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1 March 2019

Patrol Activity, 4 February

Hello Guides!

On 4 February, we had Patrol Activity(PA)! Here are some reflections from the Year 3s:

Reflection by a Year 3 from Patrol 1:
During this week’s PA, we were split into 2 groups and I was the PL of group 2. The 2 PLs were asked to come up with structures for specific purposes and we were supposed to switch structures twice during the time given. I learnt that fast and clear communication is very important between the two PLs because it would affect how fast the patrolmates can start building the structure, and it ensures that the 2 groups were able to build the structures in the way that the PLs wanted them to be. I also learnt that communication between the PLs and the patrolmates was equally important because if the PLs do not tell the patrolmates what they were going to be building, the patrolmates would not be able to build the structure well and contribute ideas to make it better. The patrolmates should also have the initiative and the responsibility to ask what we were building and how we were going to build it so that the PLs would not feel as stressed. I think that overall, we should have tied faster and tighter lashes and should familiarise ourselves more with basic structures such as tripods, especially the Year 2s, so that less time will be wasted on tying these structures.

Reflection by a Year 3 from Patrol 2:
For PA, we did a station games/storyline activity. We were competing against Patrol 3. The first thing we did was read trekking signs to see if the 木 was safe to take to use for our structure building. It tested our tracking sign knowledge and I feel that I was not very good with that so I have to brush up on my guides knowledge and read the guides notes again. Next, we did creative gadgeting and I had been assigned PS. We were to build a shelter faster than the other patrol. I suggested to build three tripods connected in a triangle and with a groundsheet over it as the only requirement was that all the patrol members could stay under it. I feel that as PS, I should have stepped up more and encourage them to tie faster as the structure we planned to build could have been built within the given timing and that if we tried harder, we could have finished it without asking for time extension. After this, we played an invasion game, which was like ice and freeze mixed with capture the flag. Although we tried to win and had a plan, we still could not beat the other team. However, it was fun and helped us bond as a patrol. It was okay that we did not win, its was the playing of the game that counts. Overall, I feel that this PA was quite enjoyable and informative.

Reflection by a Year 3 from Patrol 3:
Our patrol combined with P2 for this PA. I felt that this PA was quite well thought out as it tested on both out lashes as well as our knowledge on tracking signs . Overall, I felt that this PA was quite fun as we got to have fun with our structure after building it. During this PA, I felt that we worked quite slowly as we took a really long time to tie 3 tripods. Since we took such a long time, we did not have enough time to complete the forth tripod. This caused our structure to be really unstable as we did not tie the 顶角s for that tripod. I feel that we should re-revise on our tracking signs as we we unfamiliar with the signs during PA which caused us to retrieve lesser logistics. In addition, I feel that our patrol should take better care of our logistics and be more aware of our surroundings. Many things were taken away by the seniors and we had to do forfeits in order to get them back. This caused us to waste time on forfeits when we could have used that time to complete put forth structure. Overall, I really enjoyed this PA and hope to have more PAs like this.

Reflection by a Year 3 from Patrol 4:
During Monday’s PA, we had to find clues write on post its that were related to the logistics we needed, which were written in guides code or trekking signs. After solving all of the clues, we received our logistics. Then, we were split into two groups and a PL for each group was assigned. we had to split the 2 logistics amongst the two groups quickly without knowing what each group needed, so we decided to split them as evenly as possible. Our PL then told us that we had to build two different structures and that one group’s PL had to give the other’s PL instructions to build their structure without revealing what it was. As I was PL for my group, i had to communicate with the other PL every 10 minutes to give the next set of instructions or exchange logistics of needed. As I was unfamiliar with how to build the structure, my group did not do well, as we kept having to change certain parts of it such as the 顶脚  due to miscommunications. As I was unfamiliar with how to tie a catapult structure, it was difficult for me to tell the group members what to do. I think I did not do well as a PL as my group members were often confused and did not know what to do next. We were unable to complete the structure in time despite being given time extensions, so I felt quite disappointed in myself. I think we could have worked faster to tie lashes within a standard time as well as to give instructions in a clearer manner, especially when a short amount of time is given.

Reflection by a Year 2 from Patrol 5:
I found Monday's PA extremely useful as we rarely get a chance to build a quad-pod and we also got to practice many different types of lashes and structures. It also gave the Year 2s chances to experience how being a leader felt like and gave us opportunity to take up more initiatives by being a leader. Through this PA, we learnt to 报时 and cheer more consistently. We also realised that we are not very familiar with the inspection layout, however we practised it 3 times during PA and we are clearer now with both the layout and the names and quantities of the different things that are in the layout. As we 报时 more frequently and work much faster this time, and even though we lacked manpower, we managed to complete all the tasks 30 minutes before the end of the PA. Furthermore, we also played some games which made it really interesting and allowed us to forge a stronger bond within our patrol. Through this PA, we had lots of fun and at the same time also allowed us to be more confident in our basics, so we can lead the future Year 1s better. We hope that with the skills we acquired in this PA, we can do a much better job during 集合.

Reflection by a Year 3 from Patrol 6:
For patrol activity on Monday, my patrol started off with mass change. We mass changed 4 times in total, the first one into Guides uniform in 5 minutes 30 seconds with 30 second time extension, the second one changing back into PE attire in 4 minutes 30 seconds with 1 minute time extension, the third one in 5 minutes 30 seconds and fourth one in 4 minutes 30 seconds, both with no time extension given. Initially, I was quite worried that we may 过时 as I'm not sure if we could change fast enough especially during the last two mass change. However, from this sessions, I realised that I have the capability to change quickly with a high sense of urgency. In addition, it also taught me to look after my juniors better and to help one another out as we are all in this together. I felt that this experience had bonded us as we were constantly reminding one another to remove black watch when in guides uniform etc. Our second activity was PT, which I thought that it had helped in training my stamina and improving my fitness overall. It also served as a common activity for us to bond over and the constant cheering kept our morale up, which enabled us to push on quickly as a patrol. In the end, we managed to complete it faster than the timing given. I personally felt extremely accomplished and satisfied as I usually have a hard time when doing PT. We then had to stand in a line and answer the questions from our guides notes asked by Lydia. Although I managed to answer the two questions she asked correctly, I feel that I still need to familiarise myself with the guides notes more as I am still unsure of the tracking signs and some other stuff. We did PT again as we got some questions wrong. Afterwards, we had a 40 minutes long patrol corner as we were underrunning. During the patrol corner, I felt that we were given a chance to truly get to know our juniors and seniors better. We talked about stuff related and not related to guides and I felt that it was extremely meaningful and heartwarming. Overall, this PA was very satisfying as we were given more opportunities to bond with one another and at the same time hone our soft skills. 

Hope that this was an enriching experience for all!

Published by:
Hoong Yu Ning
50th Batch Secretary

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