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18 June 2008

Hello guides:D

Year 3s Skills training on Tues, 17th Jun!

Yr 3s to jihe in parade square to our year 5s at 8am.

First, we started the day with a morning PT but it was quite unexpected ...
We ran 2 rounds around the track then went to the obs course and ding3 boys' style while the rest cross the monkey bars. Luckily the bars weren't too wet :) And we had to cross at least 3 times.

Then to the gym. Ropes! We did leg raise while some went up the ropes.

3 minutes water break ...

We followed Eunice around the tracks for 4 rounds, it was quite unexpected too ...

Next up!

Skills training

We were taught of knots such like butterfly etc. Then the yr 5s tested us on square lash, diagonal lash and tripod.

Thoughts at the end of the day

Hmmm. We definitely have rooms for improvement on our physical. Perseverance is the word :)
We've got to train and check our sense of urgency too

Not to forget, thank you Year5s for this skills training!
Pasing down is coming soon, let's treasure our times with our seniors! WE LOVE YOU ALL!

Rest well and take care! :D

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