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29 March 2021

Patrol Activity, 29 March 2021

Hi Guides! 

The following are some reflections from the various patrol members during this week’s Patrol Activity!

Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 1

For Patrol Activity on Monday, our patrol did Creative Gadgeting. We were told to split ourselves into 2 groups, and each build a creative and beautiful structure that could shelter people in 53 minutes. Initially, I felt that we had a lot more time than I had expected so we did not tie very fast and discussed as we tied. However, after 10 minutes, we were told that there were more requirements for the structure. This gave us a lot more stress as some of the requirements were hard to abide by due to the fact that we had already tied something that did not help in clearing the requirements. The hardest requirement I found was that we had to use up all our logistics. This was because when the requirement was given out, we were almost done with our structure that we had in mind. To add on, we also had very limited amount of time left to plan on how to include the remaining logistics and tie the lashes. Hence, I feel that this creative gadgeting has taught us to react fast with the varying situations. Other than that, we also played a game. One person had to draw something Guides related, while being blind folded, in 20 seconds while the rest of us had to guess what the drawing was. Meanwhile, we also played duck duck goose concurrently. It was a very fun game trying to guess what my patrol mates were drawing and our Year 1s have also learnt more about what activities we do in guides through the game.


Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 2

For Patrol Activity on Monday, we did 绳桥 and Fireman's Ladder together with Patrol 5. These are traditional activities that are usually performed in front of the Year 1s during CCA exhibition, however because of the pandemic, the new Year 1s were unable to watch those activities in real life. Hence, I think this was a good introduction for the Year 1s to watch and try out these games. Firstly, we had to tie the Fireman's Ladder with 青木 and 红木.  Unfortunately, our lashes were not tight enough so we had to 重抽 multiple times before being able to 起 it. We also placed the 红木 too close to each other, so when we tried to flip over it our legs almost hit the 红木. I learnt that teamwork is very important as without six people that 顶 the ladder properly, the person climbing it may not be able to flip as the ladder would be quite unsteady. It was quite a fun activity and it also helped us to bond as a patrol. Secondly, we tried the 绳桥 that the seniors helped us to tie. Due to us constantly 重抽 the fireman's ladder, only five people could try 绳桥. Teamwork was also very important here because many people are needed to 顶 the structure to support the weight of the person. Even though only a few of us could try, we felt that it was quite fun seeing others try it out for the first time.


Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 3

Patrol Activity on Monday was very enlightening as we built a creative structure that we had built before. I learnt that we must plan our manpower properly or else the structure will fail. Since we have built the structure before, the process was slightly simpler and we were able to finish it decently. However, I think our lashes can be improved, especially the quadpod as it was not able to open up into a nice square shape. The Treasure Hunt made me realise that we all need to brush up on our first aid skills as well as read up more on guides notes. I definitely will do so in order to prepare for similar activities in the future. Other than that, there was also the Fireman’s Ladder activity. I enjoyed it very much as it is my favourite activity in Guides. I was happy that we were able to do this activity as it is not a very common one.


Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 4

On 29 March, we had Patrol Activity. Through it, we had gained many new insights, as well as further developed our hard and soft skills. From the interesting storyline, we built a few standard structures (Baggage Rack and Indoor Fire Altar) and a creative structure. Building the creative structure, which is a catapult, together was extremely fun as we could think out of the box. For example, we had to adapt and tie half of a diagonal lash in order for the catapult to have a range to move. In the end, the catapult was a success. While building the other structures, we gained many new skills and had to step out of our comfort zone. For the Year 3s, we could allocate our manpower more efficiently. We also gave the juniors timings to complete their lashes. One thing that we could continue improving on would be looking at the bigger picture. Sometimes, we are too focused on doing a task and forget to look at the structure as a whole. Nevertheless, this Patrol Activity was very fruitful as we benefited greatly from it.


Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 5

For Patrol Activity, we did 绳桥 and Fireman’s Ladder together with Patrol 2. This was very exciting as it was the first time most of us did both activities. We had to prepare our PT kit for the activities. This was also the first time we had to wear our PT kit this year. First we had to tie the Fireman’s Ladder and after we were done tying it, we could try flipping off it. However, the rungs were not well positioned and we had to keep readjusting them. This caused quite a lot of wasted time. Despite all this, most of the patrol was able to try the activity. For 绳桥, we had to learn how to 定 the frames to make it safe for the person to climb across it. We also had to learn how to climb across it. 2 of my patrol members who did 绳桥 before as they were in the performance committee during OP’ 2020 so they demonstrated how to do it and guided us along. I feel that this Patrol Activity was very fun as we could try these activities and I hope we get to do them more often in the future.


Reflection from a Year 3 of Patrol 6

For Patrol Activity, we did pioneering and we built a Seesaw using spars. During the activity we separated the patrol into two groups, one focusing on the quadpod and the other tying the seats. Regarding the quadpod, after we 起 the quadpod, we realised the lash was loose in the centre and had to 重打 as such flaws can make the structure unstable and dangerous. For the seats, it went rather smoothly, although we can tie the lashes at a faster timing and have a better sense of urgency. Overall, the structure was fairly safe although we can improve on the tightness of the lashes so the structure would not shake as much. We also have to take note of 飞脚 as it will hinder the progress of building the structure.


I hope everyone managed to bond well with their patrol mates and enjoyed the activities!


Published by:


52届 Secretary

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