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22 January 2013

2013 Year 1 CCA Orientation

Hi Guides!:D

On saturday, 19th Jan, we had our CCA Orientation for the Year 1s!:) The aim of CCA Orientation is to showcase how Guiding and Scouting skills can be used in many different aspects to persuade our new Year 1s to pick Guides as one of their choices!:) This year's UG Orientation theme was 'HUG: Home with Uniformed Groups', and our Scouts & Guides theme was 'Steps To The Sky'!:D

For CCA Orientation, the Guides company and Scouts troope worked together in different committees in order to fully present our CCA to the Year 1s:) Here are the comms we had:

  • Decoration (Deco)
  • Gateway
  • Kitchen shelter
  • Mini Games
  • Gadgets
  • Outdoor Cooking
  • Lion Dance; Scouts
  • Monkey climb (Shengqiao); Guides
  • Sour Grapes (Gualing); Scouts
  • Fireman's Ladder; Scouts and Guides
Now we shall formally introduce each committee!:D

For Deco comm, the members mostly focus on improving the aesthetic appeal of the structures built by the other committees. They are in charge of making and putting up decorations in order to beautify our exhibitions:) They are also in charge of manning the Guides & Scouts booth, as well as making the souvenirs!:D


A reflection from a Deco member...

Orientation preparation started on 19 December, we all worked hard till 19 January 2013, so as to make this year's orientation a success. When it was all over, it was really unbelievable. I felt relieved yet sad at the same time.

For me, I was in Deco comm, we made souvenirs for the new Year 1s and decorated posters to put up on the other structures made by other committees. It was really heart-warming to see the happy faces of the Year 1s upon receiving the souvenirs, and most importantly, the end product of our hard work.
Overall, CCA Orientation has been a really enriching experience and I definitely had fun promoting Guides to the Year 1s. Hopefully, the Year 1s enjoyed orientation as much as I did and would want to join Guides.

The Gateway is one of the main highlights of the exhibitions. It is a grand, large-scale structure which takes spars to create. The Gateway is one of the main things the Year 1s would notice right away upon entering the UG Orientation area, and also where the Year 1s will enter through for their welcoming into the UG exhibitions:)

A reflection from a Gateway member...

I think building the gateway has helped all of us understand the importance of tight lashes. Thanks to many of the seniors' guidings we managed to complete it ^^ Singing with 2012's songleaders to the year ones was quite impromptu but we all had fun and it was satisfying to see them smile ^^ The orientation was fun and all the preparation paid off well :)

Kitchen Shelter
The Kitchen Shelter is another large-scale structure which also utilizes spars. As the name suggests, it provides shelter to many other exhibitions in the open area allocated to Scouts and Guides:) The Kitchen Shelter is a grand, massive structure that also proved its importance when it rained during our CCA Orientation, and is also a main highlight of the exhibtions with its slide~:D



A reflection from a Kitchen Shelter member...

I feel that Orientation was quite fun overall and it was my first time building a different type of Kitchen Shelter. When building the large structure, everyone in the committee worked hard together to build it and showed great teamwork. In order to attract and impress more Year 1s, we tried our best to show them as much about our CCA and we hoped that they would join us. Working together with everyone else to build a structure was fun and also a great learning experience and this was also an opportunity to apply what we had learned during CCA. I enjoyed Orientation a lot.
Mini Games
Mini Games is an exhibition committee which incorporates Scouting and Guiding skills, mostly lashes, into structures that can be used for games!:D For this year's Mini Games, we had the Archery booth, Obstacle Course, and Catapult booth:)
A reflection from a Mini Games member...
Year 1 CCA orientation was really fun! It was a whole new experience indeed. I feel I played my role as a proud guide by promoting Guides and persuading the juniors to join our big family. I also managed to build closer bonds with my seniors and batchmates throughout all the prep days and I'm really happy for having gotten out slightly from my own comfort zone. I managed to improve my lashes and I also trained my resilience and willpower a lot. This experience has been a really awesome and memorable one. It may not have been the most perfect experience, but through all the hard works and great efforts, I managed to appreciate the outcome much more. I learnt more skills, grown stronger and forged closer bonds with other Guides. I really can't wait for the juniors to join our warm family!
The Gadgets committee uses creative gadgeting to build structures, using both spars and gadget poles, that can be used in daily life:) For this year's Gadgets, a Kitchen Table, Fire Altar, Kitchen Dresser, and Bench was built. Through this creative gadgets, we hope to show that the structure built in Guides activities can often be modified, sometimes even creating new structures, to create overall products which are innovative and useful:)
A reflection from a Gadgets member...
Orientation 2013 was indeed a different experience for me as it was the first time I was preparing for it. I was in the Gadgets committee and we had to build a bench and a kitchen table, something that I have never done before. After every orientation prep, I had a great sense of achievement because I know that I have learnt something new today and more the next time. I really look forward to arrival of the 2013 year ones! :)

Outdoor Cooking
Another main highlight of the Scouts & Guides Exhibitions!:D The Outdoor Cooking committee is of course, in charge of cooking mini tidbits and snacks to be given out to the Year 1s!:) Using Scouts & Guides skills of Firelighting, the fire is started by us using matches/lighters and maintained by adding kindlings to it!:)
For this year's Outdoor Cooking, we have cooked one roasted chicken (yes, roasted by our very own Scouts & Guides), marshmallows, bread, pineapple rice, and Hawaiian pizza!:D They proved to be quite popular with our Year 1s:D~

Now, onto the Performance committees!:D All of these performances below are actually Scouts/Guides Traditional Games:)
Monkey Climb (Shengqiao) : Guides
Monkey Climb is an activity which requires 2 A-架s (built using spars) to be connected by a single thick manila rope. The committee has to get all of its members across the rope, in which everyone takes turns to support the frame and climb, within a narrow time limit! It is a test of true trust and teamwork within the members, and a performance which takes time and effort to perfect:D
Sour Grapes (Gualing) : Scouts
Sour Grapes is an activity which requires 1 黑木 (black spar) and 1 浅蓝木 (a smaller spar) tied high up on the black spar. The committee has to get all of its members to climb up the black spar to hang their Scouts scarfs onto the smaller spar, one at a time, while the rest support and prevent the black spar from falling. It is also a test of the members' trust and co-operation, as well as the courage of each member:)
Fireman's Ladder : Scouts & Guides
Fireman's Ladder is an activity which requires spars to be built in a ladder formation, with 3 steps, the middle rung being on the other side of the top and bottom rungs. The committee has to get all of it members to climb up the ladder speedily and flip neatly over the top rung. It is yet another test of the members' faith in each other, as well as their flexibility:D

A reflection from a Fireman's Ladder member...
For this year's Orientation, I was in a performance committee - Fireman's Ladder. I was very happy to know I was in Fireman's Ladder as I has done it before during one of the Guides Activities and I really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed all the practices we had. Although I had done it before, I came to realise that there were actually many other different aspects of climbing and flipping over the ladder, such as tips and tricks to climb fast, and how to keep your legs straight while flipping. Also, through all these preps, I got to know my juniors and batchmates and seniors more and learnt how to work with other people I was not familiar with. It was a really great experience ((: and when performance time came, I was very proud to be a Guide and to be a part of DHSCOY ((: I really learnt a lot from Orientation and Orientation prep, and I'm looking forward to the next one ((:
Overall, everyone put in a lot of effort for 2013 CCA Orientation to be successful:D Through the blood, sweat, and tears, we bonded more as a Company and also learnt and improved many of our Guides skills. We are really looking forward to seeing our new Year 1s enter and hope that they can be part of our big family, DHSCOY, too!:D

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