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15 July 2008


We held our long anticipated 40th anniversary campfire on the 12th July 2008. It was an important for all Dunman High Girl Guides as it marked the 40th year of guiding, 40th year of passion and 40th year of friendships.

The theme for the campfire was OHANA. Ohana means family and family means that no one gets left behind. The theme was very nicely chosen as it brought about a sense of belonging to all Dunman High Girl Guides, the thought of returning back home after a tiring day at work or at school to see your love ones, where strong bonds were forged and friendships were created was very very heart-warming.

That day, Sec4s, 3s, 2s, and 1s jihe at 9am to complete our final preparations. After a short briefing, the respective ICS took over their groups and everyone began work.

For Sec1s, this is probably your first time involved in such a large scale activity. We saw initiatives in many of you so keep up the good work! Brush up on your sense of urgency and live up to the Dunman High Girl Guide Motto: 不是跑,就是飞!

For Sec2s, by the end of this year, you all will be taking up the roles of leading your Sec1s in ATC, so improve your skills, be it knots or lashes or leadership skills! Aid your Sec 3s and guide your Sec1s! We saw your hardwork and effort during the campfire performance and we are really proud of you guys=) Keep striving!

For Sec3s, let's improve our manpower allocation and guide our juniors in their guiding life. We are all in this together! Jia You!

This campfire had been a very memorable event for everyone, as it not only brought our whole guiding family closer, but it also constantly reminds us of how much effort our seniors have put in for guiding throughtout the 40 years and that we should uphold their guiding spirit and bring guides to a greater heights. This campfire also provided us with an opportunity to bond with our fellow ugs, and I'm sure everyone had fun!

The 40th Anniversary Girl Guides Campfire would not have been a success without everyone's hardwork and effort. Thank you Year 5s for coming early and compromising your sleep to help build the structures! Without the guidance from our seniors, our OIC Tricia and guiders, without the effort put in by all guides, without everyone's active participation, the campfire would not have been a blast as it has.

Lastly, I hope everyone remembers the speech and the video during the campfire. It is very meaningful and inspiring. Time cannot erased the friendships forged and our love for guiding. Instead, they will grow stronger. It is amazing how many people from different walks of life can bond together, and this is because we are all closely tied together by a common passion- Girl Guides.

Girl Guides is not just a CCA.

Even in ten years, twenty years or even fifty years, we will always remain as a family. One that supports each other during down times, and one that smiles with each other during happy times.

Love guides!

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