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6 March 2020

Skills Training, 6 March 2020

Hello Guides!

For this week's 集合, the Year 1s and 2s played Capture the Flag and did Creative Gadgeting, while the Year 3s built a Kitchen Shelter. Then, they played a few station games in their patrols.

Capture the Flag
They were split into 3 groups, with Patrol 1-2 as Group 1, Patrol 3-4 as Group 2 and Patrol 5-6 as Group 3. They were be able to choose a place in the playing area to place their flag. One group area will be from the junction until the zebra crossing. One group area will be from the zebra crossing to the cone. This is how the game goes:

  • The flag must be clearly visible to both groups. Both groups have to try to grab the other groups flag and bring it back to the end of their side. 
  • When a member of the other group taps you, the flag has to be placed on the floor where you were tapped. Afterwards, you are to head to the GSL to perform a forfeit in order to return to the game. 
  • You are allowed to pass the flag to other group members. However, you will only be able to score a point when a Year 1 in your group is holding the flag in your area. 
  • There will be 3 rounds, each lasting 8 minutes. To win, your group will have to score as many points as possible.

Reflection from a Year 2:
From this activity, I felt that we could have moved and planned faster and not waste time. We were given 8 minutes for each round but at the start, we spent a lot of time trying to find the best place to hide our flag (the 麻绳) and this resulted in half the game being dedicated to hiding it. This caused the play time to be cut very short and we could not play much. We also needed to make sure that the flag was visible. From this, I think that we also should play the game fairly and not do things such as tying the flag to the tree or hiding it completely under the cone. I felt that we also could have 报时 more frequently to inform us when the game was going to end as we still continued the game though it had already 过时. Also, we were given a rule that only the Year 1s could bring back the flag in order to win the game. From this, I think that we (Year 2s) should try to include them more and listen to their opinions so as to teach and guide them better. And not only communicate among ourselves while planning or passing the flag among ourselves, leaving the Year 1s out.

Creative Gadgeting
The storyline for this activity was: Just as your game of Capture the Flag finishes, you realise that a storm is approaching you. In your individual patrols, you will have to build a structure that shelters 2 of your patrol mates, and elevates all your logistics above the waist height of the shortest person in the patrol. Hurry, for you have 30 minutes before you are completely drenched! Each patrol was provided with the following logistics:
    • 6 中木
    • 1 中长木
    • 6 长木
    • 1 poncho
    • Sufficient 白绳

Reflection from a Year 2:
On Friday, we were tasked to build a creative gadget that is able to shelter four of our patrol members and is able to elevate all of our belongings. I feel that this activity has allowed us to test the Year 1s’ ability to tie lashes. It was also a good opportunity for the year twos to bond more with the year ones. However, it was rather disappointing that the structure that my patrol had built was not stable. We originally wanted to take advantage of our surroundings by using the space in front of the doors of the science labs to help support our structure. But our plan backfired and we ended up with a very unstable structure. I feel that this has allowed us, the year twos, to learn a thing or two. We have learnt that we should plan well and plan fast before we start on the structure. By planning well, we will be able to prevent the structure from becoming unstable. While by planning quickly, we will be able to leave ourselves with more time to build a better structure. We have also learnt that we should try to include our year ones and allocate our manpower better. By doing so, we will be able to make use of our manpower better and this can help us build a better creative gadget. Thus, I feel that that 集合 has been a meaningful one.

Kitchen Shelter
The Year 3s were sorted into the 3 groups and each group was tasked to build a Kitchen Shelter within 40 minutes. At the 20 minute mark, the assigned PL and PS were changed. PLs were to step out to inform the IC of their progress every 10 minutes. 

Reflection from a Year 3:
On Friday's 集合, we built 3 Kitchen Shelters within our batch. This is the first time we experienced what camp development with our batchmates would be like. This was definitely a good practice in preparation for PLTC. In my group, we only managed to get the main guylines up, even though we were the fastest at the start. However, we took a long time to 打进 the arthurs into the ground, which caused a big delay. I think that while building the KS, we should prioritise and see the main objectives, and only perfecting the smaller details if we have time. I think that we did do a better job in stretching out the canvas sheet, but we should check our logistics when retrieving them as this could cause out KS to be too short, or unstable if the 木 is split. In conclusion, it was a enriching learning experience as we revised our skills while taking turns to step up.

Station Games
Each patrol travelled to 4 stations, and the patrol with the least points had to perform a forfeit, which was dancing Chek Chek Goleh!

