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23 November 2007


(The banana song gone wrong : P)

Peeping through a sec 1 guide,
What do people see,
If you want to know more about ATC,
Do the proper way,
Meet me (this post) anytime by this bloggie,
Meet me (this post) anytime all alone,
I’ve (this post) got something to show you,
Something that’s written and long!


ATC’ day 1 (19 November 2007)

We assembled at 7.30am in the morning at school that day at the foyer, whereby Miss Ngau gave us a passionate speech about the camp, the objectives, values, and the importance of GOAL planning, which we did when we reached the MOE Changi Coast Adventure Camp. G.O.A.L, which represents Goal, Obstacles, Actions and Love, is painstakingly thought by Miss Ngau, our this year’s ATC commandant. Here’s the important Goal setting information we learnt that day!

Step 1: Make yourself a goal, make sure it’s specific [e.g. I want to learn more about lauwiliwilinukunukuoioi *the world’s longest named fish, otherwise know as the butterfly fish* ( not fishes)] and measurable, realistic and attainable, and that it can be solved within a period of time.

Step 2: List the obstacles we will face. (e.g. using the example above  the internet might not have thorough information on the lauwiliwilinukunukuoioi)

Step 3: Take action ( e.g. go interview a lauwiliwilinukunukuoioi expert)

Step 4: Love yourself for solving a GOAL! ( e.g. make sure you are healthy, smile more often so as to relieve muscle tension :D)

THE END ( But this is not the end. Yet. It’s only the beginning! )

That day, we had our Obstacle Journey where we had to solve a cat kidnapping case. The process was a enjoyable one, especially the part where we had to train our memory by remembering weird and long names and the part where we had to cross a bridge made only with sparse bricks and making a row of emergency shelter!
That night, we had our company activities where we have to solve a child kidnapping case. The sec 3s were very, very good actors! They performed as if it’s LIVE! We even get to interact with them as if they don’t even know they were acting! They were simply marvelous! They were even better than those interactive games we get to play!

We had our beauty sleep after that.

ATC day 2 (20 November 2007)

That day we had a big American breakfast with eggs, hotdogs and yellow and long things. BANANAS! After breakfast we had inspection and flag raising (some sec 1s get to be enrolled in) and outdoor cooking (my favourite)! There were so many bananas that the decorations for the dishes were made with them!
We had water expedition (improvised rafting) after that, and we got drenched even though we’ve never been near the sea! The rain left us tying and presenting our rafts under the blocks instead. The instructors also taught us how the best raft should be assembled.
We had Fun On The Beach sometime in the evening, and it’s a cross between OJ and PT.

That night, we had our company activity and the sec fours played with us! We played double-whacko (though I never get whacked since my name would be the last thing anyone wants to pronounce), blow-wind-blow and Simon-says.

We had an enjoyable night that day!

ATC day 3 (21 November 2007)

We had our inspection and flag raising that day before the main activity of the day. HIKE!
We took a bus to Changi Ferry Point before we took a smooth journey ride to Pulau Ubin! There, the hike was a cross between an OJ and a hike, and the best thing was that you never got tired since you’re so close to nature! Everywhere looked the same! So natural and relaxed! You don’t even realize how long you walk! Although there were abundance of mosquitoes, the hike was a great one!

At night, we had our campfire and we sung and shouted and cheered till our voice became hoarse. The songleaders were wonderful! The plays were very entertaining too! I loved P2’s skit, especially the SOYA bean part!

Next, we had our mini BBQ where we get to eat MORE hotdogs and of course! Marshmallows!

ATC day 4 (22 November 2007)

We had a morning PT cum evaluation that day before hoping on to the bus to get back to school, where we had our prize presentation and a slideshow presentation. The slideshow was a memorable one since it captured all the times we had together and how the sec 3s made them to be so humorous. MARVELOUS!

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