Searching for?

10 August 2017

Obstacle Journey, 21st July

Hi Guides!

We had Obstacle Journey, otherwise known as OJ, for this 集合.

Here is the overall storyline for this OJ: Dear elves, the stars have aligned and this spells a new but arduous journey ahead. Unfortunately, the goblin chief has to announce that the cloud fairy is trapped due to the past weeks of tearing skies, and has decided that this is the ripe time to unite all the elves in preparing themselves for the upcoming obstacles in the search for the cloud fairy again. The various constellations the stars have formed gives some hints on how to sail through the journey, and there are clues that each group of elves will have to find and special strengths to collect along the way. Will you be able to unlock these special powers and emerge stronger together as a patrol? Firstly, you need to gear up your outfit and tools needed for this journey. Be sure to make use of prior knowledge and try your very best in order to find the cloud fairy again and restore the order of the elves’ village.

The Year 1s and 2s then proceeded to mass change and retrieve all logistics required for OJ. After which, they had a pre-activity inspection.

After the inspection, we began OJ.

Station 1: Physical Training (PT)

Here is the storyline for this station: In the midst of your search for the cloud fairy, you have fallen into a trap that is set to hinder your progress. In order to continue on your journey, you must prove to be physically fit so as to be able to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way in your search for the cloud fairy.

Part 1: For the first part of this station, the patrol will be doing Barang PT, comprising of 1 round running, 2 minutes leg raise, 25 budhha claps, 1 round lunges, 1 round caterpillar crawl,  and 1 round crabwalk around MRL. You must carry your bags with you the entire time. While the patrol does the physical training, 2 people will come out to do orienteering. The patrol will take turns to do orienteering. You will be given a post-it note with bearings. Follow the directions to obtain some clues in finding the cloud fairy. You will have to complete the tasks before returning to your patrol. The patrol will continue the barang PT until all the patrol members have finished their turn of orienteering.

Part 2: For the second part of this station, the patrol will have to divide themselves into 2 groups consisting of equal number of Year 1s and Year 2s. The patrol will be playing dog and ball. Instead of running to get the ball, the people who have to get the ball have to do a physical training item consisting of 20 star jumps, 30 seconds planking, 20 burpees or 20 squats. After completing the physical training item, you have to run to get the ball. The first person to reach the ball has to answer a question. If you answer correctly, your group will get a ball. If you answer wrongly, the other team will answer the question instead and get the ball if it is answered correctly. However, if both teams cannot correctly answer the questions, then the whole patrol has to do 10 burpees and neither of the teams get the ball. The goal is to answer as many questions correctly and get the ball as many times as possible.


Bearing to take
Steps to take
Tasks to do
4 double pacings
15 jumping jacks
7 double pacings
10 burpees
11 double pacings
30 seconds planking

Points allocated
Name all the patrol leaders of the 49th届 in order.
P1 Wen Yun, P2 Lin Min, P3 Chloe, P4 Clara, P5 Xin Yun, P6 Xin Yu
1 mark
When is World Thinking Day?
22 February
1 mark
What do the 3 fingers represent when you 敬礼?
The Three-fold promise - (the duty to God, to serve our country and help other people, and to keep the Guide Law)
1 mark
What do the designs in the trefoil represent?
(Explain at least 2 of the details)
The golden-yellow Trefoil on a bright blue background represents the sun shining over the children of the world.
The two stars represent the Promise and Law. The three leaves once again represents the Three-Fold Promise.
1 mark for each detail
What is the Guides motto?
Be prepared.
1 mark
Name any 4 of the Guide Laws.
  1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is useful and helps others.
  3. A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders.
  4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides.
  5. A Guide is kind to all living things.
  6. A Guide is obedient.
  7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties.
  8. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people.
  9. A Guide is thrifty and diligent.
  10. A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does.
1 mark for each
Guide Law
Sing the chinese version of Guiding light.
我要让它燃(x 3) 让它燃,
1 mark
How to build a good shelter?
a) Choose a suitable site
b) Clear the ground
c) Collect materials for the framework and roof
d) The back of the shelter should be facing the wind
e) Smoke shelter to get rid of mosquitoes. The fire should be at the front of the shelter
f) Dig a trench around to keep shelter’s ground dry
1 mark for each step in building a good shelter
Name 3 sources of water that are undrinkable.
a) Urine
b) Seawater
c) Water from mud puddles
d) Blood
e) From where dead animals are found
1 mark
Recite 抓泥鳅
1 mark
Why did the string not get any presents from Santa during Christmas?
It was on Santa’s knotty (naughty) list.
1 mark
What flies without wings?
1 mark

