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21 September 2013

集合, 20th September

Hi Guides!

For 集合 yesterday, we had Initiatives! Coy 1 and Coy 2 split up into two groups as we were learning different things. In Coy 1, P1 taught them how to make wind chimes!

In addition, they learnt how many a interesting things about the history of wind chimes and their uses:

  • in Ancient Rome, they were used as a symbol of good fortune and a charm against evil
  • countries in Asia, such as China and Japan, hang them around for good luck
Here's how to make your very own windchime

Meanwhile, P7 taught Coy 2 how to make boxes out of ice cream sticks. 

After that, we learnt how to tie ribbons using forks. Although it looked confusing initially, practice makes perfect and we soon got the hang of it. Here's how to make a ribbon:

To end it off, we had a ribbon tying competition! Each patrol sent out 3 members to compete against other patrols to tie 3 ribbons, which would be judged based on speed of tying and neatness, in a relay race. Although there was no clear winner, what was clear is that everyone had an enjoyable time learning new rafts and bonding with their patrol mates.:)

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