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7 March 2009

Yesterday, the year 3s had their combined obstacle journey with the scouts. We were divided into four patrols, p1 FTW, p2 naruto, p3 奶妈 and p4 shuriken.

There were altogether 6 OJ checkpoints--pt & shengqiao, gas room, minesweeper, rope climbing, trekking signs and acid river station.

At the pt and shengqiao station, we had to tie a yingsheng on two trees, forming a shengqiao. Then, the patrol had to be split into 2 groups; 4 people to wheelcart around an area, while the others had to cross the shengqiao. After that, there was a switch. In this station, the pl has to split manpower evenly. Although most of the patrols did not finish the appointed task, it was an experience for those who have not tried crossing a shengqiao.

For the gas room station, the patrols had to save two casualties out of a room. As there was gas in the room, we had to lie low when moving around. Some patrols attempted to treat the casualties in the room itself. However, the correct thing to do was to carry the casualties out of the room before treating them.

Most patrols did not manage to complete the minesweeper station. It was mainly because the patrol had to carry an unconscious casualty on a stretcher. Those who dropped down the spar had to ding pumping position while the rest continued. We learnt that it was important to allocate manpower well, as many people were not sure of what to do while others were carrying the stretcher.

For many of us, it was our first time climbing a robe. The aim was to get at least two people up the rope. One of the patrols managed to get four people up the rope. It was important to know the technique, as it will be very dangerous if you drop down from the rope. Due to an unexpected situation, one of the patrols had to stop halfway through the activity, while patrols after them had to wear helmets when doing the activity. In this station, we learnt that we should take note of safety at all times. It was also an important experience which will be useful in future activities.

The trekking signs station was part of the next station, therefore it was very short. The patrols had to solve a secret code and complete the tasks written in the code. Then, following some trekking symbols, the patrols were led to the next station. Everyone has to know the trekking symbols well, if not the patrol will not be able to reach the next station.

Finally, there was the acid river station. We had to cross an acid river by building a structure. Many patrols failed to take note of safety when crossing the river. A few people dropped into the acid river, hence receiving heavy penalty. Building the structure does not require the entire patrol. Hence, the PLs have to learn to make use of time, such as asking the rest to refill water supply while others were building the structure.

Lastly, the year 3s would like to thank the year 4 counsellors for their advise and encouragement in the past week. We would also like to thank all the year 4s for organising such an enjoyable COJ. I believe that this is an experience which all the the year 3s will never forget.

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