Reflection from a Year 2 ;
The first part of the station, which was Physical Training, was quite manageable. I was assigned to do orienteering when I stepped out. However, I had forgotten what double spacing was and my junior and I were quite confused as to how to use the compass to find the direction we had to start off with. This was because we were not familiar with the Guides notes. This really pointed out to me that we really had to read the Guides notes and not rely on our memory. After that, we played the game where one person from each team had to take the ball to answer the question. This game was quite fun as it was a test of our reaction speed and knowledge of the Guides notes. When the our teammate got the ball, we would crowd around the station master and everybody would try to help the person answer the question. Overall, this station was quite fun and not as stressful.

Station 2: Survival Skills

Here is the storyline for this station: The cheeky imps have decided to steal your clues. Lost, you have been walking in the forest for a long time and decide to take a break. But the forest you are in is known to have wild beasts and monsters roaming about. Your patrol also decides to build a weapon to protect yourselves from the wild creatures. At the same time, it seems that another patrol has been spotted nearby. Think of a way to have your location known to them. Lastly, the pesky imps have decided to make things even harder for you. Every three minutes, one patrol member is to step out to answer one question. Answer the question correctly, and you will be free to go, but if you answer it wrongly… Then you will have to find out what happens…

The patrol is to build a signal fire to alert the other group of their presence and to build a weapon using the logistics given, which are 10 中长木 and 4 中木. Each member “kupped” by the station master will have to do 1 minute 站马 and 2 minute leg raise alternately until retrieved by other patrol members.

Suggested solution for weapon:
21:7:17 集合 station 2 suggested soultion: catapult.jpeg
* If answered incorrectly, the patrol member will have to run around the perimeter of the corridor once unless stated otherwise.
-[At 3min] What is the importance of a shelter? Name all three. (Protection from natural elements, protection from wild animals and personal privacy)
-[At 4min] Bear Attack! (All patrol members must lie down quickly) *Patrol member who does not lie down within 5s to do 站马 for 1 min.

-[At 5min] It seems that one weapon is not enough. Quickly, build another! (Patrol to build another weapon--can be the same as first weapon)
-[At 6min] What is a suitable site to build your shelter? Name three. (Medium ground, reasonably flat and free of rocks, away from swampy areas, thick cover of concealment, close to food and water supply, avoid solitary trees, avoid dead trees, avoid bees’ or hornets’ nest)
-[At 8min] Although you have weapons, your patrol still does not feel safe. Construct a structure that allows you to see further from a higher elevation. (Patrol to build tripod using 木 where they can step on the 顶脚 to have a higher elevation and thus further line of sight.)
-[At 9min] What is the importance of water? (Unclean water causes dysentery and other diseases, insufficient water may cause heatstroke, no water means death)
-[At 11min] It seems that the other patrol nearby is not responding. Your patrol decides to send 4 people to look for the other patrol. 4 people to do a set of PT: 1 min 站马, 30 seconds side plank and 20  jumping jacks. Upon completion of pt the 4 people would have to answer the following question -What do you use to carry a carrying fire? (Tinder fungus)
-[At 12min] Patrol to be given two different sets of Guides code. One code says “Danger: Hold on”  which is given first while the other says “Friendship is holding hands”.  (The first code tells the patrol that they need to hold on to one another while they try and solve the second code. Station masters to start attempting to pull patrol members away from patrol and patrol members should hold on to one another to prevent this from happening.)

Reflection from a Year 2 ;

On Friday, we had OJ. My favourite station was Station 2. We were to build a structure to shelter us in the wilderness, a weapon for defence and something to alert a nearby patrol of our whereabouts. However, someone had to step out to answer a question every 2 minutes. Our patrol created a catapult and started 2 signal fires. We created a shelter by attaching our groundsheet to a nearby railing and rolling the other end with 1 of our 青木 to ensure it stays. Our patrol had worked very slowly, causing us to not only 过时 but also to be unable to complete our catapult. However, we were able to start our signal fire faster compared to the other times we tried to start one. This station helped us to put our adaptation skills to the test and also helped us to improve our reaction time and gadgeting.

