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27 February 2011

Dear guides:) Here's a post regarding thinking day celebrations and campfire :)

On 19 February, a few guides went to Geylang Methodist Secondary (GMS) to celebrate Thinking
Day with other schools. When we arrived, we assembled and we split into groups, mainly the
songleaders, those who took care of the old folks and others who watched the performance.

The purpose of holding the celebrations in different districts was to be more aligned with the CDC in our community work. The emcees for the celebration were Ruoting and Anyi and the songleaders were also from our school! Everyone was engaging themselves in the songs while waiting for the guest of honour. After his arrival, we renewed our promise and sang our world song. Then, it was time for a concert! There were various interesting performances by the schools.

From this celebration, I got to see the different guides from other schools and celebrate thinking day together. On that day, I felt bonded with the other guides and this was an event for us to come together to celebrate.

Then, we took a bus back to school to continue with the celebrations. We had lunch first before
we split up into different groups to prepare for the campfire. I was a songleader so we started practicing for the campfire. At the beginning of the practice, we were tired and not very loud when we were singing. But after the encouragement from our seniors, we sang louder and put in more energy in our actions.

Then it was time for an activity regarding thinking day! We had a little stimulation game to introduce the theme of lack in opportunities in some other countries. This allowed us to think a little more before we had a 3 part talk in the lecture theatre. They are thinking day, world association of girl guides and girl scouts and girl guides in singapore.
Then, we had patrol corner and we had time to practice on our skit.

Patrol 1 and 7 performed on ‘Think about food’, patrol 2 and 5 performed on discovering our
potential, patrol 4 and 8 presented on water, patrol 9 and 10 presented on world poverty and hunger while patrol 3 and 6 performed about empowerment of woman.

After patrol corner, we had dinner and a little bit more time for the juniors to learn our campfire songs.

Then, it was campfire!! We started singing and dancing and we truly enjoyed the
campfire. As a songleader, I really enjoyed leading everyone in singing the songs and lifting everyone’s spirits. This was the first time I was an emcee too and I learned a lot from this experience. The performances from each patrol were enjoyable too. :D

Although after everything, we were very tired, we still enjoyed every moment of it. I am sure
everyone enjoyed 2011 Thinking day celebrations as it was a different experience from the conventional thinking day celebrations.


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