Station 1: Emergency Shelter and Flagpole
After trekking for ages, you have decided to settle down and make camp. In order to mark the land as yours, your patrol decides to build a flagpole and an emergency shelter to cover all your logistics. Ensure that you finish erecting it in 14 minutes, before another patrol comes along and take the land as theirs!

Reflection from a Year 3:
During 集合, we had to complete two structures, an emergency shelter and a flagpole in 14 minutes. We decided to split the amount of manpower we had since there was not enough time if everyone built one structure together. We also taught the Year 1s the different lashes such as mickey mouse and the 八字结. I feel that we did well on this as our emergency shelter was very taught and stable. Even though we did not manage to complete the flagpole within the given time, we managed to finish most of it and tied it correctly. However, as some of us are still unsure on how to build a flagpole, I feel that we should brush up on our skills and revise on how to tie a proper flagpole. We 报时 and cheered very often and our lashes were also very tight which was good. Hence, I feel that this activity allowed us to bond further with our Year 1s and it teaches them new guides skills.

Station 2: Escape Room
You have been trapped in a room, and there is no way out - except for one thing. Seven post-it notes have been hidden throughout the room, and the only way out is to decode the messages written on it. With every post-it note solved, you will gain a new chain of letters that when pieced together properly, will reveal the word that will allow you to escape. But hurry, as you only have fourteen minutes to do so!

Corresponding Letters
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? (To be written in guides code)
What room do ghosts avoid? (To be written in guides code)
The living room.
What has many keys, yet cannot open any doors? (To be written in guides code)
A piano. 
I make two out of one. What am I? (To be written in guides code)
A mirror. 
What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?
I am white when I am dirty, and black when I am clean. What am I?
A blackboard. 
It is so fragile that simply saying its name can break it. What is it?
Answer to spell out the word ‘illuminate’. 

Reflection from a Year 3:
One of the stations was escape room. We had to look for pieces of paper with clues on them and when we solved the riddle on the notes, we could tell the station IC and if our answer was correct we would get a letter. Then we used all the letters to find the answer : illuminate. It was pretty fun but I think one thing we could improve on was to involve the Year 1s more in the problem solving. We also cheered a little but I think we should have 报时 more as well. But overall, I think we found the answer and escaped the room quite fast and our patrol bonded a little in the process.

Station 3: First Aid
In this room are your patrolmates, who have been forcibly taken away from your patrol some time earlier. Their abductors have disappeared some time ago, but your patrolmates are still stuck inside these rooms, injured. Your job is to enter the room and treat them as well as evacuate them in 14 minutes, before a dangerous gas filtrates the room and poisons you all.

Reflection from a Year 3:
For the first aid station, we had to treat a dislocated shoulder, a sprained ankle and a fractured arm. Although we knew how to treat the casualties, we tied the bandage for the ankle too low to wrap around the ankle at first. We also used large arm sling for a dislocated shoulder instead of an elevation sling at first. As we had extra time left, we used the time to correct our mistakes and teach the Year 1s and 2s how to tie the dressings and bandages. They also tried on each other and got more familiar with first aid. Our patrol did cheer and 报时 in this station to keep the morale up too. Overall, this patrol is fun and there was exposure to first aid for Year 1s.

Station 4: Games

In this station, you two patrols will be pitted against the other to see as to who will emerge victorious as the best patrol. In the first competition, you both will be tested to see as to whose knowledge in guiding is more complete than the other. In the second, we shall see as to whose physical skills will let them gain victory and honour for their patrol. For the first competition, a Year 3 is to step out from each patrol and act out various words for their own patrol. The more words correctly guessed within 5 minutes, the better. As for the second competition, all you will be playing chicken fight. May the games begin! 

Words for Charades
Canvas shoes
Mass change
Gadget poles
First Aid Pouch
Black watch
Guides Songs
Annual Training Camp
Physical Training
Obstacle Journey
Outdoor Cooking

Reflection from a Year 3:
On Friday, we played charades and chicken fight. First, we split our patrol into 2 and since my group was group 1, we played chicken fight against P2's group 1 first. At first, when the game started, none of us moved as we were waiting for the opposing team to move. As a result, we wasted a lot of time since we were reluctant to start moving and only after much prompting by seniors then I made the first move. We should have started the game quickly, as time the ICs assigned to us to play was not to waste it, and also, we should have also taken the initiative to start the game earlier. For charades, we stood in a circle and when we were supposed to go up to the ICs, one by one, to get the word we were supposed to act out. Then, we were to explain the meaning of the word to the Year 1s, since they are new to the CCA. Through this, the year 1s were able to learn more about what we do in guides and our patrol could foster a stronger bond together.

We hope everyone bonded with their batch mates and patrol mates today!

Published by:
51st Batch Secretary

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