Station 3: Pioneering

Here is the storyline for this station: Sadly, you are now stuck in the forest of the Bandits, stranded from your village with very limited materials and the dark clouds are looming over you. You all can sense it, a flood is coming! But what can you do without any materials? The Bandits are willing to loan you some… provided you pay a small price in the form of PT! Then, quickly build a structure that can help you survive the flood! Take note that your structure must be able to carry all of your logistics without you touching them! Thankfully, the Goblin is willing to grant you a special power of an extra 3 minutes if all of you can answer a question from me at every minute! Also, remember that you are in the forest of the Bandits and they might try to steal your logistics away again! Tick Tock, you only have 10 minutes until the rain falls!

Requirements to obtain logistics:
  • One round of Maboleh
  • One round of Chek Chek
Additionally, a member of the patrol will have to come out to answer a question at an interval of one minute.

Shorter questions for Y1s :
What date is your patrol leader’s birthday? (Wen Yun - 11th Dec, Lin Min - 20th Mar, Chloe - 9th Nov, Clara - 1st Nov, Xin Yun - 8th Feb, Xin Yu - 18th Apr) What are the seven colours of the rainbow? (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra) Who can jump higher than a mountain? (Anyone, a mountain can’t jump!) When I am young I am tall. When I am small I am old. What am I ? (A candle)

Longer questions for Y2s (answer must be at least 3 lines) :
Why is smoking bad for you?
How can you achieve a bonded and efficient patrol?
What is your favourite activity in Guides and why?
What is one superpower you want and why?
What is your favourite mythical creature and why?

Suggested solution:

Reflection from a Year 2 ;

Station 3 was the station on building a structure that could hold our resources during a flood. We were encouraged to use resources around us to build something out of 13 minutes. I felt that for this station our patrol could have done better in terms of the lashes tied. Furthermore, the seniors needed to prompt us to figure out to use the barrels to build a raft. We could find room for improvement and use our eyes to spot objects that were deliberately placed or borrowed from other CCAs as those objects could make up important parts of our structure. This point could be applied to the other stations as well. I found that this station allowed us to think out of the box and use our creativity more freely compared to other stations, all while practicing our pioneering. I feel like our patrol did not utilise our manpower properly and our time management was not that good, as we did not manage to complete the structure, but we saw this as an opportunity to improve on our pioneering and explored all the different possible structures that we could build. Station 3 was a tiring station but it definitely made us open our eyes to look out for the most effective and reliable structure we could build by using the things around us, while considering the time and resources we were given.

Station 4: Creative Gadgeting

Here is the storyline for this station: Hello Elves! Unfortunately, you have faced some obstacles along the way on your journey to get back the cloud fairy. You have entered a mythical forest not present on your map, and now you are faced with situations that will require you to be adaptable and prioritise your needs. You are not familiar with your surroundings, but not to worry! There are trekking signs that you can follow to help you in this forest.

With the bearings and trekking signs provided, the patrol is to find 8 blue post-its, each containing a particular direction, which would be located on the walls of GSL level 2. Trekking signs will be written on them and the patrol has to decide if it will be safe to take the logistics or if it is a trap. If the patrol takes the trap, they will have to find a way and incorporate these logistics into their structure regardless.

With the directions, the patrol will find certain logistics that they will need in order to build something that will be of use. Pasted on some logistics, the patrol will find 2 warning signs/scenarios written on yellow post-its. The patrol will be given 13 minutes to find the post its and carry out the task. When 7 minutes is up and little progress is seen, the patrol’s manpower will be reduced.

If the patrol collects the wrong/unsafe logistics, they will have to make use of it regardless, in addition to the logistics they have collected correctly. If patrol is unable to find all the directional and warning signs post-its, station masters to prompt patrol to send one person and find the logistics. If patrol is still unable to find the logistics, station masters to read out the warning signs and let the patrol build a structure with whatever they have at hand even if they are missing logistics.

Suggested solution:

Post its found on logistics
Beware of dogs


(pasted on logistics to set up distress signal)
Your patrol is dehydrated, hungry and in need of food and water that can only come in the form of assistance from others.

