Hi Guides!
Orientation Preparation is an annual event where Guides and Scouts split into different Committees according to our skills for showcasing our CCA to the new Year 1s coming in! The sessions for preparation started in late December in 2024 and was held on the second day of School for the Year 1s in 2025 to explore our CCA, on 14th January. This year’s theme was Medieval Fantasy~
Reflection from a Year 2 in P2 on OP’25 Prep Sessions:
I was in drawbridge for Orientation Preparation. During Orientation Preparation 1, we had an ice breaking session where we played a game called splat which really allowed us to know each other better and also understand one another. We also had to familiarise ourselves with the structure by reading the document. After reading the document, I understood each 木’s purpose and why certain lengths of 木 needed to be used. That made the instructions I was given make more sense because I was no longer just blindly following instructions. As many of us did not know what to do and did not 报时frequently, we kept 过时ing. Combined with the lack of sense of urgency, we did not accomplish much on that day. In addition, the drawbridge could not work as the angles were all wrong and it was also far too complicated. We also had to change the mainframes completely as we did not have the proper measurements. However, during Orientation Preparation 3, we all managed to 报时 more, had improved our quality of our lashes and also had a better sense of urgency. We also took the time before the session to familiarise ourselves with the structure more , which definitely helped a lot. Although we had to顶 as during 拆掉 and return of logistics, pioneering comms' frames and spars were not segregated and placed the logistics carelessly, we definitely improved a lot from Orientation Preparation 1 in terms of speed and efficiency. On the fourth and last Orientation Preparation session, we all collaborated well with each other and managed to get the drawbridge up before the session ended! We were all really proud that we were able to complete the structure and show the Year 1s what we made together. Despite all these mistakes we made, we did not give up and managed to complete our structure. Through these sessions I managed to improve in soft skills like leadership and also hard skills like lash tying. Even though I did grow in some areas, I could also learn to take more initiative and ask the ICs for what to do when I do not know what to do. When I am not doing anything, I can also 报时 or cheer to boost the morale. Orientation Preparation was definitely a memorable experience that I would remember for a really long time!
Reflection from a Year 2 in P4 on OP’25 Prep Sessions:
On 3 January, we made our way down to Dunman High to prepare for the upcoming Year 1 CCA Exhibition. Throughout the 4 OP sessions, we practiced how to tie the Kingtower structure. At the start, we were very slow and were behind time, the loose lashes and injuries making the situation worse. Since many of us did not bring our gloves, we sustained many cuts and blisters, which slowed down the lashing process as we had to keep getting plasters. Personally, I felt that the injuries made it harder for me to tie my lashes quickly and keep them tight. We also took a lot of time to move the 木s and arrange them in the correct way. Many of us were also zuoboing and chatting with our friends and we did not 报时 without the reminder from the ICs. We were also taught how to 顶 the frames properly, with 3 points of contact with the 木; hand, knee and foot. From the first OP session, we learnt that we should bring our gloves to prevent any injuries, how to 顶 the frames properly and to ask the ICs what we can instead of zuoboing. We learnt from our mistakes and got better in the following sessions. We 报时 more, tied tighter lashes, worked more efficiently and were able to familiarise ourselves with the Kingtower structure. By the the 3rd session, we almost completed our structure, including the decorations. Although we improved, there were still some areas where we needed to work on. During 拆掉 and return of logistics on the 3rd session, our logistics were all over the place and mixed up due to improper placing of each comms’ logistics, which caused a huge problem which could have been avoided if we had been more responsible and had someone helping to group the logistics together. The last OP session was a day before the CCA Exhibition, so we had to get our structure up and finish the decorations to, which was stressful due to the limited time given. Kingtower had to build our structure outside in the rain, which made it a little harder, but we were able to get through it with teamwork and cooperation, completing the structure on time. OP was really a great experience that allowed us to grow ourselves in terms of both our soft and hard skills.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P1 on OP’25 Prep Sessions:
