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26 July 2010

Hi guides (:
The posts for friday's jihe are up:

a post by a y1:

Last Friday’s jihe was the first official jihe that we had with our new patrols. I felt both happy and sad. I was happy to know more guides but sad that I would be separated from my previous patrol mates.

After the year ones jihe and had our warm up, we went to jihe with the seniors. Then, we broke off for patrol corner. Patrol corner was a little quiet and awkward, as we did not know each other, but it was a good chance for us to start getting to know each other.

We jihe again and broke off for pt-cum-games. The activities were very fun and not that tiring. I like the blow-wind-blow and hula-hoop stations, as there was much laughter at these stations (: Yet, the morale was quite low throughout the activities, as there was little cheering. I have learnt that cheering is thus important in boosting our spirits.

After the pt-cum-games, the CL, ACLs and PLs, gave comments on the day’s activities. Then, we broke off for patrol corner again and reflected on the day’s activities too. We were also choosing what proficiency badge we want to achieve.


a post by a y2:

During the last jihe, it was the first time we jihe-ed with our new patrol. Many of us were excited and eager to know our new patrol-mates. We had attire check after that. Most of our attires were not very standard, and many of us got pumped for it. We were reminded to have standard attire for the jihes, and also to 动作快一点. Next, we had patrol corner. We introduced ourselves to each other and we got to know our patrol more. After that, the year1s joined us, and we had another patrol corner. I felt that this was really a good time to know more about each other.

After patrol corner, we had PT-cum-Fun games. We went to 4 different stations throughout the activity. My first station was outside the Music Atrium, and we were given 12 minutes to pick the 木 for a kitchen dresser while the others ding-ed boys style pumping position. Here, we had to be faster, or the other patrol-mates would have to ding for a longer period of time.

Our next station was at the 6th level of Block G, where we took pictures. Firstly, we had to think of 8 poses to do, then after that, do a position that shows what we like about Guides. Lastly, we did a PT position that we like. My patrol chose to do star-jumps, and we did 20 star-jumps while pictures were taken. I felt that this station was really fun and creative.

The next station my patrol went to was at the pltc’09 campsite, where we played ‘Blow Wind Blow’ while doing Leg Raise. Although it was rather tiring at some point in time, we tried to persevere on and eventually it was over. I felt that this was a unique way of doing PT while having games. The last station was at the open space at the 5th floor of the yr3 / 4 block. There, we did circuits, consisting of 20 pumpings, 20 burpees, 20 jumping jacks, 20 sit-ups and 10 star-jumps as 1 circuit. This was a good chance for us to train our stamina.

After that, we proceeded back to the General Science Lab for de-briefing. We were reminded to cheer more to build patrol spirit to encourage others, to run even when we are given a water break instead of walking. This jihe was very meaningful to us as it was our first jihe with our new patrol and yr 3s leading us, and it was a good time to know our new patrol mates better, through having a fun PT.

21 July 2010

Hello guides! here are some pictures taken from pdp!

The beloved 41st batch:)
Patrol 1 Dove
Patrol 2 Orchid
Thank you year4s for the sweets! :D

Patrol 3 Sparrow

Patrol 4 Jasmine

Patrol 5 Kingfisher

Patrol 6 Ixora

Patrol 7 Oriole
Patrol 8 Sunflower

19 July 2010

Here's a post by a year3 on friday's pdp:)

Last friday was our annual Enrollment Ceremony for the Year1s cum Passing Down Parade.

We started off with the horseshoe formation, and the PL of each patrol marched out with her new Year1s out to be enrolled. The Guiders then helped the new Year1s pin on their enrollment badge, officially welcoming the Year1s into our company.Immediately after the Enrollment Ceremony was the Passing Down Parade.

Still in horseshoe formation, the year3s received their new roles from the year4s:) Cassandra our new CL then called for us to 集合, and we had to gather in our new patrols. I felt a rush of adrenaline, but it felt weird when the Year4s were beside us and not among us.

We were then given time to rehearse our performances. After that, we proceeded to the Student Lounge for the performances by each batch.
The Year1s did various k-pop dances, like Gee and Oh!.
The Year2s danced to 撑腰, and then broke of into each individual Coy for another special performance coordinated within each coy.
The Year3s did a skit on how a 团 should really be like, working together to achieve greatness. The lights were then turned off and they sang By the Blazing Council Firelight, holding candles, and dedicated a sweet message to the Year4s.
The Year4s did an upbeat performance, lifting our spirits, by dancing to some happier songs. They incorporated the dance moves from Gee into the song NuABO, which was really interesting. They also danced to Hot and Cold, which was really funny. They danced to Ring Ding Dong as well, and then while giving out customised STICKY candy jars to the juniors, they sang the song 当你孤单你会想起谁.The Guiders then presented the Year4s with a token of appreciation, for all the hard work they have put in for the better of our company.
On this day, we'll always like to extent our heartfelt gratitude to the guiders who've always been there :)
Also, thank you Joylynn and Yiksheng our wonderful pdp ICs for making PDP10 a success!

