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5 December 2007

Hey guides!

Some of us also went for batik painting which was actually painting on fabric and waxing. At first, we did not know what was batik painting exactly, until we went for this activity and we had fun waxing and mixing the dyes together to get different shades of colours that we want. At the end of the day, we were proud to showcase our batik painting and was framed, free-of-charge. ;D

Few of us went to Pulau Ubin to cycle on the fourth day, and for the Year3s who went, that was already the third time to Pulau Ubin in one month! This time, the route was different because many of us travelled to the other part of Pulau Ubin, which was filled with myths and stories from the past. We realised that the west side of Pulau Ubin was much more scenic because there are more quarries for us to see. Some of the stories were also interesting, like the german girl who died in one of the quarries on the west side of Pulau Ubin. Through this trip to Pulau Ubin, we learnt a lot more about it, its stories and myths and they are far more interesting than we had expected.

Throughout this 5 days 4 nights, we met friends from different schools and learnt from each other. We got to see different types of gadgets that they built and some of them were very innovative, which is what we can learn from! We shared guiding experiences with one another and got to know what kind of activities other guides do during normal jihe and learn how we can improve ourselves too. In all, we enjoyed this opportunity to go for this camp and made new friends! ;D

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