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17 December 2008

Hello guides. :)

Yesterday we had initiatives during jihe. There were four sports to be chosen from and they were mainly soccer, volleyball, netball and basketball. It was a pleasure to have coaches/seniors/teacher-in-charge from the different sports group in our school to teach us the basics of each sport.

I chose netball for initiative as i wanted to try something new. We had the senior high netball team coach to teach us during the two hrs and i believe it was a fun and fruitful time with her. She started by teaching us the names of the diff parts of the court, and we played a no. of games which eventually taught us skills like passings and footwork. Then, she introduced us to the different roles of the players and their positions. However, due to the moving back, there wasn't any goal post at the mt.sinai campus. Hence, we had to play the game like captain's ball, applying netball rules at the same time.

During this time, we learnt many things like teamwork and team spirit. Although the group of us made many mistakes throughout the whole activity, I am glad to see the perseverance in us that kept us going and improving ourselves each time.

Overall, i believe that it was a wonderful experience to learn new skills together and at the same time, get a chance to bond with other guides. I hope that as we learnt to have great teamwork during our games, we have learnt to have great teamwork in guides too as we work together to keep the guiding light shining. One for all, all for one.

Guides is love.

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