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18 June 2008

Today was campfire prep for DHSGG 40TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPFIRE! Year 1s to Year3s helped out with gadgets, pioneering, souvenirs, clearing up of tuan bu, reception etc.

pioneering structures in the rain!

clean and tidy tuan bu!(:

All guides, please continue to keep tuan bu neat and clean and tidy alright!

Based on observation today, the Year3s took the initiative to lead the Year1s and 2s well. They collected lunch money, consent forms and took attendance for the Year4s, whom were not present today, while juggling their job of collecting valuables. However, you got to have better manpower management and not leave Year2s and 1s with nothing to do, while you are doing everything. A good leader is someone whom ensures that things are carried out efficiently and that everyone plays a part!

Year2s and Year1s were a little slow and lacked initiative. When a senior gives instructions, you should do it immediately and not stone! Do not complain that something is impossible, because if you dont try, things won't be possible! Always keep a look out and offer your help. Involve yourself fully, rather than walking and slacking around while others are busy doing their part to make things successful. You've got to up your standards alright. ATC will arrive faster than you think. Year2s, you're gonna lead a camp! Year 1s, you're gonna participate in your first real tough camp! Jiayou!

Campfire's arriving! I hope all will play a part in ensuring the success of our 40TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPFIRE.


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