many 麻绳s we would be left with. As we had some time left, we could also have neatened our groundsheet and ensured that all our labels were facing upwards. These details may seem very unimportant but without taking note of these details, our layout would look very messy and unorganised. Additionally, it was also rather upsetting as my group did not communicate well with the other group. As a result, this led to certain confusion and the other group started working much slower. Hence, I hope that by Patrol Leaders’ Training Camp (PLTC), we can improve and be much better and not disappoint our seniors any further. In addition, it was our very first PA with the Year 1s and to be honest, most of us did not really know what to expect. To my joy, our first PA with the Year 1s was quite enjoyable and all of them were very cute and bubbly as well! I also felt rather glad to see them trying to do their best while tying their lashes and cheering together :-)

This marked our last PA for the term and hope that everyone enjoyed it!

Published By:
49th Batch Secretary