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20 March 2010

Hello guides.

On Tuesday 16th of March, the year 3s had their rockclimbing course. The year 3s took the rockclimbing course level 1 and we were to report at 8.00am sharp in school. The bus took off shortly after everyone has reached and very soon, we arrived at Safra Yishun, the place whereby we actually got the chance to scale a 25m high rock wall!

The year 3s and 4s were separated next to their own courses. Year 4s learnt abseiling, while the year 3s went into a room to learn more about the basic theories of rock-climbing. The instructors Azmi, Osman and Sophia taught us the basic knot we had to tie for the person climbing, and it was the double figure of 8. We were also introduced to terms like "climbing commands", belaying, and also learnt the correct method of belaying using the 5 steps.

We also had a chance to learnt the physics of how a carabiner works and how at different parts of the professional climbing carabiner can affect the load carried. For example, the heaviest the carabiner can hold is 25kg max. Shortly after approximately 2hours of theory sessions, it was finally time for a little practical.

Everyone gathered at the 25m beginners wall and tried belaying with the guide of our instructors. The instructors made sure everyone till the correct methods of belaying before our fellow guides could actually scale the wall as safety is extremely important in this case. After everyone had tried, we went for a 1hour lunch and reported back at 1pm.

We were finally allowed to scale the rock wall and were all applying the skills we had learnt for us to successfully climb! All of us attempted at least once and some of us made it quite high, we cheered each other on and gave each other support. In all, it had been a meaningful day for all of us as we had all learn something new :)

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