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23 July 2012

20th July Guides Activites

Hi Guides!(:

For 20th July, we had PT from 3.15pm to 4.15pm, followed by PA. The Year 2s were not around as they went to take the course for their Total Defence Silver badge, while the Year 1s only came in from 4.15pm onwards as they were involved in the Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM).

For PT, it consisted solely of the Year 3s!

The theme of the PT was titled, “The Journey to LALALand”.
Imagine that it is the school holidays now and the company has decided to visit this land far far away for holiday. However, there were many obstacles along the way, so we had to overcome them in order to visit this heavenly place. This heavenly place was the board walks around 正心园.
Part 1: The Long Journey
We ran around the school and enjoyed the scenery(: This was to stimulate the beautiful surroundings along the way to LALALand as well as the long journey there. We started off from the GSL, to the basketball courts, then ran one round around the school track, before exiting into the parade square, followed by running to the foyer and the carpark behind the staffroom block, to the GSL area, and finished the journey at the hostel canteen entrance! It was a long journey indeed!(:
Part 2: The Gates to LALALand
We arrived at the city gates to LALALand (hostel entrance), but the guards wanted us to do something before they released us in. Their request for the admission was for our group to do 700 Kallang Wave pumpings! The 20 or so of us persevered to the end and managed to complete all 700 of the pumpings(:
Part 3: The Last Lap
However, there were more obstacles before we reach the heart of the city. We were only at the outskirts. Vines started to creep around half of the people’s legs. Half of us could not walk. We had to think of a solution to bring everyone from the hostel entrance to the entrace of the boardwalk behind the Confucius statue.
In the end, we chose to use piggybacking as the way of transport. Being the one piggybacked was fun, but being the one piggybacking was tough. Halfway through the journey, it started drizzling on us!:( The rain spurred us to hurry up to the end where it was sheltered. Some of us did not have the strength to piggyback anymore, so some of the Year 3s who reached the end rushed back in groups of 3 to 4 to help carry the person. It was a really memorable experience(:
Part 4: LALALand
Finally, it was the end of PT. We walked through the boardwalk and enjoyed the scenery:)
After PT, most of the Year 3s ran up to 团部 to carry down their logistics for PA as the Year 1s were arriving soon(: Then PA officially started!
P1 PA!
For P1, the main focus was on gadgeting! (: During PA, the Year 3s taught the Year 1s how to tie a Kitchen Dresser and Emergency Shelter, and taught them how to raft and net. The Year 3s guided the Year 1s as they built the Kitchen Dresser, pointing out where to tie and the points to take note of. As there were only two Year 1s, the Year 3s also helped out in tying the Kitchen Dresser, working alongside with the Year 1s.
After completing the Kitchen Dresser, the Year 3s demostrated how to build an Emergency Shelter, then gave the Year 1s 5 minutes to build one. They then had to 拆it and rebuild another one in 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
P2 & P5 PA!
For P2 and P5, the focus was on gadgeting and orienteering(: The Year 1s had to use the compass bearings given to them to find the logistics needed for a baggage rack, after which they were given 50 minutes to build one themselves. After completing the baggage rack, they were then taught how to build a flagpole, with guidance from the Year 3s.
P3 PA!
For P3, the focus was on gadgeting and firelighting(: The Year 1s were taught new lashes such as the quadpod lash, tripod lash, and A-架 lash. Afterwards, they were shown the proposal for a Fire Altar, followed by completing one themselves.
After completing the Fire Altar, the Year 1s were then taught how to start a fire with kindlings. They then used the fire to roast ice cream cones that were stuffed with marshmallows and chocolate chips(: It was quite a sweet experience!(:
P4 & P7 PA!
For P4 and P7, the focus was on orienteering and survival skills!(: They moved from Station 1 to Station 4 using the compass bearings given to them. Station 1 was about the importance of shelters. The Year 3s explained to the Year 1s all about shelters, then they had a mini pop quiz on how to select a suitable site. After that, they had to build one Emergency Shelter per person in 5minutes.
Station 2 was about the importance of food and fire(: The Year 1s were tested on their edibility test, followed by a test on firelighting skills, using yuanzilu and yuanzila to sterilize a fork.
Station 3 was about First-Aid!(: The Year 1s were given a demostration on how to tie the large arm sling, elevation sling, and how to treat a head wound. After that, they were given three different scenarios to test their newly learned skills.
