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12 November 2010

Dear guides:)

Here's a post regarding ballroom dancing initiatives by a year2:)

On Monday, the year 1s and year 2s had ballroom dancing as initiatives!

Before the initiative starts, the dance teacher gave us a brief introduction on ballroom dancing and some interesting facts. Then, we started doing the basic steps of the dance, Cha-cha. We then paired up with someone of compatible height and split into the left and right teams, doing the male and female role respectively. The left team is known as the "leaders" as they usually lead the dance. After practicing the basic steps, we danced to the music. As we have to dance at a much faster pace, we got very confused after a while because we are still not very familiar with the steps.

Next, we learnt the New York steps, whereby we had to do a 90 degrees turn. We then learnt the shoulder-to-shoulder steps, turning 45 degrees. After practicing the 3 steps, we put them together to form a dance, 4 basic steps, 4 shoulder-to-shoulder steps, 4 basic steps again and end off with 4 New York steps. The right team then had to learn how to turn at the 3rd New York step to a new partner. As it was rather simple to just turn, we did not have much practice on it.

To make the lesson more fun, the teacher made us form a circle, the left team forming the inner circle while the right team forms the outer one. After every set of dance, the right team had to turn to the next partner in anti-clockwise direction and dance with their new partner. It was very fun but at the same time confusing as the right team did not turn fast enough and we did not count consistently. We tried a second time and it was much better as we remembered to count consistently. The second part of the lessons was very enjoyable as we got to know one another better.

Hope we have another session like this! (:

Love Guides!

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