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23 February 2012

Thinking Day 2012

Hello guides,

Happy Thinking Day! Yesterday, girls worldwide celebrated Thinking Day, a very important day to us, together. It is the birthday of both Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell; the founders of scouts and guides respectively. On this day, the girl guides of Dunman High School put on our uniform for the day, and greeted fellow guides, in a way unique to us, when we see each other along the way.

For this year, the theme is Girls Worldwide Say “We Can Save Our Planet”, which is based on the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal 7, which focuses on environmental sustainability. All over the world, guides have activities based on the theme, and it is a powerful movement that shows how we can make a difference and help to save our planet.

Over the next few days, guides in DHS will be exchanging gifts amongst our patrol. It is a time honored tradition in which each batch will prepare gifts for the others. The gifts are mostly handmade, sometimes accompanied by a note card with all our well wishes. The value of each gift would definitely be more than the sum of its parts, and it is to show our appreciation for each other.

For the year 4s, it will be our last thinking day, so this is especially meaningful. Hold close the memories created and they shall last for a long time. For the year 2s and 3s, do cherish the time you have in guides and enjoy yourselves. For the year 1s, this is a new thing for you. Just remember that it is the sincerity and thought into each gift that counts rather than the price.

Finally, we wish all guides Happy Thinking Day, and let’s all do our part to save our planet!
we <3 guides

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