Station 4, the last station, was about the importance of water:) The Year 3s explained everything about water and also demostrated how to build a water filter to the Year 1s(:
P6 PA!
For P6, the focus was on orienteering and survival skills! The Year 1s had to move from Station 1 to Station 3, all the while using the compass bearings given(:
For Station 1, the Year 1s had to choose the correct materials for a filter column from a selection, after which they had to build one filter column within 1 minute. Then, they had to choose the correct materials for a bamboo filter and build one(:
For Station 2, the Year 1s had a short PT combined with a test on their knowledge of Guides. The Year 1s had to  Girls' Style pumping position while one person stepped out to answer a question at a time. There were a total of 5 questions and five puzze pieces, which after answering the questions, they had to piece them together within 5 mintues.
For Station 3, the last station, it was the Acid River station. The Year 1s had to build a gadget within 25 minutes with the logistics given to cross the 'river'. They built a bridge-like gadget and managed to complete the station successfully(:
P8 PA!
For P8, the focus was on gadgeting, reaction to animal attacks, and the Guides code(: They had a 'Fairy Tale Adventure', which consisted of 4 stations in total.
To start off, they were given a paper on which "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" were written on it in Guides code. They were then given the question, "How many characters are there?", to which they had to decipher the code to answer '4'. The answer then denoted the floor they had to run to for their first station.
For their first station, they had to tie a cube with only square lashes. In the middle of tying the cube, 'Bear Attack' was shouted and they had to react to it accordingly. (lying dead)
To get to their second station, they were given another paper on which "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" was written on it in the Guides code. They were then given the question, "One of the latter died, how many are there left?", to which the answer was 6.
For their second station, they had to complete a cross fence within 8 minutes. It was made via tying 8 crosses together to form a fence. In the middle of tying the fence, 'Bee Attack' was shouted and they had to react to it accordingly. (squatting under a poncho)
To get to their third station, they were given the code "The ? Little Pigs", to which the answer was 3. For their third station, they had to build two pots. One pot consisted of one quadpod with all the 脚s, with one tripod turned upside down to be hunged on the quadpod, forming a pot-like structure. In the middle of tying the pots, 'Boar Attack' was shouted and they had to react accordingly. (running in a zigzag motion)
To get to their fourth station, the Year 1s were given the code "Peter Pan", and the question "Who is the main female character in the story? How many letters does her name have?", to which the answer was Wendy -> 5. For their fourth station, the Year 1s had to think of a creative gadget within 13 minutes that had different lashes involved(:
Finally, the Year 1s were given the last code,
" And they all lived happily, ever after. The End." (:
P9 PA!
For P9, the focus was on orienteering, First-Aid, and survival skills(: Firstly, the Year 1s were taught how to use a compass.
Then, they had to complete a total of 4 stations, each focusing on different skills. To get from one station to the other, the Year 1s had to use the compass bearings given to them.
For Station 1, the Year 1s had to answer a series of questions about Guides, such as the Guide Laws, as well as the distress signals. For Station 2, it was the First-Aid station. They had to treat a casualty with a sprain left ankle and fractured collar bone. Halfway through treatment, there as a flash flood and they had to build a stretcher to transport the casualty with the logistics given.
For Station 3, it was another First-Aid station. Again, they had to answer a series of questions regarding treatment for 1. choking, 2. nosebleed, 3. a head wound, and 4. an open fracture. For Station 4, it was the fire-lighting station(:
P10 PA!
For P10, the focus was on gadgeting(: Firstly, the Year 1s were brought to 团部 and were taught how to identify the various 木s used in gadgeting. They had a short revision on the various lashes for 20 minutes, after which 1 hour was allocated for them to complete one Kitchen Dresser, with the Year 3s helping out and guiding them along the process. Afterwards, they were given 20 minutes to build a small table, which tested on their squarelash and rafting skills. Then, the Year 3s taught the Year 1s the various PT positions after clearing up(:

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