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4 April 2018

Hike, 31st March

Hi Guides!

We had our annual hike on the 31st of March at Hortpark! This hike aimed to promote bonding within patrols and as an entire Company, and to allow all Guides to have an enjoyable time. Here is a summary of the activities, as well as some reflections from the juniors :-)

Overall Storyline:
As Riley’s emotions start to overwhelm her, she finds herself unable to cope with the various issues in her daily life. In order to tackle this situation, Riley finds herself on an unexpected adventure to uncover her most exuberant emotion among the six core emotions – anger, fear, sadness, disgust, joy and surprise. Will you help Riley on this adventure?

Station 1:
Part 1: Ping Pong Cup
20 plastic cups will be arranged in 5 rows of 4 with all cups half filled with water, 6 of which will have bottle caps inside. The patrol would have to stand 1 metre away from the cups and aim to throw the ping pong balls into all of the cups with bottle caps inside. Each person can have up to 3 tries, provided that the entire patrol finishes within 10 minutes.

Part 2: Hot Potato
Music will be played while the patrol sits in a circle, passing two tennis balls around in different directions behind their backs. One of the tennis ball would be labelled with the masking tape. Once the music stops, the person with the labelled tennis ball would have to either answer a “truth” question or complete a “dare” suggested by another patrol member. This will continue for three rounds, or until a total of 9 minutes is up.

*If patrol only manages to complete one part of the station - Half of the complete hint will be given (“THI”)

What the hint is supposed to mean: If a=1, then f=6, e=5 a=1 and r=18. The sum of the numbers adding up to form “fear” is 30.

Reflection from a Year 3:
We had fun during this station. Whenever someone managed to throw the ping pong ball into the cup, we would all cheer and it also increased our patrol bondedness. After the game, we moved on to Hot Potato. The game was very exciting as everyone was praying that they did not get the ball, so that they would not have to answer. We had fun listening to each other answering questions and completing dares posed to us. One of our patrol member’s dare was to high five a stranger and we laughed when she managed to complete the dare. It had been a long time since our patrol had this much fun together and I feel that we really bonded through this game.

Station 2:
Patrol would be given a crossword puzzle to complete, and they are to figure out the hint within the crossword. Keywords for the hints to the answers to the crossword puzzle will be given to the patrol in Guides’ code, while the patrol is able to send one member every 3 minutes to check one answer with the station master. In order to check the answer, the Guide will either have to state one of the Guides’ Laws correctly, or will have to beat the station master in a game of tic-tac-toe. At the end of 20 minutes, the station master will then highlight the corresponding boxes containing letters found in the word “trepidation” based on the accuracy of the answers written.

1 - Thumbelina
2 - Jaded
3 - Wanderlust
4 - Five
5 - Silence
6 - Orienteering
7 - Rafflesia
8 - Love
9 - Edam
10 - Needle
11 - Tuanbu

Hint: TREPIDATION - with selected letters given to the patrol

What the hint is supposed to mean: Synonym of fear

Reflection from a Year 3:
It was a very good test of our skills as we had to work together to decode the Guides code. Furthermore, we had to solve the riddles as soon as possible so that we could obtain the clues. This allowed us to learn how to work under a time limit. Certain parts of the puzzle were highlighted, showing which letters we needed to decode the clue. By deciding which words we should solve first, we learnt how to prioritize certain areas and focus on the more important tasks at hand. In all, this station developed our teamwork and prioritization skills.

Station 3:
Part 1: Charades
Patrol will be given a word or phrase, whereby the members will be given 30 seconds each to alternate between drawing and describing the given word. (eg. 1st person who is given the word draws a picture, followed by 2nd person looking at the drawn picture and describing to 3rd person for her to draw etc.) The last person will then guess the given word or phrase based on either the description or the drawing of the second last person. This will continue for a total of three rounds, or until a total of 12 minutes is up.

List of words and phrases: 我爱女童军, Titanic, Gingerbread, 南屏晚钟, Guides 不是跑就是飞

Part 2: Taboo
The station master is to assign 5 patrol members any number between 1 to 100 and they will each have an assigned list of words (i.e. odd, even, single-digit, double-digit, multiple of a certain number) that they are unable to use in the description of the number to their patrol mates. Each of the 5 members would be allowed to use two words that are not on the list to describe their number, and patrol members would then have to arrange the numbers correctly in increasing or decreasing order. If the patrol fails to get it right, the 5 members would be allowed to use an additional word to describe their number. This would be the patrol’s last attempt. The entire process will be carried out again with another 5 members, or until a total of 7 minutes is up.

Hint: Primary + Colours
*If patrol only manages to complete one part of the station - Half of the complete hint will be given (“Primary”)

What the hint is supposed to mean: Combination of primary colours would narrow down the patrol’s choices to either purple, green or blue, while purple represents the element of fear in the movie.