During the first OP'25 session, we started with Ice breakers like introducing ourselves and getting to know each others' names through playing the game 'Splat'. We then went to collect our logistics from 团部 and did Lash training. After Lash training, my group, Group 2, started to build the Ferris wheel that is a structure in the booth to hang photos of previous activities we had to show the Year 1s. Since I had never built the structure before, I did not know how it was supposed to work and we had to change some things from the original plan of the structure. At first, the Ferris wheel was unable to spin but we realised that we tied it wrongly and that the 木 needed to be tied to the PVC pipe instead of the 木 for it to spin. We corrected some mistakes and we eventually got it to spin. We also built the Hut, which we needed to build frames and tie a Quadpod for the roof. We could have built the Hut a lot quicker if we had 顶 the 木 properly to the wall and ensured that our carbon copy was the same as the frame that we already tied. This preparation session helped us familiarise with the structure and learnt how to build it which made building the structure in subsequent sessions a lot easier. In this session of OP, we could have 报时ed a lot more, cheered to keep our morale high, tied tighter and faster lashes, and responded to our ICs more as we 过时ed. Though we had Lash training before we started building the structures, our lashes were not up to standard and we were taking too long to tie them. We also did not take the initiative to ask our AICs what we could do when we finished tying our lashes and were zuobos, as we should be tying lashes quickly and up to standard and keeping within the given timing. This was improved in the next sessions, where we 报时ed more and kept to the timings given, took initiative to ask our AICs what to do next and tied tighter and faster lashes. Through OP, I have realised the importance of OP and extra sessions that we had to attend before it and learnt that to impress the Year 1s and encourage them to join Guides, it is important for our structures and lashes to be tied properly and up to standard.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P5 on OP’25 Prep Sessions:
For the Outdoor Cooking (OC) Committee, during the first Orientation Preparation (OP) session, some of the lashes were not tight and there was not much 报时 along with a lack of communication. However, improvement was shown in the following OP sessions. Morale was better, especially in the first half, with more cheering and more consistent 报时. The committee’s sense of urgency, as well as communication in terms of whether to tie an up or down lash, improved. Our horizontals were also more parallel, and we constantly measured the distance between the legs of the tripod or quadpod, ensuring that it is an equilateral triangle or a square. As for fire starting, unfortunately, some of the members kept on adding 柴 of same thickness when thickness should have increased as we built the fire. Additionally, sometimes 柴 was not placed on top of the fire, especially when the fire was placed at the back and the 柴 was only added at the front. We also had some trouble starting the fire as we did not hold the matchstick close enough to the 木麻黄 and sometimes held on to the matchstick for too long after lighting it. Fortunately, significant improvement was shown in skills and confidence, and we learnt how to revive fires from the embers for cooking food in the pans by using 木麻黄. Learning the difference between fires and embers was crucial in being able to cook the food properly as toasting the marshmallows over a fire instead of embers would cause it to become black instead of browning nicely. Thankfully, we gradually learnt the difference between the two and managed to cook our food better over the course of the OP sessions. Lastly, while doing food preparation, some of us touched the table with our gloved hands which was unhygienic. Hence, we tried to be more mindful of this during the later OP sessions by washing our hands and changing our gloves more frequently while being more careful of what we touch. There was initiative and innovation in making the dishes better. At first, many of us were confused about what to do as we were unfamiliar with the preparation steps, such as the quantity of each ingredient. Luckily, most of us learned the steps quickly and could prepare the food without prompting or guidance.
Reflection from a Year 2 in P4 on OP’25 Day:
Reflection from a Year 2 in P4 on OP’25 Day:
Last week, it was CCA exhibition for the Year 1s. We have prepared a lot for it during the holidays, the Year 4s constantly reviewing the drawbridge structure, and the Year 2s and Year 3s familiarising ourselves with the drawbridge structure and increasing the speed of our lashes. On the last day, we finally had our final structure up and proudly standing for the Year 1s to see. When it was time for the first performance, both guides and scouts had to quickly 插, surrounding the mrl as we had seen the Year 1s incoming. However, as we weren't familiar with it and it was sudden, we took a while to arrange ourselves. After 插ing, all 4 UGs had to cheer and clap for our Year 1s coming. After our first performance, we had been tasked by our seniors to 重抽 all the lashes to ensure the tightness of them and that we could go onto the drawbridge. After 重抽ing, we still had a period of time till lunch, hence we were all socialising with our friends while the ones posted to the booths helped out upstairs. After lunch, it was almost time for our second performance, this time, we had gotten ready before the Year 1s came down, however due to some small changes, as we needed to surround the Year 1s when going down the spiral staircase. Hence, we had to quickly get ourselves ready and we started to cheer and clap for our 2nd batch of Year 1s coming down. After the performance, it was time for 拆掉, but before that, we took a comm photo and proceeded with the 拆掉ing of the 木 which took only a short period of time and went on to help the other comms such as the Kingtower and Gadgeting. Finally, we were done with OP'25!!! Although this few weeks journey was really exhausting and tiring, I'm really happy to notice that my sense of urgency and consistency of my 报时ing getting better, others as well! Though drawbridge during first OP session only could bring up one tower, was slow, low morale and no 报时, my comms's collective hardwork has helped me and others grow, which l am very grateful to experience. I have also learnt how to work with the scouts, which I believe is important to be able to know each other and work together though in “different” CCAs. All in all, OP'25 was very enriching and fun for me.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P2 on OP’25 Day:
