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30 December 2009

Hello all.

On monday 28 dec, we had our last jihe of the year. It was also the last orientation prep day before we were going to build the real structures for yr1 orientation next year. We jihed in the morning at 8.20 together with the scouts. Then we went to the MRL and started our orientation prep.

For the kitchen tent, we first checked for any loose knots on the main frames. Then, we qi the main frames and adjusted the positions of the two main frames. When the positions of the main frames were measured and adjusted properly, 4 of us climbed up the tables and chairs to tie the connecting horizontal and diagonal hong2 and huang2 mu4s to connect the two main frames together.

After all the connecting mu4s were tied, we tied the 避雷针. Then, we had lunch. After lunch, we continued tying a hei mu to the highest point of the 避雷针. Then, we raised the 3 canvas sheets over the whole structure and tied them to the kitchen tent to provide shelter. We secured the canvas sheets by tying them to excaliburs that were hit into the ground. After that, we rafted the platform on the second level of the kitchen tent.

We did not manage to finish the whole kitchen tent that day, we were left with a bit more of the rafting and the attaching of the ladder to the kitchen tent. We were too slow in adjusting the positions of the main frames and also the tying of the connecting mu4s. We could have improved by focusing more and doing things more quickly. Also, the kitchen tent could have been improved by making sure the legs of the main frames do not fei1, spreading the canvas sheets out more evenly to ensure that there are no creases, shou1-ing the sheng wei and not overlapping our knots.

But overall, we had improved as we had managed to complete more of the kitchen tent than the previous jihe. We will complete the kitchen tent even better the next jihe and improve in tying of structures for other activities too!

Love guides :)

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