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15 August 2008

Skills Training - 15 Aug 08

Hello guides.

Today was skills traning for Year 1s and 2s. The Year 1s had to build a shoe rack while the Year 2s had to buid a baggage rack. Most of the shoe racks were not completed, even though time extension was given. Also, the knots were too loose and the tying speed could be faster. I hope that all the Year 1s and also Year 2s can practice their knots and lashes, maybe also be more quick when doing things.

Next was PT. Even though the results of the skills training was way below standard, I feel that the Year 1s have made improvements during PT. The jihe-ing speed was not very quick, but the Year 1s listened to the instructions given. One of the most significant improvement I observed was during the commando crawl. The Year 1s were all very tired from staying in boy's style pumping position, but there were some who cheered with gusto for their fellow Year 1s who were crawling and 顶-ing. I am glad that the Year 1s have come to realise what it means by "ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE", and are starting to bond as a 届 as they have shown concern for each other.

I hoped the Year 1s have enjoyed themselves during the PT, and feels a sense of satisfaction after completing the PT. Some of you seemed to be have fun at when doing the wheelbarrow, and that is what we want to see. We not only want you guys to train your physical fitness but also to enjoy the process.

Lastly, I want to praise a certain Year 1 who made my day. I'm sorry but I don't know your name or patrol, but what you said to me today made me really happy. After 解散, we were giving out sweets to the Year 1s. As I was handing the sweet to this particular Year 1, she shook her head and said "I don't think I deserve this." I was so proud and glad that moment! She has courage to be able to point out her own mistakes, and this shows that she has reflected on her actions during PT. I hope she is starting to enjoy the guides activities and also have a positive perspective of the different activities. I hope more of the Year 1s will reflect on themselves and find out what are some of the things you need to improve on.

So, I just want to encourage all fellow guides to participate actively during guides. You will find joy you never knew! :D

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