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24 August 2007

OJ photos(:


The year2 scouts and guides had combined OJ today and all our efforts really paid off after a week of preparation.

We were divided into five patrols, P1: Leo Club, P2: Meso, P3: ProNoob, P4: Alternate Tab and P5: Mushroom. This is the first activity that sec2s have to lead ourselves which trains up our leadership and skills.

Course leaders were assigned to all patrols. They led us through the preparation for OJ, like packing peibei, first-aid kit, trainings and identity making and lots more other stuff. All of us are thankful for your help! (:

It was a really good experience for us to get closer with the scouts, to know each other more. We benefitted alot of skills, knowledge and stuff from them, and they will become useful to us to our future life in guides. We learnt about our weaknesses, like the lack of urgency and not taking care of things properly. Of course, we will do our best to improve on it.

Also, this is the first OJ where we take up the position of PL and PS, the leadership roles. It was a very good training for us, to get us have an experience of how ATC will be like leading the sec1s.

Although the preparation this whole week was tough, meeting up til late everyday, but at the end of the whole event, I feel that everything was worth it. In fact, there even was a tinge of regret that it is all over. The times we had together as a patrol, the jokes and laughters that we shared, even at emo times, I will definitely miss them.

Lastly, we will like to say a big THANK YOU to all the sec3s, for making this whole OJ a fruitul and worthwhile one! thanks for taking the time out to prepare OJ for us. (:

Good luck for tomorrow's Mountbatten Observance Ceremony!:D

20 August 2007

We will be having a Year 2 Combined Scouts and Guides OJ this Friday, 24th August 2007.

Year 2s, work hard this week and make sure all identities, peibeis etc. are ready before OJ, but don't 累坏自己okay? And please take good care of your equipment!!

Lastly, all the best to our Year 2 guides and scouts(: 加油加油!

17 August 2007

Today's ji-he was a rather simple one as the Year 3s had to go off for a rehearsal for the Mountbatten National Day Observance ceremony.

Mrs Chin and the other guiders explained the Guides COE (Code of excellence) to us in detail. The Guides COE is a set of laws that ALL Dunman High Guides should abide by. As we would want to develop enthusiastic leaders of integrity, the guiders and the sec3s came up with the Guides COE. One consequence for the violation of COE includes doing 10 push-ups per 5 minutes you are late for ji-he. We hope that all guides will take the COE seriously.

After the Year3s left, the Year 1s and 2s proceeded for coursework. The Year2s then lead the Year 1s for the cleaning-up of tuanbu and xiaoduixiang.

It will be a day of rest for the Year1s next Friday as the Year 2s will be having their Combined OJ with the scouts! Jiayou and all the best, Year2s(:

Have a great week ahead everyone!
Here are some pictures for the Guides Carnival at Orchard *scape park, Enrolment and passing down & Open House 2007!

8 August 2007

cookie sale

The annual guides cookie sale is now on!
Chocolate and Chocolate Mint at $10
White chocolate Macademia at $12

Buy a tin (or many many tins) from any guide NOW(:

3 August 2007

Today was the first formal jihe after passing down without the sec4s, the first time the year3s lead.
The main activities were rollcall, coursework & patrol corner.

Roll Call

For roll call, some were not he ge. A standard list of the expectations have been given to your PLs. Please make the effort to find out(:

For coursework, the sec3s had a talk with miss tang about the NYAA bronze award and was also briefed on what we had to do for the heritage badge. The sec2s had their total defence badge test while the sec1s had a coursework ontotal defence.

Patrol Activity (PA)

As for patrol activity, we had inter-patrol activities, planned by the PLs. The main objective was to bond, to have fun and have a good workout. There were activities like mini icebreakers to get the new patrols together, Obstacle Course training, mini OJ, etc.

There will be no activity next week as it is the National Day Holiday. Rest well and be prepared for the busy weeks ahead as EOYs approaches! And all the best who are involved in the parade on National Day Celebrations (: