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8 January 2021

Year One CCA Orientation, 8 January 2021

Hello Guides!

We started off the new year with the Year One CCA Orientation on 8th January! We worked together with the Scouts in preparation for this day! In total, we had 4 Orientation Preparation dates in order to get everything done up smoothly. Here are the committees involving Guides: Gadgeting, Games, Pioneering, Decoration, Souvenir and Presentation.

We started our 集合 at 7.00am to ensure everything was in place and that we were good to go. After the setting up of everything, the respective committees began their showcasing at 9.15am.

Reflection from a Year 2 in Gadgeting

Firstly, the one thing that I think that I definitely improved on was the lashes as most lashes such as square and diagonal lashes were much tighter with the advice that my senior gave me. However, with that being said, the overall time taken for us to tie the structures was long. We actually 过时 a lot and I found myself not really having a sense of urgency. For example, the given time we had to build a baggage rack was 40 minutes but after an hour we still were not done with rafting. I think this was partly due to the fact that the pace that I was tying the lashes was too slow and that we kind of got engrossed in tying and the building of structures that we forgot to 报时 and thus, were unaware of the time. However, we managed to curb this by 报时 more regularly on the last session. Even though I was overall satisfied with the end result as we were able to finish the structures, I still think that the time taken could have been shorter so we would not 过时 so much.

Reflection from a Year 3 in Gadgeting

This year’s Orientation Preparation was very much different from the previous years. Even though there were changes that we had to adapt to, such as the safe measurement measures, I felt that I still gained something from this experience. For me, I benefited a lot from the 4 Orientation Preparation sessions. Throughout the 4 sessions, we had the opportunity to practise the various lashes that we are familiar with. During lash training, we were given time to tie the lashes. After tying, the seniors would help us check the lash and give us feedback. This allowed us to improve our lash standards. Orientation Preparation has also reinforced the importance of 报时. It serves as a reminder for us, in order to keep track of the time and complete the structure within the given time limit. I was also able to work together with my groupmates to complete the structures. We had to help one another so that the structures would be the best it can be. Therefore, I felt that this year’s Orientation Preparation is still as fruitful as the past year.

Reflection from a Year 2 in Games

Orientation Preparation 2021 is the first Orientation Preparation I have experienced. I was in Games Committee and it was very fun. The entire committee built a table, see-saw, claw machine and also did some arts and crafts. I built a table, it consist of 2 tripods, a 红木 on the top and gadget poles rafted together. It helped me to improve my pioneering and gadgeting skills. When building the table, I also learnt to look out for my peers especially when we had to hold the chairs for those who were standing on them to make it safer. The last day of Orientation Preparation was really enriching. As we had a session after school, we had little time to build everything. We had to have a great sense of urgency and also had to tie neat and tight lashes as what we built that day would be presented to our year ones. I certainly look forward to future Orientation Preparation and hope it will be as fun and enriching.

Reflection from a Year 3 in Games

For Orientation Preparation, we were tasked to build a seesaw, a claw machine, the table for the redemption booth and set up the archery station. In the first session of the Orientation Preparation, I feel that we did not do very well as our lashes were not up to standard and our sense of urgency was very low. However, I felt that we improved on that through the next few sessions and we were able to complete the structures in time. From the few sessions of Orientation Preparation, I learnt that planning and communication is very important. It helps us save time and be more efficient. I feel that we could have better teamwork and be more proactive, especially if we have nothing to do. We should have also looked after our things and allocated manpower more efficiently and effectively.  We could also have better time management and this can be done by 报时ing constantly and frequently and also keeping in mind the timings set by the Year 4s. Overall, we learnt a lot from this Orientation Preparation, especially our hard skills and as this is our first time being seniors in Orientation Preparation, we brushed up on our hard skills too.

Reflection from a Year 2 in Pioneering

For the 1st session of Orientation Preparation, although it was a bit more tiring than expected, I’ve learnt a lot of things. Firstly, I learnt that I should improve on the tightness of my lashes. I can make my lashes tighter so that I wouldn't have to 重打. Secondly I think that I should improve on my sense of urgency. It would be good to do things in the given timing so that the structure will be built in time and the Orientation Preparation session will not overrun. Lastly, when I have nothing to do, I should approach the seniors to ask for things to do and not stand there and wait for the seniors to instruct me. This will help to increase the efficiency of us too. Through this session, I also learnt some small things like a clove hitch is tighter than a timber hitch. Overall, I find this as a very enriching session. However, I definitely should do better in the next jihe as I have much space for improvement.The third session of Orientation Preparation was much more rushed than the first one and I think that I improved even more as compared to the first session of Orientation Preparation. I improved on my sense of urgency as well as the tightness of my lashes. But I am sure that I still have some space for improvement as I am definitely not perfect in my lashes yet. Some things that I can improve on included 报时ing more often and still the tightness of my lashes. I also learnt quite a few things from this session. Which is that teamwork is very important. Without teamwork, it would be very difficult to complete tasks such as carrying structures. Thus, we must coordinate well so that we can do things quickly and efficiently. Lastly, I will try my very best to further improve in future sessions of 集合s.

Reflection from a Year 3 in Pioneering

For Orientation Preparation, we were initially tasked to build two towers. On the first day of Orientation Preparation, we were extremely slow and lacked a sense of urgency. We took too much time to carry the 木 and tie the lashes. There was a lack of 报时 and we always 过时 even when we are given more than enough time to complete our task. As such, we overran and did not even complete the structure. However, one thing that can be learnt from this is that time extension should not be taken for granted and we should always try our best to complete it under the time given. On the second day of Orientation Preparation, we were much faster and managed to complete our frames on time. However, while trying to 起 the frames, we were met with several difficulties and had to untie some lashes to adjust the 木. This took a lot of time and our pace started to slow down. From this session of OP, I learnt that maintaining our sense of urgency is important and making fast decisions in order for the whole process to go smoothly is crucial as well. Due to some issues, we could not build our structure at the canteen and had to rebuild a new structure beside the MRL. Although it was quite disappointing to see that all of our hard work went to waste, we had to put in our best effort to build the structure to show to the year ones. At the start we were quite slow but gradually we started working faster. Most of the lashes on the structure were quite tight but there were some lashes which we had to completely remove as it was too loose. One important lesson learnt from this session was to tie the lash properly at the start so that we would not need to waste too much time to redo the lash. Overall, the whole Orientation Preparation was very fulfilling and I learnt many things from the experiences. 

Reflection from a Year 2 in Decoration

I enjoyed my experience in the Decoration Committee. In the three sessions, I did a welcome poster with my seniors, some crepe paper flowers, origami flowers and painted the Scouts banner. Through this Orientation Preparation, I got to know new people in my group and also learnt new things such as folding crepe paper flowers and origami flowers. I also learnt how to make the acrylic paint look smoother on the cloth by adding some water to it. The Decoration Committee was fun as the seniors were friendly and patient with us when teaching us the new skills. They also started conversations with us and played music in the background which gave a fun and happy atmosphere for doing the crafts. The ICs were very reasonable and understanding too. I find my experience in the Decoration Committee fruitful as I could learn new things and get to know more people. I hope that I can join the Decoration Committee again in the next few years of Orientation Preparation to learn more skills and to teach the others what I have learnt in this year’s Orientation Preparation.

Reflection from a Year 3 in Decoration 

I feel that doing up the decoration was very fun, enjoyable and meaningful this year. With this being my second experience in the Decoration Committee, I feel like I was better prepared as I roughly knew what kind of crafts we were going to do. I think that this helped me guide the juniors better as this is their first time doing this kind of stuff. The Decoration Committee also gave me many opportunities to get to know new people and bond with everyone better. There were also new things that I got to do this year that I did not do last year. For example, folding flowers using origami and painting the banner as I mostly did the board last year. I also find that the workload was lightened due to more people joining the comm, which is quite nice. One thing I find disappointing was the sessions being cut short. The seniors also played music to make sessions more fun, which made the Decoration Committee better. Overall, I find this year’s Decoration Committee to be very fruitful and I hope I can continue to be in the Decoration Committee again.

Reflection from a Year 2 in Souvenir

This was our first Orientation Preparation, and it was also the first time Orientation Preparation had a Souvenir Committee. We had a lot of fun preparing little gifts for our juniors to encourage them to join Scouts and Guides. We were split into groups to each complete making souvenirs, such as bags to hold the items, keychains, notebooks, bookmarks and magnets. All of us worked hard to fulfill our roles, most of us also brought home notebooks to decorate. Although we often felt tired after sitting and designing, we were very happy to see that we had finished what we were tasked with and how good the souvenirs looked. At the end of the third day, we felt sad that Orientation Preparation had ended as some of us had made good memories and new friends, but we were excited that the Year 1s would be able to see the souvenirs. When we heard that they really enjoyed our souvenirs, we were very proud of ourselves. We hope that our next Orientation Preparation will also be as fun and memorable as this one!

Reflection from a Year 3 in Souvenir

For Orientation Preparation 2021, I was assigned to the Souvenir Committee. This was very interesting for me as in the previous year's Orientation Preparation, I was assigned to Gadgets and Games, a committee where many of the activities were different. This is also a new committee so I was quite excited for Orientation Preparation. In Souvenir, we had to make little trinkets for the Year 1s. This included making key chains, magnets and bookmarks along with a few more things. We were split into teams to complete each souvenir with 4 people in each team. We were also separated such that there were both guides and scouts in each group. I found the process of making the souvenirs quite fun as it required a bit of handicraft, something which I enjoy. I also enjoyed bonding with the other guides and scouts who were in my committee. We could bond over making the souvenirs and I got to know some of my juniors better.

Reflection from Year 4s in Presentation

The Presentation Committee is an extremely new committee to Orientation Preparation and 3 of us were very glad to be able to be part of this brand-new committee. It has provided us with the platform to showcase our oral skills and really allowed us to step out of our comfort zone. The Orientation Preparation sessions we had were always fulfilling and enjoyable as we got to bond as a small group of 6 and were able to try out new things such as editing videos as well as building mini gadgets.  It was due to the pandemic that we got a chance to be in this committee and we did not regret being part of it as both the preparation and execution process were eye-opening and exciting experiences for all of us.

We hope everyone managed to learn something new from this Orientation Preparation experience and that the Year 1s were attracted to join our family of Guides!

Published by:


52届 Secretary

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