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2 April 2017

Skills Training, 24th March

Hello fellow Guides! Last Friday, we had Skills Training during 集合. The Year 5 Alumni returned to train the Year 3s in preparation for the upcoming Patrol Leader’s Training Camp (PLTC), while the Year 1s and Year 2s had separate events planned by the Year 4s. Let’s start off with the activities that the Year 3s had.

Reflection from a Year 3:

Friday's 集合 was conducted by the Year 5 Alumni. At first, my batch and I were quite nervous about this 集合. While we felt that it was good that they were probably going to train us for the upcoming PLTC, we were afraid that the activities planned out would be quite tough. However, contrary to our expectations, we went back to the basics first, revising our basic lashes such as the quadpod and diagonal lash. For this activity, we split into three groups and helped one another. I think this segment was well-planned as it is very important that we have a strong foundation of our knowledge of lashes first before we can go on to build bigger and more large-scale structures.  Next, in our three groups, we were tasked to build a tower. Groups 1 and 3 would built the main towers and mainframes while Group 2 would build the bridge connecting the two towers. I felt that this activity was very beneficial as it allowed people to step up amongst our own batch, and helped us to improve our communication skills greatly. It was really heartening when I saw the typically more quiet people step up and lead the entire batch in building this structure. Although we had various areas of improvement, such as more constant 报时, greater sense of urgency and tighter lashes, to me, this 集合 really helped to bond my batch even more in the sense that we were always cheering and helping one another whenever we saw anyone needed help. I look forward to more 集合s where we can continue to forge ties and build stronger bonds not only among our batch or patrol but among the entire as well. 

Concurrently, the Year 1s and 2s were having a different event. There was a short creative gadgeting session, then there was Batch Physical Training (PT) afterwards.

For the creative gadgeting, these were the instructions:

Patrols can choose which to take



Short half/full bamboos
Patrols can choose which to take
Each patrol will be tasked to collect the following logistics
They are allowed to exchange among one another, but they should not take more logistics than stated. Each patrol is given 30 mins to build a multipurpose campsite structure which should meet the following criteria:
 At least 2 tripods. 
At least 5 diagonal lashes

Most of the patrols decided to build a baggage rack, with only Patrol 5 (P5) deciding to build a bench. Here are some reflections from the Year 2s.

Reflection from Year 2 of Patrol 3 (P3 built a baggage rack):

My patrol decided to build a baggage rack, with the only change being that the two A-s were replaced by two tripods. As for the top layer, we only netted half of the space and the other half was left empty. We also rafted half-bamboos onto one side of the rack. Since we were tasked with building a multi-purpose structure, we decided to design our baggage rack in this way because the bottom layer and half of the top layer of the rack, which was netted, can be used to place pots, pans and other things such as food. Furthermore, plates can also be arranged in between the half-bamboos and towels, while cloth can be hung on the which is empty.

The reason why we chose to improvise the baggage rack to become our final product was because we felt that it would be much more easier for us to understand the how the overall structure would look like. However, I felt that we still took too much time to decide on what we wanted to build because when we had finished discussing, many other patrols were already making progress on their structures. Also, I felt that we could have cheered more to increase our patrol morale as we were quite quiet throughout the whole activity. We could also have a better sense of urgency as we could not complete the whole structure on time due to the wastage of time in the beginning.

Reflection from Year 2 of Patrol 5 (P5 built a bench):

Last Friday, we built a multi purpose bench, using two tripods as the main frames. We included rafting and netting as well. In the beginning, we had agreed upon build a baggage rack. However, after much consideration, we decided to alter our design into a bench as it was more creative. Also, it is multi functional and we would be able to place anything, from plates and cups to pots and pans on it. Not only can we put our logistics on it, we would be able to sit together and bond with one another, thus strengthening our relationships. Moreover, if anyone were to get injured, she can rest there and hence be able to recover more speedily.

I was pleased that our patrol's structure was different from the other patrols', which clearly showcased how creative we were. However, I believe that if we had appointed one person to take charge, we would have been able to complete the structure much faster as much clearer instructions could have been given out. Also, our lashes were quite loose and I hope that we can work on them and ensure that they are much tighter in the future. Lastly, we would take note next time to have a clear plan in mind what we are going to build beforehand so that we can be certain in telling the year one what they can do to help.

Next, there was Batch Physical Training whereby 3 stations were set up. Here are some more details of the station activities, as well as some reflections from the Year 1s.

Station 1:

Area of focus: Leg strength and stamina
In this station, Guides are given a maximum of 20 mins to complete one length of lunges, followed by running around the rest of the block, and 20 jumping jacks before running up to the next level and repeating until level 6. They will then run back down the stairs to level 1 without having to run around the block. 

Reflection from a Year 1:

After completing station 1, I felt that the batch bonded a lot. Guides who were faster would encourage Guides who were slower, waiting for them and asking one another if they were alright. We would cheer as loud as we could even though we were already exhausted and out of breath. Throughout the training, I definitely felt the strong bond of sisterhood. After going home with our muscles aching, we still felt very contented, having done our best, making more friends and spreading a smile to others.

Station 2:

Area of focus: Arm strength
In this station, Guides are to complete a 20 min circuit consisting of: 
10 inclined pull ups (dry weather only)
15 burpees
10 plank-ups
One length of crabwalk
10 partner dips, where one Guide will 站马 while the other will use her knees to do dips. 

Reflection from a Year 1:

Station 2 proved a difficult station of endurance and attitude as we had already been drained during the previous station, yet we still knew there were two more, and the thought of it made us even more tired. Nevertheless, we still persevered through station 2, which consisted of the crab walk and planks and more, meant to help develop certain muscles of our body. Originally, we were a little disorganised, but after Jing Wen took up the initiative to take the lead, we managed to complete 2 sets of exercises. I was glad that we were in this as a batch together, it was extremely meaningful when we were cheering incessantly, as this helped improve our team morale and also guided us and encouraged us through the whole of twenty minutes. Although we were sweating profusely throughout the whole station, it was satisfactory and contentment that met us at the end.

Station 3:

Area of focus: Core strength
Guides are to complete a 20 min circuit consisting of: 
10 plank walk-ups, where Guides start from a standing position and their hands walk down into a full plank position
10 cross-crunches
1 min partner plank
10 leg lifts

Reflection from a Year 1:

Station 3 was the last station the batch went to and by that time I could say most of us were already drained of energy. However, the exercises there were mainly manageable, as we still had the stamina to cheer and motivate the others in completing the physical training. We had no batch mates falling out and this really shows how everyone was persevering and caring for others even when they themselves were having a hard time. Personally, I think that this station was the one I liked best. Also, it was nice to see someone step up to lead the others. Most people don't have the confidence to lead, and having a leader really helped to create a clear sense of direction and keep the batch bonded together.

Published by:
Chen Wei
48th Batch Secretary

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