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12 July 2010

Hello guides! :D

Passing down preparation was the last jihe before passing down. While briefing us about activity of the day, Mrs Poh announced a mass-shuffling of patrols for the entire company. It took awhile to register the words that came down so heavily upon us. Truthfully speaking, the announcement of change first jabbed right at the heart and the shock was followed by a feeling of dread.

All around me, faces fell. But what was added after the announcement really spoke to all of us as we gathered ourselves together for the rest of the activity. We may be comfortable in our patrol but ultimately we function as a company and this company is a big extended family. If the change is for the goodwill of the company, we shall accept it with joy.

More ever, our motto is "Be prepared", smiling at changes is our forte. This change is a really good opportunity to step out of our comfort zone, get to know more people and grow together as a company. Without change, we'll be stagnant so let's embrace this change and see it as an opportunity :) What sweeyee reminded us before we were broken off into patrols to teach the year1s enrollment procedures was really app; 我誓愿把团部的利益放在小队的利益之上,把小队的利益放在个人的利益之上。

I believe that the company will emerge stronger and even closer together after the change:)
We cherished the last few moments of patrol corner by talking to one another, exchanging hugs and encouragements. And then, p2 orchid, p3 sparrow, p4 jasmine and p6 ixora combined for a game of "elope" before jihe and break off for 届pdp item preparation and administrative affairs.

Congratulations to the year3s for the new sliver award badge and year 2s for the new bronze badge :)

Passing down is this friday! :(

Love Guides!

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