After the performances was dinner, also our last chance to be together as one patrol. We had food made and brought in by the Year3s of each patrol, which was quite fun, as we got to taste the hard work of all our batchmates.It also felt more homey as the food was handmade. We took the time to exchange our gifts and take more pictures with the seniors for one last time, and I really treasured the time we had during dinner. It was the last chance for us to interact so closely during activity, before breaking off into our new patrols.

To the Year4s who have been looking out for us and taking care of us, my gratitude cannot be expressed fully in words, and I think I'll speak for the whole company when I say I love you. Thank you for everything.To the Year3s who have newly taken over, all the best. We'll do it together, to bring Dunman High Company to greater heights. (:

Love dhscoy:)


Hey guides!:) here's a post dedicated to the year4s by the year3s:)

Passing down and enrollment ceremony is the last jihe that our year4s are going to have with us and I guess we'll miss you sums up everything that we've got to say.

Being your first batch of juniors, we've been under your care and leadership longer than any of our juniors, passing down is our chance to express gratitude for everything you've done for us and our company but how can we ever thank you enough?

You guys are the ones who've shown us what guides is for the first time, the ones who've always been there to support and push us on whenever we feel like giving up, the ones who've been role models to us in so so many ways.

We are proud of you, year4s

We've taken the batten from you to lead the company and we promise to do the best we can to bring dhscoy to the next level and make you proud.

Jiayou dhscoy! We can do it:)

16 July 2010 was the last day of Guiding for the Year 4s of 2010. Passing Down and Enrollment ceremony were carried out continuously in the hall. The Year 1s are officially enrolled into the Dunman High Girl Guide Family, and the Year 3s have officially taken over as the new 领导层. This year marks a significant change in the Girl Guides Company. The original 8 patrols have officially split to 10 patrols, with addition of 2 new patrols P1 Bougainvillea and P10 Swallow. With the increase intake of Girl Guides each year, such changes became inevitable. Changes can be for the better if one is willing to make the best out of it. Jiayou to everyone :)

After the ceremonies, we proceeded to the Student Lounge and began the pdp performances. Most of the performances comprise of the latest K Pop songs such as popular songs from SNSD. This brought the performance to high point where everyone started singing and dancing to the catchy tune :) There were also many sad parts such as the moments when the Year 2s and 3s started giving thanks to the Year 4s for their effort and everything, which brought tears to many. Later the Year 4s of each patrol came up to share their feelings and thoughts about the patrol. Which ended the whole performance :)

Later was patrol corner where we have food that each patrol prepared and we exchanged presents with one another.

Overall the passing down jihe was a success thanks to all the Year 3s esp the ICs Yik Sheng and Joylynn for their planning :) Thanks to all the Year 1s and 2s who make the effort to practice for their performances and make really awesome presents for the Year 4s too :D Last but not least thanks to the Guiders who are there to provide the support and guidance needed :)

To the Year 1s:
Although you just joined Guides for less than 1 year, it was great to have you around! You may be the youngest but this does not mean you can slack k! :) Put in more effort and pick up the skills from your seniors! :) Continue to jiayou in Guides ok, there is still a really long way for you to go, so continue to persevere and go beyond your limits :) Trust me, being in Guides will be the best choice you made in your life, if you are willing to give yourself a chance and put in the effort to persevere and everything :) Jiayou!! :D

To the Year 2s:
As the second oldest of the company now, you will take on more responsibility ! :) Do learn to aid and support your Year 3s as much as you can! Cooperate well with them alright :D Yall are really important to them now since they will be busy with planning the activities. Do try to bond the whole patrol tgt k :D and manage your patrol logistics well! :D After eoys will be your atc! Do give your best and be good role models to your junior alright! :D If you need any help or want to learn more do approach your seniors! :) Jiayou ok! Yall are a really great and bonded batch of Year 2s that the Year 4s really like, so don't let us down kk :DDD

To the Year 3s:
As the new batch of 领导层, the whole company will lie in your hands! Everyone, as in really EVERYONE plays a major role in keeping the whole tuan running well. :) All the juniors will be look up at you as their role model, so do carry yourself really well ok! Being the leadership batch does not mean you can slacken down on your 礼节 alright. Conversely yall will need to do even better to teach your juniors what a senior shld behave. :) It will be harder on yall to manage this big company, but do share your workload alright :) And don't hesitate to approach your Year 4s about anything :) Jiayou alright :D Don't compromise your academics k! Strike a balance in both your studies and CCA :D

We Year 4s are really proud of yall, being able to listen to our instructions and helping us out in every way :) Although there may be times when we scold you, do rmb its really for your own good and welfare. We want you to improve and grow to become a better person :) Do rmb what we taught you alright :D jiayou jiayou jiayou!


