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29 September 2017

Skills Training and EDD Preparation, 25th August

Hello Guides!

This was the last 集合 we had before standing down for our End-of-Year Exams! We had a pioneering session, while the people involved in EDD (East Division Day) were excused from the session to prepare for EDD.

The Year 1s and 2s were first given a briefing on the skills training activity, before they were tasked to retrieve the necessary logistics. They then proceeded to tie the square lash, diagonal lash and quadpod lash. The Year 3s checked all their respective lashes and gave their comments, before the Year 1s and 2s were allowed to move on to the next lash.

After which, the Year 1s and 2s were given a debrief on the skills training, before being briefed on the pioneering activity. Next, they went to return and retrieve the logistics needed for pioneering.

Two patrols combined to build one structure. P1 and P2 built a Kitchen Shelter, P3 and P4 built a Kitchen Table and P5 and P6 built a Kitchen Dresser.

The pairs of patrols switched structures every 15 minutes eg. P1 and P2 will move to build the Kitchen Table, P3 and P4 will build the Kitchen Dresser, and P5 and P6 will build the Kitchen Shelter. The patrols had to complete a task upon switching structures. The task should be told to them by the previous patrols that were there.

Kitchen Shelter: Every 1.5 minutes, one person is to run one round around the track. Every 5 minutes, two people are to come out to answer questions related to Guide skills.

Kitchen Table: Patrols are to tie 3 浅蓝木 across the 顶角 of each tripod.

Kitchen Dresser: Attach a dustbin to the structure.

Reflection from a Year 2:
This 集合 was both physically and mentally tiring for me as we had very little manpower and we needed to carry 82 青木 across some distance in only 15 minutes. After that, we had to practise our lashes on the 木. We do not have many activities during 集合s whereby we can get to practise our lashes on 木 as we usually do it on gadget poles. After listening to the senior's comments, I was able to improve the quality of my lashes. For the pioneering activity where we had to do a few rotations of the structures, I was appointed as the PL (Patrol Leader) so it was quite stressful for me. One of the challenges I faced was that I did not know how to build a kitchen dresser, so it took me some time to get the structure right. Overall, this activity helped me be more familiar with my lashes and the structures.

Reflection from a Year 2:
For Friday's 集合, we had skills training and pioneering. It was quite disappointing to see that many of my batch mates were not putting in their best effort, including me, as our lashes were loose. In addition, we 过时-ed and had to ask for a time extension multiple times. Next, we had pioneering. It was quite interesting as we had to rotate among our 3 groups. As the PL of my group, I felt really awful as I did not know what I had to do. This was not my first time being a leader and I should, more or less, have had understood what a leader should do and be more experienced, yet I was still confused and was also unsure of what I was doing. Fortunately, my PS (Patrol Second) was there to guide and aid me in leading the group. She also helped me greatly in other ways. Even though I ultimately did manage to give out some clear instructions to the group, I still feel the need to step up my "PL game".

Hope that everyone enjoyed this last 集合 and all the best to everyone for the upcoming EOY Exams!

Published By:
49th Batch Secretary

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