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26 January 2018

Company Games, 19th January

Hi Guides!

We had our first 集合 of the year on the 19th of January. This 集合 was relatively more fun as compared to usual 集合s as we played games, before ending it off with a talk by the Guiders.

For the station games, patrols would go around station to station to accomplish tasks stated at the station. There would be no station masters. Clues on the locations were given out to the Patrol Leaders (PLs) before break off. The patrols would have to solve these clues and go to the respective locations. Each station can only accommodate 1 patrol for at most 20 minutes. Patrols must stay at the station after reading the task, and should the patrol be unwilling to complete the task, they will still have to complete the station regardless. The patrol has to complete the task stated at each station to earn the respective points. PLs would then collate the number of points they have at the end of the station games.

Part 1: Station Games

Station 1: Creative Gadgeting
Time allocated: 20 min
Location Clue: Quaque Mane (QM)
Location: 团部
Activity: Build a simple gadget found in a household. No standard structures are allowed.
No. of numbers given: 2

Reflection from a Year 3:
We had a few ideas on what structures we wanted to build, including a table, a chair etc. We were thinking about what to tie when we realised that we did not have much time left. In the end, we decided to build a table. We were able to retrieve the logistics more quickly and easily as we were in 团部. We allocated our manpower and everyone started tying parts of the structure. However, we noticed that the structure was rather unstable so we needed someone to hold it when we tied, which resulted in reduced manpower and we had to work faster. We did not manage to finish the table in time and I felt quite disappointed, but we still took a patrol photo with our structure.

Station 2: Physical Activity
Time allocated: 20 min
Location Clue: Grab the Monet and let’s Gogh
Location: Outside Art Rooms, Block F Levels 3 to 5
Activity: Go to each of the levels complete the stated Physical Training (PT) activities. 1 round per level is equivalent to 1 circuit. Complete 3 circuits within 20 minutes.
- Level 3: 3 rounds of Kallang Wave burpees
- Level 4: Sing "My Bonnie" as you do 1 round of lunges. Every time you sing a word that starts with B, do a star jump.
- Level 5: Count to 30. For every multiple of 3, do 3 burpees. For every non-multiple of 3, do 1 jumping jack.
No. of numbers given: 2

Reflection from a Year 3:
For Station 2, our patrol was tasked to do a set of lunges and star jumps while cheering together along the corridor. However, we were not in sync and we did not cheer properly as well. It was obvious that all of us were not putting in much effort and it was rather disappointing. Thus, in order to compensate for our disorderliness, we had to do another set of jumping jacks. I felt rather bad as our seniors had to complete the jumping jacks with us which showed us how improper our lunges and star jumps were. If we had completed the task properly, we would not need to do extra jumping jacks for compensation. Also, I felt that we should not have taken the task lightly even though the 集合 might be more laid back as compared to normal 集合s.

Station 3: Patrol Name
Time allocated: 20 min
Location Clue: Zubir Said / LSSSSSS (Whistle command for 全团集合)
Location: Parade Square / GSL Level 1
Activity: Form your patrol leader’s name with your body! Take a photo of each letter formed.
No. of numbers given: 1

Reflection from a Year 3:
My patrol found station 3 quite easily through the clue. We were supposed to form our PL’s name and take a picture. In our case, we had to form Chloe’s name and at first, we took some time to decide how exactly we wanted to take the picture; whether we wanted to lie down on the parade square to take the picture or to take it whilst standing up. In the end, we took the picture standing up. We had to think about how to use our hands creatively to form letters such as H and E and I felt that our picture came out quite nicely. I felt that this station was really fun as it was quite funny to think of weird ways to create the letters and to see the end result.

Station 4: Recreate Scenes
Time allocated: 20 min
Location Clue: Sit Up Straight!!
Location: Block G Level 3 (Outside PAC)
Activity: Out of the 4 photos provided, choose 3 photos to recreate.
No. of numbers given: 2

Reflection from a Year 3:
Personally, I found station 4 the most enjoyable as it was not that physically demanding and fun. I like these type of stations because it promotes creativity and bonding as a patrol and at the same time, does not use up much resources such as 木 or 白绳. Some of the pictures were almost impossible to  recreate and even though our pictures might not have turned out exactly the same, it was the experience that counted when we attempted to take the perfect shot with our patrol mates. As most of the other stations drained much of our energy, I feel that station 4 boosted our energy levels as it consisted of laughter and failed attempts, rather than the usual 报时 and shouting, which made me feel motivated to continue the other stations and forge closer bonds with the patrol at the same time. I hope to see more of these fun stations in the future too.

Station 5: Inspection
Time allocated: 20 min
Location clue: JJ/TP/KK
Location: Block G Level 5 (area near toilet)
Activity: Lay out all logistics given by alphabetical order, then list them in reverse without looking. Patrols can choose one member to list it in reverse. If they do so, patrol gains 2 points. If patrol needs 2 to 3 members to list the logistics in reverse together, patrol would only earn 1 point. Patrols are to put all logistics back in the 配备 once done with the station.
No. of numbers given: 2/1 (based on number of members who listed out the logistics)

Reflection from a Year 3:
Unlike all the other inspections we had before, this particular inspection was very different as we had to lay out the 配备 items in alphabetical order. It was a station that tested our knowledge about the items we have in our 配备. At the same time, it showed us that inspection layouts may not always be the same and they can be rather unpredictable at times. Therefore, I felt that the station was quite interesting. Also, I felt quite proud and glad that our patrol knew the names of the items well as we did not lay the logistics out wrongly :)