1.      Distress signal “F”

Dangerous dogs
    advancing on patrol
1.      Build a shelter using logistics provided and using surroundings

Reflection from a Year 2 ;

At Station 4, I was assigned as the PL. As I am still new to taking on such an important role, I felt quite afraid of the great responsibility that came with it, since it meant that I would have to step up more. Also, being quite unsure of certain stuff such as "alerting and easing" the Year 2s and 1s made me feel even more paranoid about my own ability to lead the others. Personally, I feel that I did not do as well as I wanted during this station. Reason being, everyone had their own ideas and I was not decisive enough as a leader to decide on what structure to build. This then resulted in much confusion and we were all unsure of what to do. This challenge made me realise the importance of  communication within the patrol and also allowed me to learn to look at the situation through a bigger picture, as well as being clearer when giving out instructions. Secondly, almost all of our things were “kupped" by the seniors and this really reflected our irresponsibility. Even though all of us were preoccupied with our own tasks, I still think that we should had been more aware of our surroundings and taken more care of our belongings. Lastly, our patrol morale was especially low on that day and very few of us cheered. Although it was understandable that it was OJ and most of us all were already very tired, every 集合 is still a new learning opportunity for us and we should have shown more enthusiasm in the things we did.

Station 5: Escape Room

Here is the storyline for this station: In the quest to look for the cloud fairy, you stumbled upon a dilapidated school. Due to your natural curiosity as an elf, you explore the abandoned school in search of the cloud fairy, and suddenly feel a tremor. You hear the public warning system urging everyone to grab their belongings and escape any enclosed area before 15 minutes is up.  The air is starting to become dusty due to the dust that has been dislodged by earlier tremors. Now, you have 15 minutes to collect clues leading to where 5 items crucial for your survival are, and cut the “lock” that bars the doors and escape the school before the time runs out. Note that there are post-its around the classroom with clues, as well as penalties on them too. If you pick the penalty slips up, it is mandatory for you to carry out the penalty. However, beware of obstacles and tasks that hinder your quest for survival!

Patrol members should cover their nose and mouth with their scarf.

- [At 5 min mark] During the smoke “attack”, everyone cannot talk. Smoke attack lasts 1 minute.  
- [At 10 min mark] After some time, a part of the building collapses, injuring some members. As such, 2-3 members (depending on the size of the patrol) would have to tie their legs together.

Post-its: (in Guides code)

Where books are stored
In the dustbin
Where rubbish belong
Survival Kit
Under a table
What you need is  below (draw the symbol for below)
Between stacked chairs
In the middle of chairs (draw the symbol for middle)
Below teacher’s table
Where the teacher sits (also draw the symbol for below)

Penalty Post-its: (in Guides Code)
  • Maboleh
  • Chek Chek
  • Sing the company song
  • Do the chicken dance
  • Wall squat while singing “南屏晚钟”
*Once patrol picks up the post-it, they would have to complete the task before moving on.

Reflection from a Year 2 ;

During the station, we were tasked with finding our first aid pouch and survival kit within the time limit. Although the station would have been easier for us if more people had read the Guides notes, we still did not manage to find all the objects in time. Not only that, members of our patrol got “kupped” twice even though we were reminded to take care of our patrol mates. We also did not realise in time that the post-it notes in blue were all penalties and we ended up having to do most of them and wasting a lot of time in the process. I feel that the station could have went better if we had communicated and looked at the coded colours more closely and thus avoiding most of the time-consuming penalties. We should have also revised the Guides notes more to be able to decipher the post-it notes more quickly and avoided wasting the limited time we had. In addition, I feel that our sense of urgency was lacking as we did not 报时 often enough to keep track of the time we had left. The patrol morale was also quite low, which could have been remedied by cheering more often. However, what I feel is most important is that we could have taken greater care of our patrol mates as not only does it maintain our manpower, but also the patrol morale, which decreased greatly when we let them get ”kupped”.

Station 6: First Aid

Here is the storyline for this station: Dear fellow elves, welcome to this station. Unfortunately all of you are faced with the dim prospects of being trapped in a gas room. Will you perish or emerge from it safely as a patrol? The clock is ticking and you have no time to waste, ensure that you leave no man behind and keep a look out for one another in these treacherous circumstances!

The patrol will be given 10 minutes to treat 2 casualties (one Year 3 and one Year 1) and turn off the hidden gas tap. The front door will be barricaded with a chair while the back door will have a broom blocking the handle. They are required to crab crawl through the classroom while the gas tap is still on. To locate the gas tap, solving the Guides code written on the whiteboard (tap is under teacher’s table). Not all patrol members are required to solve the Guides code, some may proceed to treat the casualties. The patrol is suggested to treat their casualty outside of the gas room, and to collect their logistics quickly. After 5 minutes, casualty 1 will die, and one patrol member will not be able to talk. After 7 minutes, the gas room will collapse and any remaining members inside will be trapped and logistics become unretrievable.

