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28 March 2009

Hello Guides!

On 27th March, a group of year3s and 2s set off on a mission to Whampoa to do some white washing and cleaning up of walls before painting our mural designs while the other guides stayed in school for other preparation like performances. When we got there, we were divided into 3 groups.

These 3 groups were then assigned to 3 areas. The precinct hall, the kindergarten and outside the Whampoa RC. We brought along old shirts to prevent our coy tee from being dirtied. We were being briefed and then along, with cloths, buckets of water, paint brushes, white paint and soap, we started our mission.

With cooperation, we managed to finish up all the white washing and the cleaning of the walls. Sometimes, we even had to coat a few more layers of white paint to attain a clean and white wall. When we finished, we attained a great sense of satisfaction as the walls looked much cleaner than it was at first. Our mural designs will be painted next Saturday when all of us will head there again which we hope will make the place look livelier!

Although we had to get out hands wet and dirty, the mission was accomplished as everyone chipped in their best. Everyone learnt the importance of cleanliness can affect the environment and how to efficiently help out and cooperate to get the job done.

Love Girl Guides!

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