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20 April 2019

Hike, 30 March

Hello Guides!

On 30th March, we had our annual hike! This year, it was held at Sembawang Park. The purpose of this hike was to promote bonding within patrols and as a Company, as well as to allow everyone to have an enjoyable experience.

Here are some reflections from the juniors!

For one of the stations during the hike, we had to make a skit using context of the words my patrol had drawn which were "being ignored by everyone" and "knowledge is like a pair of underwear, it's good to have it but not necessary to show it off". Because of the random words we had drawn, I found it rather funny. This activity, in my opinion was rather enjoyable and unique as it was very different from the usual activities in Guides. It gave me a chance to be creative which is something I'm not and it also reminds me that Guides is not all about PT and tying lashes. The bonding opportunity provided by this station was very meaningful as well. Hence, this was personally one of my favourite stations in the hike.

For the riddle station during the hike, we were to play scissors, paper, stone with the station master and win to get a riddle to solve. The more riddles solved, the more points could be earned. I think that we did very well for the station as we did quite well for the scissors paper stone and solved the riddle quite quickly. It was very fun and interesting as I got to hear some riddles that I had never heard before and we had to work together to find the answers for the riddle quicker so it helped with team bonding.

During our hike on Saturday, we had a photo-taking station, where we had to take the most number of photos possible in 20 minutes. When posing for the photo, only one person could look at the example photo given for us to act out. Each time, a different member of the patrol instructed the rest on how to pose based on the example given. This allowed us to improve on our communication skills and ensure that we are able to give clear instructions. We also had a lot of fun and enjoyed ourselves very much in the process. During this station, I learnt to give instructions step by step and ensure everyone is working together so we would be able to quickly get into the pose to take the photo within a short time. During the cup stacking station, we split our patrol into three teams, each with an equal number of patrol members from each batch. This allowed us to bond with all our patrol mates from different batches and was a good chance for us to get to know each other better. We were tasked to stack cups and plates as quickly as possible. However, the wind was very strong and we faced some difficulties in trying to ensure that the “tower” would not fall over due to the wind. Hence, we had to block the wind and build the tower. This helped me to realise how important manpower allocation is as the task would not be accomplished if there was no one assigned to block the wind as the cups and plates would keep falling over. This showed us that without allocating people to different tasks, it would be difficult to complete tasks.

For the post it station at the hike, we were supposed to find post it's hidden around the playground and answer a riddle on the corresponding post it. We were also given a disability such as having our arms or legs tied together. With our movement restricted, we had took work together to be able to find the post it's. We would then also have to use our creativity to figure out the riddle to get the points. This station taught me the value if teamwork and perseverance. Without working together with my patrolmates, we would not have been able to find the post it's quickly or efficiently.

Hope that everyone had fun at the hike and made new memories with each other! :)

Published by:
Hoong Yu Ning
50th Batch Secretary

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