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17 August 2007

Today's ji-he was a rather simple one as the Year 3s had to go off for a rehearsal for the Mountbatten National Day Observance ceremony.

Mrs Chin and the other guiders explained the Guides COE (Code of excellence) to us in detail. The Guides COE is a set of laws that ALL Dunman High Guides should abide by. As we would want to develop enthusiastic leaders of integrity, the guiders and the sec3s came up with the Guides COE. One consequence for the violation of COE includes doing 10 push-ups per 5 minutes you are late for ji-he. We hope that all guides will take the COE seriously.

After the Year3s left, the Year 1s and 2s proceeded for coursework. The Year2s then lead the Year 1s for the cleaning-up of tuanbu and xiaoduixiang.

It will be a day of rest for the Year1s next Friday as the Year 2s will be having their Combined OJ with the scouts! Jiayou and all the best, Year2s(:

Have a great week ahead everyone!

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