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23 March 2017

Patrol Activity, 20th March

Hey fellow Guides! How have you guys been :-) On Monday, we had Patrol Activity (PA) as usual, with Patrols 2, 3 and 6 having combined PA while Patrols 1, 4 and 5 carried out their individual activities

For the combined PA between Patrols 2, 3 and 6, the juniors had a mini Obstacle Journey (OJ) consisting of 3 stations. The OJ started with an inspection, followed by the briefing of the storyline and the number of stations before the patrols went to the appropriate venues. 

This is the storyline:
As mountain climbing enthusiasts, you all need to train and prepare actively for your next big expedition in June(STC). Today, you will be completing tasks to help build up your endurance, stamina and skills. Treasure this 1 hour of training, and always remember to look out for one another. We wish you all the best, and train hard Mountaineers! 

Here are the details of the various stations and what how the juniors have reflected on their areas for improvement.

Station 1:

Welcome to the Physical Conditioning station, where we aim to build up sufficient stamina and endurance to ensure that scaling up the mountain will prove no challenge to all of you! 

Task: Patrol will split into two teams and there will be 2 starting points for the 2 groups, one start point is in front of class 1E and the other in front of class 1D. Each group is supposed to send one representative to run along the corridor and meet the other representative of the other group. Upon meeting the other representative, they will have to solve the Guides code given to them. The representative that does not manage to solve the Guides code is supposed to go back to their own starting point and carry out the forfeit stated on the Guides code. The other representative continues running and the other group sends out a representative. The game continues till one representative reaches the other groups starting point.

The forfeit written in guides codes are:

  • 10 jumping jacks x3
  • 45 second planking x2
  • 15 squats x2
  • Sing one line of Maboleh with the whole group x1
  • 5 star jumps x2
  • Lunge to the other groups starting point x2

Reflection from a Year 3…

I feel that this station was creative in teaching the Year 1s their tracking signs and letting the rest of us revise our skills. I was initially worried that I would panic and forget my tracking signs completely, but luckily the phrases we needed to decode was not that difficult and could be guessed. A point for the patrol to improve on would be to 照顾 our things more. We could do this by standing around our stuff to make sure they are in our sights. In conclusion, I really liked this station and it was my favourite station in the whole OJ.

Station 2:

Welcome to the Firelighting station, where you will be learning and revising your skills in fire starting and fire signals. During your climb, you will need to be able to produce a fire to heat your food and stay warm. You will also need to be able to signal for help from the alps, in the event your run into trouble, using a signal fire. Start your fires quick, to ensure there is time for a warm drink as a respite from the cold!

Task: Patrols are required to light 3 fires in the correct formation of a signal fire. The fires will be lighted on stoves using 木麻黄 and matchsticks. Patrols are then required to boil water using 2 mess tins over 2 of their fires to make Coffee and Milo drinks. 

Suggested Solution:
Why light a fire:
  • a) Cook food
  • b) Produce heat (To save calories from being used up in producing body heat)
  • c) Scare away dangerous animals (Smoke is used to keep insects and pests at bay)
  • d) Used to heat metals (To make tools and weapons, Sharpen sticks, Bake pots)
  • e) Purify water
  • f) Sterilise surgical instruments
  • g) Provide comfort and boost morale
  • h) Signal for help
How to light a fire:
  • a) Place some sticks on the ground for the foundation
  • b) Make a bed of tinder. (Arrange it in a C shape to give greater shielding from the wind and make the fire easier to ignite.)

Reflection from a Year 3…

The purpose of this station was to introduce fires to them immediately set up all logistics required for a signal fire. Since we were given 12 minutes to boil and cook the milo provided, we had hoped to light the fire within 3 minutes so as to enable the water to boil quickly and for us to be able to drink the beverage. In order to make things clearer for the Year 1s, we explained the purpose of a signal fire to them, demonstrated the steps to arranging the 原子炉, how the kindlings should be arranged inside each 原子炉 as well as taught them how to sustain the fire. We then proceeded to show them how to light a fire, before letting them try it themselves. It was heartening to see that they were all trying their best to light the 木麻黄 successfully. They also had a go at sustaining the fire. Initially, it was rather challenging to light and sustain the fires as it was windy. However, we made use of our manpower to shield the wind. We also made sure to look after our logistics to prevent them from getting kupped, and constantly 报时-ed so as to manage our time. However, due to time constraints, we were unable to boil the milo, which showed that we really needed to improve on our time management. Furthermore, our patrol morale was low—we were too fixated on the task and thus neglected cheering, which would definitely have lifted our spirits. Nonetheless, although we did not get to drink the drink, I'm glad that the Y1s learnt something new today and I hope that they will apply this knowledge in future 集合s.