Reflection from a Year 3:
During the charades station, the weather was quite unbearable since we were standing on the bridge without any shelter from the sun. However, I was glad that the charades games was able to make up for the hot weather and the company of my patrol mates made the experience much better. During this station, we were given a few phrases that were quite difficult to describe with actions. In addition, most of us were also unable to understand what message or words the others were trying to convey. However, it was still a fun experience overall as most of us would just laugh when we saw the confused looks of our patrol members. Moreover, this station also gave me an opportunity to interact and bond with my seniors as well. Such interactions are hard to come by since Guides emphasises more on discipline, and I am happy that I was able to crack jokes with and bond with my seniors before they passed down.

Station 4:
Part 1: Broken Telephone
The patrol is to be split into equal groups of 3 or 4, depending on the patrol size. Each member in one group will then be given a different tongue twister from the rest of her group mates (eg. Member 1 in Group 1 has the same tongue twister as Member 1 in Group 2, but a different tongue twister as Member 2 in Group 1). After every 1 minute 30 seconds, one member from each group will then move to the next group to share her tongue twister with the rest. This will continue until every member in her original group has shifted to another group. At the end of all the movements, each new group is now expected to have members with completely different tongue twisters.

List of tongue twisters:
  • Eleven benevolent elephants (x3)
  • 坡上立着一只鹅,坡下就是一条河
  • Three thin thinkers thinking thick thoughtful thoughts
  • How can a clam cram in a clean cream can

Part 2: Human Knot
Patrol would stand in a circle, facing each other. Everyone is to lift their left hand and reach across to take the hand of someone standing across the circle, followed by lifting the right arm and reach across to take the hand of another person standing across the circle. Note that no one should be holding hands with someone directly next to them. Patrol members would be assigned math questions at the start of the game. Patrol would have to untangle the human knot without letting go of anyone’s hand, and provide the answer for the math question assigned at the end of the game.

List of Math Questions:
  1. 5432 / 5
  2. 1 = 5, 2 = 10, 3 = 15, 4 = 20, 5 = ?
  3. 2097 - 246.76
  4. 7 x 16 + 47 - 38 / 4
  5. 9 - 3 / ⅓ + 1

  1. 1086.4
  2. 1
  3. 1850.24
  4. 149.5
  5. 1

Dissipate and Congregate
Fragmentary and Substantial
Dubious and Plausible
Hopes and Aspirations
Inexorable and Conciliate

What the hint is supposed to mean: Each pair of words are antonyms, with the exception of hopes and aspirations being the pair of synonyms. By identifying the odd pair of hopes and aspirations, it will then point to the antonym of hopes and aspirations being fear.

Reflection from a Year 3:
On 31 March, all of the Dunman High Guides went to Hortpark for the annual hike and participated in a total of 7 stations, one of which involved the games ‘Broken Telephone’ and ‘Human Knot’. While I was familiar with the game ‘Telephone’, the variation of it was new to me, but it was what made it all the more interesting. With the patrol split into three groups and each person in one group given a different tongue twister to memorise, it was certainly a new experience trying to rearrange every single one of us such that we were not in our original groups and that each new group also had people with different tongue twisters. The concept was definitely different as we could only communicate with our current groups and not across them, which added to the difficulty of figuring out how to switch around the patrol members. After ‘Broken Telephone’, we played ‘Human Knot’, with the added twist of having to answer 5 Math questions while trying to untangle ourselves. This added further difficulty to the task, as we had to multitask with both untangling and solving questions. Although we could appoint some people to solve the questions while the others attempted to untangle ourselves, different people had to be spared to remember the answers to the questions, and it was unexpectedly difficult to focus both on untangling and remembering answers, not to mention checking over the answers. However, despite the difficulty of the tasks, I’m sure that everyone had fun during this station and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Station 5:
The patrol is required to take a minimum of 7 pictures together, based on the following photographs. At the same time, two people will have to pick a condition each that will have to be incorporated into each picture, with the conditions being different for every picture. This is to be completed within a total of 20 minutes.

Image result for taken at the perfect time

List of Conditions:
  1. Three balloons to be in the picture without holding it in your hands but off the ground
  2. Two people to be hugging a tree
  3. Three people to make a silly face
  4. Four people to have bunny ears
  5. Two people to hold their left leg at 90 degrees
  6. One person to lie like a mermaid
  7. Five people to pose with hearts
  8. Three people to be piggybacked
  9. One person to be in jumping jack position mid-air
  10. Two people to be in an argument
  11. Three people to act like they’re thinking
  12. Four people to be dabbing
  13. Five people to link their arms
  14. Four people to stick out their tongues
  15. Three people to be in stretching positions
  16. Five people to be shooting finger guns
  17. Three people to throw their shoes in the air
  18. Four people to kick their legs in the air
  19. Two people to be in “alert” position
  20. Three people to put their hands in the air

Hint: it

What the hint is supposed to mean: Horror is a synonym of fear, and “it” is the title of a popular horror movie.

