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19 July 2010


Hey guides!:) here's a post dedicated to the year4s by the year3s:)

Passing down and enrollment ceremony is the last jihe that our year4s are going to have with us and I guess we'll miss you sums up everything that we've got to say.

Being your first batch of juniors, we've been under your care and leadership longer than any of our juniors, passing down is our chance to express gratitude for everything you've done for us and our company but how can we ever thank you enough?

You guys are the ones who've shown us what guides is for the first time, the ones who've always been there to support and push us on whenever we feel like giving up, the ones who've been role models to us in so so many ways.

We are proud of you, year4s

We've taken the batten from you to lead the company and we promise to do the best we can to bring dhscoy to the next level and make you proud.

Jiayou dhscoy! We can do it:)

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