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18 April 2009

Hey guides =)

Today's jihe was skills training on the firelighting technique. This is a new skill that the sec 1s have learnt today, as they have never encountered firelighting before. Patrols travelled to their various station in pairs, in the OJ style.

Station 1: Water Boiling
2 people from each patrol were instructed to light a fire, after which, the patrol will be in leg raise position in a radial arrangement, supporting a pail in the middle. Patrol members will then scoop water out of the pail, and empty it in the mess tins for boiling. This station was designed to test both your skills and your patrol spirit. By working fast, you would lessen the weight of the pail, and more water will be able to boil faster. However, we noticed that some patrols lacked the sense of urgency, and we did not sense the patrol spirit in others.

Station 2: Amber Cooking
A sec 3 and two sec 1s were to start a fire to roast an Oreo, while the rest did circuits. The skill in fire lighting was generally okay, although some patrols took a considerable amount of time to get the fire started. As for the circuits, instead of asking the sec 4s to slow down, we felt that you all should try to catch up. Also, many of the items were not well taken care of, and were kupped as a result. Although initially the patrols were not allowed to cheer, but overall the patrol spirit was still low. We feel that you all could have put in more effort for the circuits. PT benefits you, we hope to see everyone do their best they can in it.

Station 3: Teaching Firelighting
The sec 3s were to explain the theory of the traditional firelighting technique (using kindlings), then demonstrate how to firelight using the yuan zi lu. This station tests your understanding and application of the firelighting technique. Although overall, all the patrols were able to get the fire going, we felt that the skill of firelighting could be improved, as some patrols required more than 3 matchsticks.

Station 4: Communications
The sec 1s and 2s ran around the block, while sec 3s were separated and stationed at corners of the level. The sec 3s were given pictures of firelighting materials (and some distractors), which have to be combined in order to start a fire. The solution is that the sec 1s and 2s should act as 'delivery persons', and pass the necessary pictures for the sec 3s. This station focuses less on the skill of firelighting, and instead the main focus is on the communications within the patrol. Reporting back to the station masters after every 5 minutes (for sec 1s and 2s) serves as a distractor. This station highlights the need to show care and concern for one another, and it is good that most patrols were able to finish within the given time frame =)

Bonus questions were also given out, and most patrols were actually able to get at least half correct. Keep it up=) These questions basically test your common sense, although some require higher order thinking.

Overall, the position your patrol came in is not important, but rather, what is most important is that you all have learn something from this jihe. We hope that you all can give your best for future jihes =)

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