On the day of orientation, we all 集合 at MRL after flag raising in our 全制 and performance attires and got straight to work as the first batch of y1s were coming soon. As I was in the performance committee, I was a tad bit nervous about the performance and if I would mess up and make the y1s feel that Girl Guides was a dangerous and unprofessinal CCA. I expected to have another rehearsal and flipping practice before the actual performance but we only rehearsed our positioning and setting down of the Firemans Ladder. As I watched the Year 1 classes flood in, my mind started to race as it was the first time I would be doing the Fireman's Ladder in my canvas shoes and I was afraid I would slip while climbing up. I was also scared that I would suddenly forget how to perform. However, as we were getting ready to perform, I looked over at my IC and asked her if she was nervous. She told me she was not nervous at all but I could hear the uncertainty in her voice and that somehow cheered me up and I calmed down because of her. When we were finally cued to run in for the performance, it felt just like the practices and we just performed as per normal like the rehearsals and thankfully the performance went smoothly. I was so relieved when we finally picked up the Fireman's Ladder and ran out of the MRL. After that, we got ready to teach the Y1s how to sing "peace like a river". I was supposed to interact with the audience and hype them up to sing but they were all so shy and sang quietly, although we promised candy to the loudest class. After our performance, I went to the games and gadgeting classrooms to promote the CCA to the Y1s. The Y1s were still so shy and reserved and whenever I tried to talk to a crowd of them, they would just look at me and the crowd would disperse, so I decided to divide and conquer. I noticed that it was easier to keep a conversation and talk to the Y1s when they were in small groups. Shannon and I managed to get one Y1 to promise that she would put Girl Guides as her first choice and we felt so proud of ourselves. After our shift at the classrooms ended, we were released for our break and after that, it was the start of my second performance. Even though I was still nervous, I think it was better than the first performance as my friends were cheering us on and supporting us. After the second performance, I went back to the classroom for my second shift to promote the CCA to the Y1s. In my opinion, the Y1s were very tired as they were getting less and less responsive. Shannon and I were also getting tired of trying to interact with the Y1s and started to just play the games by ourselves. Overall I enjoyed OP so much and I can't wait for OP'26.
Reflection from a Year 3 in P6 on OP’25 Day:
During the actual day of orientation, we had to quickly 重抽 all of the lashes and ensure that they are tight and tuck in all the 鸟绳 so that the structure looks neat and presentable. Then, we had to form a straight line and 插 with the scouts such that we are in the order of guide, scout, then guide again. We were all really eager for the new Year 1s to arrive and hoped to leave a good impression on them so that they could see all the good things about our cca and be more inclined to apply to join our cca. For the first performance of the day, we lined up along the MRL to welcome the new Year 1s. As the Year 1s walked towards the MRL, we all clapped. For the starting performance, some of our fellow guides and scouts showed the new Year 1s a demonstration of how to flip on a Fireman Ladder. With their loud and enthusiastic cheers, I felt that the performance committee had truly put in a lot of effort and felt that they had done an amazing job. After that was the NPCC and SJB performances. After their performances had ended, it was time for the demonstration of one of our campfire songs, “Peace Like a River”, which is one of my favourite songs. I think that the guides and scouts doing the demonstration were very impressive as they managed to capture the attention of the Year 1s and give an amazing performance with great enthusiasm. After that, we had some time before the next performance so we decided to around promoting Girl Guides to the Year 1s. Many of the Year 1s were interested in our outdoor cooking booth and took some food. After the actual day of orientation, when all the new Year 1s are around and everyone is busy, I understood the importance of all the extra orientation programme sessions that we had. Thanks to all of the extra sessions and our OICs feedbacking on our lashes and their tightness, we were able to ensure our lashes were tied properly and looked neat and presentable and up to standard to impress the new Year 1s and encourage them to join our cca.
We had a blast this year — and we know it will only get better next year. We can’t wait for the new Year 1s to join us in our Guiding Journey!!
Chan Zi Xuan
56th届 Secretary