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31 August 2015

Patrol Activity & EDD Prep, 28 August 2015

Hello Guides!! (: For this 集合, the respective patrols has their Patrol Activity(PA)! Afterwards the respective East Division Day (EDD) committees were given an hour of preparation time!

P1 Bougainvillea (Tasha):

We were first given 10 minutes to retrieve 10 红木,8 青木,a board, one bag of 麻绳 to build a kitchen table. The Y1s were absent as they had a test, so our patrol had a lack of manpower and we were lagging behind terribly in the starting 15 minutes. The four of us split up into two pairs and each built a tripod within our own time limit. Then, we hurriedly finished the 顶角s, and when the Y1s came back, we were finally able to be productive. The 顶角s were also tied at our seating position level. We connected the two tripods with two 红木, and rafted some 深蓝木 for the seats. As we could not complete in time, I had to repeatedly ask for time extensions at least twice throughout the building, and in the end although we had finished the structure, we had to do a forfeit of 10 pumpings for the lack of enthusiasm and the fact that only the PL (me) 报时. The seniors were angry at the y1s for not speaking up, such as asking what tasks they had at hand, or 报时, and they were reluctant to even cheer. We were punished for this PA but we definitely honed our lashes skills and developed more bonds with our patrol mates.

P2 Ixora (Wei Mei):
We had PA during 集合and we combined patrols with Patrol 3. We were supposed to build a kitchen shelter together, along with a 8-men tent and a flagpole. We were only given 40 minutes for the kitchen shelter, but we took over 1 hour. At first it was quite smooth sailing, as we managed to the structure within 15 minutes. However, our clove hitch on the 红木was facing the wrong way so we had to the structure to adjust the clove hitch. I was made the PL for the second part of PA. By then the structure was already up and the 红木 was secured. However, the structure was leaning to one side and the distance between the arthur and the 红木was very different on both sides so we had to remove the arthurs and 打进 again, which wasted a lot of time. When we were sorting out the 青木the 麻绳broke and we had to the structure again to reattach the 麻绳, which took a lot of time. By the time we were done with the structure there was very little time left and we didn’t manage to build the flagpole at all and the tent was only half done. In hindsight, while our lack of sense of urgency was the main cause of us 过时 so badly, it was also because we had to and the structure over and over again which wasted a lot of time. The arthurs also had to be打进 a lot of times. Next time, we would be mindful to work a lot faster while taking note of the quality so we wouldn’t have to redo it again and again.

P3 Jasmine (Jo-Anne):

For PA this week, we were tasked to build a kitchen shelter in 40 minutes with P2. At first, the year ones were not around so the year twos started up with the shelter. We had to collect 1 canvas sheet, 1 深蓝木, 2 红木 and 4 青木, 麻绳, 8 metal altars and 2 metal mallets. In addition, we had another activity which as to build a 8-men tent and a flag pole. Initially, we started out quickly, managing to bring up the structure in less than 15 minutes. However, due to some issues chou-ing and 翠麻绳,we had to constantly dao the structure in order to mend the problems such as broken 麻绳 that snapped while chou-ing. This happened in the many attempts and led to low spirits and low patrol morale, which eventually caused us to be slow and show lack of urgency. Because of that, we did not have enough time to complete the 8-men tent and the flag pole, and we still took around 50 minutes to complete a sub-standard kitchen shelter. All in all, in this short PA, I learnt that patrol morale is very important and key in ensuring work done efficiently, and without good leadership, it is hardly possible to do a given task well.

P4 Orchid (Maisy):

We were instructed to get their logistics, namely 2红木, 1黑木 and 3青木 as well as our first aid kit and compass, and we were given 5 minutes. For our first activity, we were tested on our first aid skills. We asked how to treat a fractured collar bone, hypothermia, head injury and a few others. From this activity, we realised how we lacked in first aid skills and will try to read up more on our guides notes. For the second activity we completed an orienteering trail where we had to decode each letter we found as well as the trekking sign on the post it. The code was “TuanBu” .We did okay for this activity. For the third activity we did lashes and physical training. While the Year 2s tied the lashes, the Year 1s did PT and likewise when the Year 1s tied lashes, the Year 2s did PT. The Year 2s did a series of burpees, planking and situps. Lastly we tried to build fireman's ladder but we tied the too high and we had insufficient time to retie and tried it out so we ended patrol activity there and discussed out next patrol activity.

P5 Sunflower(Chen Wei):

For PA, we took 1 mattress, 1 bag of 麻绳, 2 红木 and 4 青木. First, we were tasked with building a roman chariot using the logistics. We were rather slow in constructing the structure, hence we had to ask for a lot of time extension. Next, we transported many of our patrol members back and forth the stretch of road outside GSL, and even had one challenge to carry our senior from one end of the road to another in 30s. We managed to reach the target and hence we were very relieved. Then, we had to mass change into our obstacle journey (OJ) kit in 4 minutes. We had met the time limit but because we went up to help the ones with their 制服, we 过时-ed but thankfully we asked for time extension. After this, we built a fireman ladder in 15 minutes using the materials after we 拆掉 the roman chariot. Finally, we got to try doing the fireman ladders stunt. Many of my patrol members could do it but for me, it was really difficult because I was so afraid of heights, and besides that, it took a lot of bravery to reach out and hold the . Nonetheless, it was an enriching experience.

P6 Morning Glory (Claire):

Our patrol did pioneering and built a seesaw. I feel that we could have taken more care of our logistics and keep track of the time. Sense of urgency was very important which I felt we should have done better in this aspect. Nonetheless, with the cooperation and help of every patrol member present, we managed to complete it. Of course, there were places of improvements which the seniors did tell us about. We would do our best and the next time we build a see saw again, it would definitely be more stable. Afterwards, we had some time left so we did a mini physical training circuit. We had to do a relay of skipping with 麻绳which was my first time trying this activity since the time I joined girl guides, about a year and a half ago. Then we did jumping jacks, pumping and high jump with running. Although it was tiring, we knew that the seniors just wanted to train our stamina and prepare us for the upcoming Annual Training Camp, which was all for our own benefits. :) Moreover, it was fun doing PT as a patrol and I have always looked forward to every PA with p6 Morning Glory. In all, it was a fun experience and we would definitely take in the comments on our structures to prepare us for further pioneering activities!

After the preparation for EDD ended, the guides sat down to enjoy a short performance put up by the performance committees!

Cheers,Michelle47 Batch Secretary

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