Station 3:

Welcome to the Seek Shelter station. While in the mountains, shelter from the cold and harsh elements are essential to ensuring your survival. However, you’ve only managed to bring along 2 dome tents and some groundsheets. Unfortunately, most of your patrol members need to cover their eyes with a piece of cloth to protect them from the harsh and cold wind. Brave through the elements to ensure you reach the peak!

Task: Patrol will be given 15 minutes to build 2 improvised shelters and 2 dome tents. Everyone in the patrol to be blindfolded and are not supposed to talk except the PL and the PS.

Reflection from a Year 3…

For station 3, we had to build 2 dome tents concurrently with 2 shelters. As the Patrol Leader for the station, I feel that I could have done much better by being more confident and giving clearer instructions especially since my patrol mates were blindfolded and not everyone was sure of how to build the tents, making the process even more difficult. Instead of just focusing my attention on building the tents, I felt that I should have looked at the bigger picture and also put aside time to help others as my patrol mates were not allowed to speak so they could not clarify any doubts. Being more confident could have also ensured better efficiency as I would have been less hesitant. I think that it was also important to keep the patrol morale up through cheering (which we did not do much of) to encourage each other along the way. All in all, although I felt that as a senior I could have done much better to lead the patrol, this station was still a good learning opportunity to help me better myself.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 1…

During Monday's Patrol Activity(PA), we were first instructed to run around the General Science Lab area to search for post-it notes that our seniors (Y4s) had pasted within seven minutes. After that, we had to solve the codes on them within the remainder of the time, which was approximately 4 to 5 minutes. The codes which were deciphered told us what we had to do during the Patrol Activity. For the Year Ones(Y1) and the Year Twos(Y2), they were supposed to do Inspection. On the other hand, the Year Threes(Y3) were tasked to build a creative gadget that could elevate our belongings. We were given 23 minutes. However, at every three minutes, we were supposed to pick a number from one to five and our structure had to adhere to the instruction. At first we had decided to tie two tripods, however after a criteria was articulated to us, we realised that we had to change our plans. Despite the sudden change in structure, we still managed to tie finish our structure quite quickly, and I felt that the best part of the structure was the clothing line that we had to include. For the clothing line, we used a 长木 to put at the top and tied it downwards to the structure using 白绳. After our own batch activities within the patrol, we were then tasked to teach the juniors how to build a flag and others. Also, at every six minutes, one patrol member from each batch had to go do physical training(PT).  It was a very interesting and fun patrol activity.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 4…

On Monday, we built a kitchen shelter and table. At first, I was tasked to build the kitchen shelter together with Lin Min and Clara who worked on the table separately. We felt that we didn't give our all as at first—we weren't fast enough and  we didn't have a sense of urgency. On the contrary, the Year Ones (Y1s) looked rather happy as they were able to learn how to build a kitchen shelter. This time, we took the time to guide the them through the building of the kitchen shelter every step of the way. After the activity, the Y1s feed backed that they have learnt not to leave our belongings too far from us, that the knots should be tight, to ensure the ends of the 麻绳 is tucked in nicely and not hanging out, to measure lengths properly, and to ensure that the 木 is be stable and upright before they take pacings. Additionally, I believe that the year ones learnt to have a better sense of urgency and constant cheering and 报时. As for the knots, they also learnt how to tie the 活结. They were also reminded that the first thing to do when building a kitchen shelter is to tie a 八字结 to all four corners of the green sheet and then attach it to the 青木 with a Clove hitch. Overall, I believe this patrol activity was beneficial to every batch as everyone were reminded of basic structures and knots and I personally learnt how to step up more.

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 5…

Monday's PA was split into three main sections. The first part consisted of us building an 8-man tent without arthurs. Every 3 minutes, we would have to answer a question on survival skills, trekking skills or first aid. I feel that this portion of PA was well planned as I, being a Y3, was still slightly unsure about this structure before PA and was able to familiarise myself with it in preparation of PLTC.  The second part consisted of orienteering. The Y2s were quite familiar with these skills as they had recently learnt it in Modular PE and thus they taught the Year 1s the basics of orienteering. After that, we had some practice in order to find a clue on our next activity, which is the third part. The third part consisted of us building a prototype of a chair using gadget poles. Luckily, we had a good idea but what I feel could have been improved was our manpower allocation in order to complete the structure more efficiently. Also, another thing we could have done is to 照顾好东西. Due to our negligence, our 木 was taken away without us noticing by our seniors. We should have taken more care of our belongings and logistics. Overall, I feel that this PA taught and revised many skills. I look forward to more PAs where we able to continue to do so. 

Published by:
Chen Wei
48th Batch Secretary

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