Reflection from a Year 3:
On Saturday, we went for our hike at Hortpark. There were many stations, and the one I found the most interesting and fun was the photoshoot station, Station 5. It was a creative station and the photos given for us to replicate were very unique and some were even difficult as the people were in complicated positions. To spice up the photoshoot, certain conditions was given and we had to fulfil them while taking the pictures. Our patrol had a lot of fun posing and taking many pictures and jump shots just to get the perfect shot. I had an enjoyable time with my patrol mates as we all attempted and tried our very best to replicate those photos. Although most of our pictures were nowhere close to the original, we still felt a sense of pride when we completed posing and taking all the photos to complete the station. Overall, this was a fun and laid back station and I felt that it helped us bond more as a patrol, especially with the Year 1s.

Station 6:
The patrol would be split into 3 groups and will be doing a relay race. In the first part of the relay race, the first group would be required to sort out a plate full of red beans and green beans into its respective colours within 4 minutes. The patrol is only allowed to continue with the second part of the relay race if the beans are sorted out successfully. In the second part of the relay race, the second group would holding a single chopstick using their mouths. They are required to pass 8 roller coasters from the first person to the last continuously within 3 minutes. If any one of the 8 roller coasters drop, the group has an additional try to restart from the first person. Should the patrol be unable to succeed in both tries, they will be required to redo the entire station. In the third part of the relay race, the group members would have to fulfill a certain set of requirements of the number of limbs on the ground, holding their positions for 10 seconds and being able to succeed a minimum of 7 consecutive times.

List of Requirements:
  1. 5 feet, 3 hands
  2. 3 feet, 4 hands, 3 knees
  3. 6 feet, 2 hands, 2 elbows
  4. 3 feet, 3 elbows, 3 hands
  5. 4 feet, 3 hands
  6. 5 feet, 1 hand, 4 elbows
  7. 3 feet, 1 knee, 3 elbows
  8. 4 feet, 5 elbows, 6 hands
  9. 2 feet, 3 hands
  10. 2 feet, 5 elbows, 3 knees


Image result for alarm clock

What the hint means: Fear means to be alarmed, thus the picture of an alarm clock.

Reflection from a Year 3:
I feel that the relay race was very meaningful as we had to work together as a patrol in order to be able to complete the tasks. One of the tasks was that we had to ensure that a certain number of body parts were touching the ground at a given time. We had to discuss with our patrol and come up with the solution quickly. Another task we had was to pass each roller coaster snack from one person to the other using straws. This required all of us to strategize and coordinate to ensure that we could pass around the most number of snacks within a short amount of time. Each of us had to play a part in these activities in order for them to be fun and enjoyable.

Mass Game:

Now that your adventure is drawing to an end, we hope that you have gained valuable insights about Riley and her emotional rollercoaster! To conclude the journey, each patrol will now be building a tower with the materials you have obtained from the respective station games. You will be given 25 minutes to build a tower within your patrols, with the objective being to build the highest tower. The patrol would be split into pairs and each pair is to have their legs tied together. Each pair is able to transport one item over to the building site on the other end of the grass patch and build their tower before returning. The second pair is only able to set off when the first pair returns. You will be given an additional 5 minutes at the start to discuss with your patrol on how you plan to build the tower. At the same time, each patrol is to send out one patrol member every 5 minutes.

At every 5 minute interval, the 6 representatives from the respective patrols would be paired up and engage in a game of scissors-paper-stone. The winning representative would decide if they would like to swap their card or tower with the losing patrol. If the losing patrol is able to identify the given trekking sign correctly, they would be able to refuse the swap. At the 5 minute and 15 minute intervals, the patrols are only given the choice of swapping their cards. While at the 10 minute and 20 minute intervals, they are only given the choice of swapping their towers that are in the process of being built. At the end of the 25 minutes, patrols will be given another 5 minutes to discuss about the swaps made and their strategy in the final swaps, if applicable.

Trekking sign
We / Us
Not passable
Big Camp

5 minute mark:
P1 against P2, P3 against P4, P5 against P6

10 minute mark:
P1 against P4, P2 against P5, P3 against P6

15 minute mark:
P1 against P6, P2 against P4, P3 against P5

20 minute mark:
P1 against P3, P2 against P6, P4 against P5

Reflection from a Year 3:
We got newspapers, masking tape and 白绳 to build a tower. Everyone did not have any ideas at first but soon, someone suggested that we should tape the newspaper vertically to the floor and stick it upwards. Everyone agreed with that idea. While building the tower, we faced many difficulties. Firstly, our legs were tied to another patrol mate’s so we had difficulty walking around and as a result, had to walk slowly. Secondly, the tower was too flimsy as it was made up of only newspaper. However, we managed to tie the tower like a flag pole with the 白绳 so it became more stable. I thought the idea was rather good as we made use of our gadgeting knowledge. Only 1 pair was allowed to build the tower at any given time but everyone had a clear idea of how the tower was going to look like so we managed to get our tower up quickly. However, when our tower became one of the highest towers, it was switched with another patrol's tower as they had won a game. We had to start from scratch again as the other patrol had not started building. Even though all of us were disheartened, we did our best to build it as high as possible. In the end, even though we didn't win, I had fun building the tower and competing with the other patrols.

We hope all of you had fun building your towers, and were not overwhelmed by the turn of events throughout the mass game! Good job to all patrols and we hope that none of you are too discouraged from this activity!

Published By:
49th Batch Secretary

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