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17 March 2013

15th March Initiatives!

Hi Guides!:D

On 15th March, we had our last Friday 集合 of Term 1. For the first 1.5 hours, we had PA:) Afterwards, we had Initiatives!!:D Coy 1 did Cake Baking while Coy 2 did Yarn Craft, specifically Dreamcatchers and Pen Weaving!:)

For this week's 集合, most patrols did Survival Skills and First-Aid. Some patrols did creative gadgeting as well:)


For Coy 1, each patrol had to bake a cake that had relevance to their patrol in Guides:) Below is the recipe on how to bake the cake:D

After much effort:>,

We finally had our cakes!:D

COY 2!:D

For Coy 2, they learnt how to do Dreamcatchers and Pen Weaving:)

Below are the instructions:

Useful websites:


During the March Holidays, we will be doing enrichment programmes outside of what we normally do in Guides, such as Rock-Climbing and Kayaking~:)

It's goodbye for 1 week then~:O Enjoy your March Holidays!!:D

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