Casualty 1: Heat stroke and dislocated shoulder
  • Headache, dizziness and discomfort
  • Hot, flushed and dry skin
  • Rapid deterioration in level of response
  • Full, bounding pulse.
  • Body temperature above 40 degrees Celsius
Casualty 2: Head wound (heavy bleeding) and a fracture bone in the shin

Suggested solution:

Heat stroke
  • Quickly move casualty to a cool place. Remove as much of his outer clothing as possible.
  • Dial 999.
  • Wrap casualty in a cold, wet sheet and keep the sheet wet until his temperature falls to 38 degrees under the tongue or 37.5 under the armpit. If no sheet is available, fan the casualty or sponge him with cold water.
  • Once casualty’s temperature returns to normal, replace wet sheet with a dry one.
  • Monitor and record vital signs. If temperature rises again, repeat cooling process.
Shoulder dislocation
  • Advise casualty to keep still. Support injured part, in a position of maximum comfort for the casualty, before you immobilize it.
  • Immobilize with padding, bandages and slings. For firm support, bandage the injured part to an unaffected part of the body. (Elevation sling)
  • Arrange to transport to hospital, treat for shock if necessary. Monitor and record vital signs, as well as circulation beyond bandaged point.
elevation arm sling.png

Fracture bone
  • Advise casualty to keep still. Support injured part with your hands, or ask a helper to do this until it is immobilized.
  • For lower limb fractures, bandage the uninjured leg to the injured one if removal to the hospital is likely to be damaged. Arrange to transport the casualty to the hospital as necessary. Treat for shock if necessary by raising the legs. Do not raise them if it hurts the casualty more.
  • Check circulation beyond bandage every 10min. if circulation is impaired, loosen bandages.
Head wound
  • Reassure the casualty.
  • Cover wound with a sterile dressing or a clean, non-fluffy pad. This will help control bleeding and reduce blood lost, reducing risk of shock.
  • Secure dressing with roller bandage or with triangular bandage using the head bandage method.
head bandage.png
  • Help casualty lie down with head and shoulders slightly raised. Send casualty to hospital. Regularly measure vital signs.

Reflection from a Year 2 ;
I thought that this station was really fun! This station tested our first aid knowledge and also our time management as at certain times, scenarios will happen that will make it more difficult for us to finish the station so it made us learn how to prioritize what to do. I think that we did quite well in this station and I think our first aid knowledge was okay but it could definitely be improved as we were not sure of how to tie the elevation sling and we were not sure how to treat a head wound. However I feel that we could have managed our time better as our senior "died" due to our inability to save her in time. We should have prioritized treating her first and bringing her out of the room so that we could treat her other injuries later on. I think that this station was fun as it was fun to solve the "mystery" on how to switch off the gas tap and the storyline of the station was really interesting.

After the completion of OJ, we then moved on to our final activity: post-activity inspection.

Here is the storyline for this inspection: Dear elves, great job for making it till here! As you can see, the cloud fairy is safely back. Almost. The last straw standing is the final challenge in which you have to prove your worthiness in uniting as a village and ensure you have not lost any tools in the journey, so that you can continue sustaining the village thereafter.

Reflection from a Year 2 ;

We had inspection twice during 集合. I think that we could have done better in these inspections. I think that one of the reasons why we could not meet the time limit was because we were too noisy and we did not listen to the ICs which made everything very chaotic and some patrols were thus unable to hear the instructions and as a result, they could not finish in time. Additionally, the ICs were sometimes too soft to be heard so we could not hear them properly. We should have taken better care of our people and our belongings as our belongings got “kupped” many times and we could not finish the layout. I felt quite sad that we could not finish the inspection, especially since it was the last part of 集合 so I think it also affected everyone’s mood and morale after OJ. We will take note of these areas and make the next inspection better :)

And lastly, here is the ending storyline for this 集合: Now that all of you have obtained the necessary clues and obtained your unique powers, the cloud fairy is able to join back with the goblin and the rest of the elves. With the return of the cloud fairy, the order of the elves’ village has been restored. Furthermore, the elves have also grown to be much more united and independent, having to overcome the challenge in the quest of the cloud fairy. Good job and all of you get marshmallows for this! This journey has been such a blessing in disguise, all thanks to the effort of all the elves!

Hope everyone gained new experience from this OJ!

Published By:

49th Batch Secretary

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