Station 6: Riddles
Time allocated: 20 min
Location clue:
(Vertical Rope)
Location: GSL Level 2
Activity: Patrols are required to follow trekking signs to solve riddles written in Guides code. There will be both good and bad riddles. Good riddles will follow a food theme while bad riddles will follow a more morbid theme. Patrols must hence solve the trekking signs in order to lead themselves to the correct riddles. If they manage to solve all the good riddles, they get 2 numbers. One of the Year 4s are then to send the answers to the Company Leader (CL), who will check if they are correct. If all the answers to the good riddles are right, the CL will send them a hint to the location of the bag of numbers.
No. of numbers given: 2

A container without hinges, lock or a key, yet a golden treasure lies inside me. What am I?
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

What has no beginning, end, or middle?
You throw away the outside and take the inside. Then you use the outside and throw away the inside.
What is it?
You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead.
What am I?
What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
Pumpkin pie
I have no life, but I can die. What am I?
A battery
Poor people have it, Rich people need it, if you eat it you die, what is it?
Who makes it has no need of it.
Who buys it has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it?
What lives on its own substance and dies when it devours itself?
If you throw me from the window,
I will leave a grieving wife.
Bring me back, but in the door, and
You'll see someone giving life!
What am I?
The letter ‘n’

Reflection from a Year 3:
During 19 January’s 集合, one of the stations was based on riddles and trekking signs. I think that it was rather intuitive as we first had to determine if the trekking sign placed above each riddle represented something useful or malicious, then we had to solve the riddles that were deemed correct, which tested our ingenuity when coming up with answers. While some of the riddles could be easily solved, some had us stumped, which would have been detrimental to our task, had some of our patrol members not been clever enough to solve them. This brings to attention a part of what the station offered to teach; not only do we need to play our part by reading up on our Guides Notes to understand the trekking signs, we must also work together to solve the harder-to-understand riddles, instead of trying to complete it by oneself and resulting in an incomplete answer, which would be of no help to the rest of the patrol. Through this, not only can the patrols enjoy solving the riddles together, they can also learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance by pushing through difficulties together.

Station 7: Foot Drills
Time allocated: 20 min
Location clue: Bang bang bang / A---A [绳桥]
Location: Elevated Platform / MRL
Activity: Take a video of all patrol members forming 3 ranks. Afterwards, take a timelapse of all patrol members, excluding the cameraman, cepat jalan-ing 5 rounds around the area (includes kekiri pusing and berhenti) while carrying 2 红木. Cameraman to be commander as well.
No. of numbers given: 2

Reflection from a Year 3:
We were all extremely excited when we found out that Station 7 was about foot drills and we couldn't wait to get into the activity. We faced many difficulties as we did not remember most of the commands and could not complete the drills in time. Additionally, the Year 2s have not yet received many opportunities to practise their drills, which caused some struggle in terms of unity of the patrol. However, we enjoyed the experience and and found the station to be extremely fun. I hope that we can have more chances to practise our foot drills again.

Part 2: Chicken Fight (Bonus Round)

After all patrols have 集合-ed, the patrols will be split into two groups (P1, 3, 6 and P2, 4, 5). Each group of patrols is to have a chicken fight in one of the two areas demarcated with duct tape. The whole patrol must join in the chicken fight. The Assistant Company Leader (ACL) will be the referee for one group while the CL  will be the referee for the other. Guides must hold up one leg and hop on the other while participating in the game. Guides will be eliminated once their other leg touches the ground. The goal is to be the last patrol with at least one member remaining standing. The winning patrol for each group gets 2 bonus points.

Reflection from a Year 3:
The bonus station was a fun and pleasant surprise as we did not usually play games during 集合. I find the chicken fight to be a good way to lighten up the atmosphere as everyone felt rather stressed and tired after completing the stations. It also encouraged bonding among the 团 as both seniors and juniors participated to fight for their patrol, but still made sure that no one got severely hurt during the game. Although my patrol did not win, all of us felt very satisfied and happy after the game and I felt that it was a well deserved break, especially for our first official 集合 in 2018 where most of us had not yet gotten back into the rhythm of attending weekly 集合s. Overall, I’m glad that this station was included and we had lots of fun participating, even though most of us were already worn out by all the other previous stations.

Part 3: Maths Game

A ziplock bag containing numbers 1 to 9 and signs +, - , (), x and ÷ would be given out to the PLs. Based on the number of points the patrol earned, the patrol members can randomly draw the same number of numbers/signs out of the bag.

Guides would be given a mission to form a maths problem sum that would give an answer of “101” . This is to celebrate 101 years of Guiding in Singapore in 2018. The patrol that gets “101” first would win. Any patrol that has gotten the answer ‘101’ can approach either the CL or ACL for marking. Patrols can earn more numbers by:
- Finding numbers and signs around Block F and G
- Playing scissors, paper, stone with another patrol. The winning patrol can randomly choose a number/sign to take from the losing patrol.

Reflection from a Year 3:
One section of the mass station held between all the patrols was the Math Game, in which each patrol had to form a problem sum that amounts to 101, while the PLs were hidden by their respective patrols. The patrols had the option of focusing on just completing the problem sum, searching for the hidden PLs for more numbers to incorporate into their equation, or even doing both. While the first thing I noticed about this station was the testing of our mathematical skills to ensure a correct problem sum, it also tested our manpower allocation in the sense that we have to decide whether to do the problem sum while sending some members to search for the PLs or just focusing on the former. It also tests our ingenuity as the probability of other patrols finding one’s own PL is decided on how well one’s own PL is hidden. I find this activity rather interesting as such a station was not hosted before and the idea is intriguing. Personally, I feel that such activities should be held more often as it is a form of patrol bonding and can help to relieve the accumulating stress from previous stations.

集合 ended with an administrative matters talk conducted by the Guiders.

Hope that everyone enjoyed the first 集合 of the year and do look forward to subsequent 集合s! :)

Published By:
49th Batch Secretary

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