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2 September 2014

Initiatives, 29th August

Hi Guides!

For this 集合, the Guides had the opportunity to do more initiatives! The two COYs split up again, with COY 1 sewing a drawstring pouch and COY 2 doing string art and making their very own photo frames!

COY 1 
The Guides were asked to bring cloth and decorative materials such as ribbons and sequins etc. The Year 3s in charge gave out the instructions and then, the rest of the Guides started sewing. Whilst the Guides were sewing, they had the opportunity to talk within their patrols, which was a prime time for them to bond! Many of them enjoyed the initiatives because they got to bring home hand- sewn pouches as well as many memories of this initiatives. :)

Thoughts from a Year 1...
When we first heard how to make the drawstring pouches, it was confusing and we all thought that it was complicated. However, when we started making it, it was not as difficult as it look. It was pretty easy actually! We were able to practise our sewing skills and at the same time able to bond with the patrol :) Although we could not finish sewing the pouches, it is definitely an enriching experience :D

Thoughts from a Year 2...
I found these initiatives quite useful, because a drawstring pouch can be used to contain many different things and hence is quite practical. It was still a fun experience to make our own pouch and it would be an item we are proud of! During the time we sewed our pouch, our patrol mates also shared stories and chatted together. Overall, these initiatives were interesting and allowed patrols to talk more, since we do not often have time to chat during usual Guides activities, besides Patrol Corner. I enjoyed the initiatives and hope there will be more in the future! 

For COY 2, they did string art and a photo frame. Likewise, COY 2 had this opportunity to bond within the patrol. The juniors and seniors chatted whilst doing the activities, making the initiatives even more enjoyable! Many Guides really loved the end products and were thankful for the opportunity to learn stuff outside of Guides activities. 

Thoughts from a Year 1...
Yesterday’s initiatives were rather fun. Firstly, doing the string art proved harder than expected!  When I tried to do the string art, I guess maybe I did not hold the string firmly enough, so it unraveled a few times. However, I managed to finish it eventually! :) Secondly, we did the photo frame. However, I was unable to finish it on time because I took a longer time for my string art. Nonetheless, I'm really glad I tried my best to complete both tasks! I feel that although initiatives are usually very simple, but they really help us bond with our seniors! Overall, I really enjoy all the initiatives and I look forward to new and fun initiatives that are to come! :)

Hopefully, all the Guides really enjoyed these activities and they can definitely try these crafts again in the future!

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