18 July 2010


Hey guides! here's a post on friday's pdp by a year1 :)

We had the passing down and enrolment ceremony on Friday, and it was my first time attending the ceremony. :D I felt happy to be finally officially enrolled into guides. :D

After the ceremony, we went to the student lounge to have the passing down performances, and everybody's performance was memorable. The things that the seniors have said during the performance were especially touching.

Then, it was dinner time cum patrol corner , and everybody tucked in to their food, while taking A LOT of pictures. :D

It is the last jihe the yr 4s would be going to have with us, and I really miss them, especially after they have spent so much time with us, teaching us and trying to help us through the long journey in guides. Thanks and we will always remember you, year 4s! (:

love guides:)

pdp10-by year2

Hello guides! Here is a post about friday's pdp by a year 2:)

We had activity on Friday and it was actually the Passing Down and Enrolment Ceremony. I believe all the year ones will be waiting for this day, when they will be officially enrolled into the Dunman High Coy. Congratulations to all the year ones and welcome to our big family of guides!

After the Enrollment and Passing Down Ceremony, we headed to the student lounge. Over there, every one of us took turns to perform, starting from the year ones. All the performances were entertaining and awesome. We could see the effort all of our guides have put into these performances to make PDP a memorable one for our year4s:)

Soon, it was dinner time. The food that was served was extremely scrumptious and all of us ate heartily. There was sufficient time for patrol corner and we managed to play games and talk to one another.

Today is the very last day that the year 4s will be attending jihe, and we are going to miss them very much. The year 4s had spend a lot of time and effort nurturing us, bringing out the best in us. If not for them, we will not be what we are today. All the moments we spend together were extremely precious and we will never forget them. Even if they are not there to carry out guides activities with us anymore, we will always remember you all. However, all of us know that “It’s just goodnight, not goodbye”.


Love guides! :)

12 July 2010

Hello guides! :D

Passing down preparation was the last jihe before passing down. While briefing us about activity of the day, Mrs Poh announced a mass-shuffling of patrols for the entire company. It took awhile to register the words that came down so heavily upon us. Truthfully speaking, the announcement of change first jabbed right at the heart and the shock was followed by a feeling of dread.

All around me, faces fell. But what was added after the announcement really spoke to all of us as we gathered ourselves together for the rest of the activity. We may be comfortable in our patrol but ultimately we function as a company and this company is a big extended family. If the change is for the goodwill of the company, we shall accept it with joy.

More ever, our motto is "Be prepared", smiling at changes is our forte. This change is a really good opportunity to step out of our comfort zone, get to know more people and grow together as a company. Without change, we'll be stagnant so let's embrace this change and see it as an opportunity :) What sweeyee reminded us before we were broken off into patrols to teach the year1s enrollment procedures was really app; 我誓愿把团部的利益放在小队的利益之上,把小队的利益放在个人的利益之上。

I believe that the company will emerge stronger and even closer together after the change:)
We cherished the last few moments of patrol corner by talking to one another, exchanging hugs and encouragements. And then, p2 orchid, p3 sparrow, p4 jasmine and p6 ixora combined for a game of "elope" before jihe and break off for 届pdp item preparation and administrative affairs.

Congratulations to the year3s for the new sliver award badge and year 2s for the new bronze badge :)

Passing down is this friday! :(

Love Guides!

11 July 2010

Hey Guides,

We had activity on Friday, first activity since last term. Firstly, Mrs Poh briefed us on what we were going to do that day. She also told us that there would be a reshuffling of patrols, and the addition of 2 new patrols. This change was quite unexpected, and we all had mixed feelings not knowing what to expect and which patrol we’d be in. After this, we broke off for patrol corner, where we taught the Year 1s how to march for their enrolment is on the following week. There were really a lot of things for them to take note and to correct themselves within the short period of time; such as the commands and the correct position and things. I think my patrol’s Year 1s did quite well, and managed to march quite neatly at the end of the patrol corner. We combined with another patrol and played games which were lots of fun!

After patrol corner, we were given an hour to practice our jie item for passing down next week.

After an hour of rehearsing, we went back to the General Science Lab Area to settle several admin things. Year 2s collected our bronze badge as well as the Crime Prevention patch, good job to all year 2s!

Mrs Poh also told us our new patrols as well as the juniors that were in our patrols. Even though I couldn’t bear to be in a different patrol from my patrolmates, juniors and seniors, I knew that this was for the benefit of everyone as Mrs Poh explained to us, reshuffling and adding new patrols would allow us to know each other better as well as to create more leading opportunities for everyone. Furthermore, I realized that I barely knew any Year 1s from other patrols; this would really be the time where we mixed around and get to know one another better. Thus it may not be a bad thing altogether.

“我誓愿把团部利益放在小队利益之上,把小队利益放在自己利益之上。”We should always put this in mind and no matter which patrol we’re in, we would all be pia-ing hard together to bring DHS coy to greater heights.

Love Guides! <3